When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1220: Emperor Mother, let's have a fight

After being separated from the Great Emperor Hongtian and the others, the avatar that turned into a woman flew to the depths of a certain direction in the alien plane.

During the flight, he was thinking about one thing.

That is, now that I don't have a disguise mask, will I meet the Emperor Mother or the Father of Death by coincidence.

When the last female avatar went to the Emperor's Mother's side as a detailed work, because the avatar finally blew up, and the memory was not integrated back into the main body, many news subjects did not receive it. Once they met the Taichu Emperor's Mother, it would definitely happen. Some unexpected surprises.

"It shouldn't be so coincidental, after all, the alien plane is quite big." Chen Ping'an muttered while flying.

If he had more time, he would definitely find a way to get a disguise mask, but unfortunately there was too little time.

He flew for a while, and at a certain point, the speed began to slow down.

Because from a distance, he saw a stone gate in front of him, standing above the void.

When he saw this stone gate, he instantly realized what was going on.

The xenoplane entrance on the side of the Death Father!

When he saw the entrance, he also saw ten people standing in front of the entrance. At this time, these ten people also saw him, and his eyes met those of the group of people.

Chen Pingan counted the number of people over there, and suddenly shouted that it was not good.

The Death Emperor and the Emperor Mother must have already purchased that kind of body from Murong Tian.

There is a high probability of ten.

Now there are just ten people at the entrance, and they must be one of the death emperor or the emperor mother!

And these ten people are definitely the top group of powerhouses in the two sides, controlling the body!

In other words, the combat power of these ten people is extremely terrifying!

"Grandma Li's, what kind of **** luck is this!" If another clone is here, the two of them are merged together, and the avenue of creation can be used. Seeing these ten people, it is a winning lottery. It can be said that it is a rare encounter in a century. .

Well now, there is only one way of life on him, which must not be enough for ten people to fight!

The most important thing is that these ten people are not ordinary!

Chen Ping'an stood there for a while, then without saying a word, he flew in the next direction and flew away.

If these ten people were the Emperor Mother and the others at the beginning, he would not be in any danger, but if the ten people of the death emperor father, things would be difficult to handle.

So he ran away directly, and didn't bet on which side the other party was.

The eyesight of Emperor Mu, Zixia and others in the very beginning was extremely strong, and the place where they were located was a plain. Even if they were separated by a few miles, they could see the appearance of people in the distance at a glance.

They can be 100% sure that the person they saw just now is exactly the same as Murong Ruhua!

Zi Yun was shocked at the moment, the whole person was a little stunned, and murmured: "I can't read it wrong!"

Zixia blinked her eyes and said quickly, "That's right! It's exactly the same as Ruhua!!"

The Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning reacted quickly and said, "Chase! We must find out what's going on!"

After all, she doesn't care about exploring the different planes, and first find out what's going on.

Ruhua is obviously dead, why would you see a person who looks exactly like Ruhua in the alien plane, that is, the Dao and Dao's meaning level are different?

Chen Ping'an's speed is very fast, and he does not have the Avenue of Time and Space on his body. He can also use some special abilities to increase his speed for a short time.

However, he was quickly caught up.

Because, in the beginning, the Emperor Mother had the avenue of time and space.

Although the space-time avenue on her body is only 50 will, but with her 60 will rank, it is still easy to catch up with Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan is now suspicious of life.

He still can't figure out whether these people are from the death emperor or the emperor's mother.

There's nothing wrong with being dead.

But it's a waste of time.

Not long after the emperor stopped Chen Ping'an at the beginning, Zixia and others quickly caught up and surrounded Chen Ping'an in an instant.

Chen Ping'an's face was sullen, looking at the Emperor Mother and others at the beginning, and asked in a deep voice: "Everyone, chase me, what's the matter?"

Ziyun was the first to lose her breath and asked anxiously, "Ruhua! Are you Ruhua? I'm Ziyun!"

Chen Pingan was startled.

Purple rhyme?

At the beginning of the emperor mother and them?

After learning the news, Chen Pingan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still frowned and said, "Do I know you?"

Seeing this scene, Zi Yun was stunned.

Zixia and Taichu Emperor Mu also frowned.

In the distance just now, they could only roughly see the avenue of Chen Ping'an, but now that they see the avenue of life on Chen Ping'an's body up close, they know that this person is probably not a flower.

The flowery avenue is the avenue of time and space.

Zixia also thinks this is normal. After all, she watched Ruhua die with her own eyes, but she still hopes that there is such a possibility. Even if the possibility is extremely low, she hopes that the person she sees here is Ruhua.

Yet the reality is already clear.

This made her a little frustrated.

The Emperor Mother said: "Girl, do you know a person named Murong Ruhua? Also, who are you? What power are you from? Don't be afraid, we won't do anything to you."

Not long ago, after seeing Murong Tian and knowing Murong Tian's name, she realized a problem, that is, the surnames of both are Murong.

She also wondered if Murong Ruhua had always been unknown, would she be a powerful person just like Murong Tian, ​​because she had never seen Murong Tian before, and she had never heard of or seen Murong Tian's power.

But Murong Tian gave the exact answer, saying that he did not know Murong Ruhua.

Chen Ping'an looked at the man's body in front of him, but the person who spoke a woman's voice recognized who this person was from his conversation.

It must be the emperor of the beginning.

Chen Pingan said: "I have never heard of this name, and I don't know such a person. As for the faction I belong to, it is the Zhongtian Organization. I have said everything you want to know. Can you let me go now?"

At the beginning of the emperor's mother's brows furrowed even more.

Organised by Zhongtian?

Should not.

This kind of appearance, this kind of strength, or the way of life, how could it be unknown in the Zhongtian organization.

She thought about a possibility just now. The other party met them near the entrance. It is very likely that they were in the Hall of the Undead, and Ruhua died in the territory of the Hall of the Undead. Now there is an identical person, who is very likely to be the Emperor of Death. It's about the beast.

"Then you should have an identity token? Take it out and show it to me." Tai Chu said.

Chen Pingan was speechless.

How can he have an identity token?

"Why should I give it to you? Why should I prove it?" Chen Ping'an had no choice, his mind was racing, thinking of a way to escape from here.

The Emperor Mother said: "If you don't cooperate, don't blame us for being rude, because I have to find an answer I want to know in you."

Chen Ping'an stared at the emperor's mother, and said: "Otherwise, I will fight with you. If you win, I will let you deal with it. If you ask me, I will answer truthfully. But if you lose, let me go. How about leaving?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Ping'an really couldn't think of anything, and if he blew himself up here, things would become troublesome again.

This is what he just thought of. Ruhua blew himself up and died after he framed the death emperor. Now that he blew himself up and died here in the early emperor, it will definitely have some impact on Ruhua causing the contradiction between the emperor and the dead emperor.

Of course, he didn't know if Ruhua's clone would have a big impact on the relationship between the Emperor Mother and the Death Father in the early days.

So he can only resort to this, and fight the Emperor Mother in the beginning.

Everyone is the way of life, and now the level is the same, it is difficult to say how to win or lose.

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