When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1221: The mother of the first emperor was shocked

At the beginning of the emperor, the mother looked puzzled, and she wondered if she had heard it wrong. Chen Ping'an in front of her said, have a fight with her?

Looking at Chen Ping'an, she wanted to laugh very much, because after cultivating to the 100th level and living in the Absolute Beginning Realm for so long, she had never heard such words again.

How dare you dare to fight her, an invincible powerhouse of a hundred intentions?

But now, because of this body, the other party didn't know her situation, and there was such a dramatic scene that she couldn't help laughing.

She looked at Chen Ping'an, and when she saw Chen Ping'an's serious appearance, she nodded directly: "Okay, I don't need you to win, if you can take my three moves, I'll let you go, but if you can't even use my three moves If you can't take it, then you have to cooperate with me to verify one thing."

Chen Pingan blinked.

so good?

He looked a little weird.

He didn't expect the Emperor Mother in the beginning to lower the difficulty for him!

Seriously, if he really fights with the Emperor Mother of the early days, now he only has the avenue of life, and the odds of winning are extremely low, even more difficult than ascending to the sky. Conservatively, there are at least ten.

And his avenues of life are not bad, and he admits that he is not much worse than that of the emperor's mother in the beginning, but if he compares the number of avenues, it can be said that he is a firm loser.

"Okay! I hope you can count!" Chen Pingan nodded decisively.

When Zixia and Ziyun saw Chen Ping'an's appearance of picking up a big bargain, they all smiled and shook their heads.

At the same time, they also sighed. Chen Ping'an's appearance showed that he did not recognize them. If Chen Ping'an was really like a flower, he would definitely recognize them and know who he was talking to now.

That is one of the two strongest people in the Absolute Beginning Realm.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother said: "Okay, come on."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother was not long-winded, and began to motion to Zixia and the others to stay away, giving her space to fight with Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan also held his breath and became serious.

It is not impossible to take the next three moves.

However, he will not wait for the Emperor Mother to attack at the beginning. The strongest defense is to attack.

After Zixia and the others retreated to a certain range, he moved and attacked the Emperor Mother in the beginning.

In the beginning, the mother of the emperor was calm from beginning to end. The old **** was there, and in the entire beginning of the realm, the only person who could pose a threat to her was the emperor of death.

Chen Ping'an mobilized the Dao of Life. With his understanding of the Dao of Life, he didn't need any fancy attacking methods at all, and he could attack the Dao of Life at will with every move and style.

He just mobilized the way of life, blended into his own punch, and blasted towards the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning.

This punch is full of Dao energy, as if it can break all obstacles.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother felt the extraordinary punch of Chen Ping'an, but her expression still did not change, she punched Chen Ping'an's attack, she wanted to show Chen Ping'an, the two were equally simple attacks, the difference was how many.

The punch she hit did not join the other avenues, and the energy of the avenues in the punch was exactly the same as that of Chen Ping'an.


When her fist mark approached Chen Ping'an's attack, her life changed, and she saw that her fist mark instantly turned into an extremely sharp arrow.

Once in contact with Chen Ping'an's fist mark, it will run through Chen Ping'an's fist mark!

Seeing this sudden change, in the eyes of Zixia and others, they all felt that the Emperor Mother had already won in the beginning.

You must know that this sudden change is not something that everyone can do.


Just when Zixia and the others were thinking so, a magical scene appeared.

I saw that Chen Ping'an's fist mark changed just after the first emperor's fist mark turned into an arrow, and the speed was extremely fast, and it became a hard hammer in the blink of an eye!

At the beginning of the emperor's mother's eyes narrowed, at this moment she knew that Chen Ping'an was really different, but, to this extent, Zixia and the others could do it.

Next, she will let Chen Pingan see, what is the power of a person who cultivates the Dao of Life to the extreme!

As soon as the emperor's mother's thoughts passed, she instantly connected with the fist mark she made, and the way of life was used to the extreme.

Something magical happened again.

I saw that the Dao energy that turned into an arrow started a crazy scene, and it changed its shape madly at the level of a dozen changes in an instant.

There are hammers, shields, magma, all kinds of aggressive substances that are hard to crack.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of Zixia and others, they all sighed deeply.

They are also practitioners of the Dao of Life. Knowing how strong Dao comprehension is required to this level, in their situation, they can just change the state of the attack at a critical moment like Chen Ping'an.

Now, they have looked at Chen Ping'an with pity.

But it's nothing, who made Chen Ping'an's opponent be their emperor mother, who will study the way of life to the extreme.

It is not wrong to lose.

But they still feel that Chen Ping'an's vision is not good, who can't fight well, but they want to find their emperor's mother.

Asking for trouble, asking for boredom.


Just when everyone thought that everything had become a foregone conclusion, Chen Ping'an looked at the means of the emperor in the early days, his eyes narrowed, and the whole person entered a state of 200% seriousness.

"Then let's win and lose!"

He used the Dao of Life to the extreme, madly outputting Dao energy.

The imprint of the avenue of life behind him radiates a splendid light that is unique to it.

next moment.

The attack he played also began to change.

That speed turned out to be more than twenty changes in an instant! !

The speed of transformation is dazzling!

As soon as this miraculous scene appeared, the audience was instantly dumbfounded.

A moment ago, Zixia and others thought that Chen Ping'an's vision was not good, but they found the emperor of the beginning of time to fight. Now seeing this scene, they seemed to be attacked from behind, stunned for a moment, quickly looked behind, and found that they were It was like being attacked by something unknown before.

There came a back and forth attack.

This made them suspicious.

I wonder if there is something wrong with my eyes.

what happened! ! !

There was only one thought in their minds at the moment.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother's face was flat just a moment ago, and at the same time she felt a little funny.

Because she hasn't shown off her skills as much as she is today.

Until seeing the change of Chen Ping'an's attack, the whole person was stunned.

Chen Ping'an's counterattack was stunned.

Twenty changes in an instant!

How can this be! !

Even though she was as strong as invincible, she couldn't react at this moment.

In fact, she can also achieve the level of Chen Ping'an, and she was a bit watery just now, but she is the emperor of the beginning!

The Absolute Beginning Mother who will play the way of life to the extreme!

Now, a person I met in the alien plane can even be compared to her!

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