When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1249: This entrance is passable

Looking at this scene, almost everyone present fell into a sluggishness.

The kitchen knives and the others have not seen the picture of Chen Ping'an fully revealing all the marks of the Great Dao.

Not to mention the Tai Chu Emperor Mother and others.

The expressions of Emperor Mu and others at the beginning were the most extreme after they met Chen Ping'an.

To the extreme that their faces turned into emojis.


At the beginning of the emperor's mother looked at this scene stupidly, the imprints of the avenues covered with space behind Chen Ping'an were like thunderstorms, bombarding her head one after another, making her repeat the same mistakes from time and time again. into a state of absentmindedness.

She looked dizzy.

"This...what's going on!!!"

After meeting Chen Ping'an, she felt that her worldview had almost collapsed. The more than 100 mainstream avenues Chen Ping'an showed made her doubt the authenticity of the matter.

After a series of events, she knew the truth and thought that Chen Ping'an had more than 100 kinds of avenues. If Chen Ping'an showed some more, she would have been psychologically prepared and felt that she could accept it.

However, when Chen Ping'an showed the real number of avenues, she realized how stupid she was thinking.

More than a hundred?

More than two hundred?


If she told Chen Ping'an about her thoughts at that time, maybe Chen Ping'an would see her as a fool.

There are more than 3,000 kinds! ! !

Taking a glance, the Emperor Mother found that, except for the avenue of life, which was not found, other mainstream avenues actually appeared behind Chen Ping'an!

If there is a way of life, then Chen Ping'an can gather all the mainstream avenues! ! !

"Is this still the world I know!"

At the beginning of the emperor's mother's heart beat extremely fast.

Like a wild horse, galloping wildly on the grassland.

Chen Ping'an took steady steps and walked to the entrance step by step.

All fragile voids pose no threat to him.

Looking at this shrunken entrance, Chen Ping'an was also bold and attacked it at will.

But this attack passed, but there was no feeling of splashing at all, and the entrance unexpectedly swallowed this attack silently.

Chen Ping'an pondered to himself: "It's really useless to attack to open the entrance."

After making an attack, Chen Ping'an knew that what the Emperor Mother said not long ago was true.

If you want to rely on an attack to open this entrance, I am afraid you need a hundred will level strength.

This attack is already his full blow, and the specific combat power should have reached more than eighty Italian levels.

But such an attack did not even make any changes to the entrance.

Chen Ping'an was about to go back, but he could only wait for the entrance to spew out the source of the avenue.


Just as he turned around.

This shrunken entrance actually exudes a special energy, and it happened to be caught by him.

Chen Ping'an stopped immediately, and the whole person shuddered, and his brows flew up.

"No way."

He turned around quickly, his eyes fixed on the shrinking entrances.

If he was not wrong, the entrance just now exuded an aura that could be said to be extremely familiar to him.

The breath of the Avenue of Creation! ! !

Chen Pingan closed his eyes and radiated all his perceptions.

After a while, he once again sensed an extremely faint aura of the Great Way of Creation!

He continued to approach the past, as close as possible, and at this moment his body was only ten feet away from the entrance.

At such a close distance, he can feel the faint aura of the Great Way of Creation without having to perceive it carefully.

"If you hadn't come close, you wouldn't have discovered this!"

Chen Pingan's eyes lit up.

This entrance exudes a breath of the Great Way of Creation. Does that mean that he still has the possibility to enter?

Need Genesis Avenue?

Is the Avenue of Creation a key or something?

This idea was born, and Chen Pingan couldn't wait to try it.

But if he wants to try again, he has to wait for the clone to come.

Chen Ping'an took a deep breath, walked back, and finally returned to the Emperor Mother and the others.

In the beginning, the emperor still stared at Chen Ping'an with wide eyes, even though the avenues behind Chen Ping'an had disappeared.

Chen Ping'an saw Emperor Mu and Zixia staring at him, and joked, "Everyone looks at me like this, is there something on my face?"

In the beginning, the emperor and others still did not speak.

After a while, the Absolute Beginning Mother rolled her throat and said, "Fellow Daoist, are you... sure you have used all your strength?"

At the beginning of the emperor's mother did not know why the first sentence she wanted to say was this.

Looking at Chen Ping'an like that, she always felt that Chen Ping'an could scare her even more.

Yes, not a surprise, but a fright.

When a person is so powerful, this is a shock to everyone.

Chen Pingan smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

Seeing Chen Ping'an's performance like this, the emperor and mother of the first emperor felt that Chen Ping'an should not have used all his strength yet!

Chen Ping'an continued the previous flickering, and continued to flicker: "This is all the credit of our leaders, maybe another person, even if it is not me, can have this kind of achievement under his training, so he is in my eyes, The person in charge of Wu is like a father, and only by regenerating his parents can he give a person such a great gift."

At the beginning of time, Emperor Mu and Zixia swallowed hard again.

Don't say it anymore!

Let's go on, we are all envious to cry!

How lucky it is to have this opportunity!

At the beginning of the emperor's mother took a long breath and looked at Chen Ping'an, she had only one thought in her mind at the moment.

If it weren't for the fact that she was still in the alien plane, she must let Chen Ping'an take her to see Wu's resignation now!

"Fellow Daoist, when you approached the past just now, I noticed that you paused when you were about to come back, as if you found something, do you have other gains?"

In the beginning, the emperor felt that Chen Ping'an must have discovered something.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "I did find some unusual things, but it will take some time to find out what the specific situation is. If I guess correctly, this entrance allows people to enter."

At the beginning of the emperor's eyes suddenly widened.

She had forgotten how many times her eyes had been devastated during the period of time she had been in the alien plane.

Time and time again, her eyeballs were already congested under her efforts to widen her eyes.

"You...what did you say?!" The Emperor Mother looked incredulous at the beginning.

Chen Pingan smiled and said: "I think it should be possible to enter and explore. In my opinion, this is the entrance, and it is definitely possible to enter. Now we will see if there is a matching key."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother blinked, swallowed again.

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