When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1216: Why don't you play cards according to the routine

Chen Ping'an nodded, pointed to the stone chair not far from him, and said, "Okay, come over and sit down and talk."

When Emperor Hongtian and other honored lords heard Chen Ping'an's words, they all frowned, wanting to remind Chen Ping'an to be careful.

Chen Ping'an gave them a look to reassure them.

Murong Tian, ​​who was also familiar with it, walked directly to the stone chair that Chen Ping'an was pointing at, and finally sat down, looking very relaxed and unscrupulous.

He is more confident here, he can handle such a dangerous environment on the Death Father's side at will, not to mention that Zhongtian organizes it here.

After all, the entire Absolute Beginning Realm knows that the Emperor of Death is a powerful and evil person, and he can deal with the Emperor of Death like that at will, and he can't stop it, not to mention that he came to be composed of vulnerable groups in the Beginning Realm to fight against the Emperor of Death. Father's Zhongtian organized.

And he can do it so recklessly, the specific method is the same as when dealing with the death emperor.

Emperor Hongtian followed in Murong Tian's footsteps and sat down between Chen Ping'an and Murong Tian. If any accident happened, he could stop it in time.

Emperor Fuyin also got closer to Chen Ping'an at this time, and the two's protection of Chen Ping'an was very obvious.

Murong Tian smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone, I am indeed here to sell the products made by our forces."

Speaking, he didn't continue to talk nonsense, and took out a body directly.

All the lords looked towards that body.

Chen Pingan is no exception.

But just looking at the body, Chen Pingan's face changed.

"This...a very familiar feeling..." Chen Ping'an blinked, not knowing how to complain for a while.

He seemed to understand what Murong Tian was going to sell.

And the other lords frowned when they saw the lifeless, mortal human body.

You don't care that this is the product you want to sell, right?

Murong Tian smiled and said, "This is the product I'm here to sell today. First, let me introduce my power situation."

Murong Tian said everything he said on the side of the death emperor not long ago, including that their power was hidden somewhere in the Absolute Beginning Realm, specializing in some special things to earn wealth and so on.

"Does everyone understand the function of this body?" At the end, Murong Tian asked.

The Great Emperor Hongtian and others understood it, but they questioned whether what Murong Tian said was true.

If it's true, wouldn't they all be able to use this body to enter the alien plane to explore for treasures?

They have cultivated for many years, even if they have become sixty-level strength, with the combat experience accumulated over the years, let alone stronger than the super genius of the power, even if several geniuses unite, they may not be able to fight!

Emperor Hongtian said solemnly: "Are you sure this body can do it?"

Murong Tian smiled and said, "Then let me show you."

After all, he didn't waste any time, and began to show in front of everyone the operation that he had shown on the Death Emperor's side not long ago.

The Great Emperor Hongtian and the others stared dumbfounded at the effect shown by Murong Tian, ​​and then they also took Murong Tian to the entrance of the alien plane, tried it out, and came to the conclusion that they can really deceive the alien plane. Entrance!

After everything was displayed, Murong Tian took back the avenues and soul consciousness in his body.

The body became an empty shell again.

He began to talk about the limitations of the body, and some of the side effects of the accident.

After the Great Emperor Hongtian and other Honored Masters finished listening, they looked at the body, as if looking at some kind of baby, with light shining in his eyes, looking very eager.

As for Chen Pingan.

So far he has not spoken.

He didn't even know what to say.

Isn't this **** his low-profile version of the clone technique!

This is all he has left to play!

Of course, Chen Ping'an also admired the power of this different side pavilion.

How can you fiddle with something like this.

He was able to clone himself entirely by virtue of the unusual avenue of life and the speciality of the avenue of creation.

But even so, he can't have too many clones. He can only have two clones at a time, that is, he can have three bodies that can move.

Of course, there are also some differences, that is, his clones have their own consciousness and can handle things by themselves, without having to control them, and without side effects.

That's why he said that the so-called products that Murong Tian displayed were his low-end version of the clone technique.

Emperor Hongtian and other respected lords were all happy. Among them, Emperor Fuyin interrupted everyone to study the body, and looked at Murong Tian and asked seriously: "Since it is a commodity, how many such bodies do you have for sale? , if you sell it to us, how many avenue stones are there?"

Emperor Fuyin is also a senior businessman. Seeing that Murongtian's display of goods is so attractive, and Emperor Hongtian, they all showed a loving attitude. If this goes on, they will be taken care of, so they quickly interrupted the other party's display and asked directly. price.

Murong Tian glanced at the Great Emperor Fuyin, and looked at the same kind of person in his eyes, and said with a smile: "This kind of body is hard to get, I only brought ten this time, as for the price, it may be a bit high, but I don't know about everyone. Can you bear it?"

The venerable masters who made a lot of money in that business snorted coldly when they saw that Murong Tian looked down on them.

Emperor Zhangtian said indifferently: "Tell me, how many avenue stones?"

Murong Tian spread his hands and said with a smile, "One billion stone."

It was quiet all around.

They made a lot of Dao Stones in that business, but this one is only one billion?

Why don't you go grab it? !

Chen Ping'an suddenly chuckled and said, "One billion is not much, but are you sure that this thing can last for more than a month? There is no evidence, maybe it won't work in the past few days. At that time, we Who to talk to?"

Murong Tian looked at Chen Ping'an.

Not long ago, he saw that Chen Ping'an stopped talking, and thought that Chen Ping'an was too shocked to speak, but now looking at him like that, he frowned.

Chen Ping'an said the point. Indeed, he really has no way to prove that this body can last for more than a month. He can't let Chen Ping'an and the others try it out for a month. He will collect the money in a month, right?

But he can be sure that it can definitely be used for more than a month.

"Fellow Daoist, you can trust me." Murong Tian said.

Chen Ping'an waved his hand: "One more thing, did you make a mistake? It is said that the wealth is not leaking, you came alone, and you carried so many things that are treasures to us. , you are not afraid that we will buy it without spending any money?"

It sounds very elegant to buy it without spending money, but in fact, it means to grab it!

Murong Tian looked calm and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, to be honest, I went to the death emperor not long ago, and I have sold ten of them with this kind of body, guess why he obediently let me go. , and give Qi Dao Stone?"

Speaking of the back, Murong Tian looked like he was in control of everything, as if he was the most invincible existence in this world, not afraid of Chen Ping'an and the others.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "You should have told him that if something happens to you, the forces will send people to the other two forces, sell more bodies, and then punish them?"

Hearing this, the confident smile on Murong Tian's face suddenly stiffened, but he still smiled quickly and said, "So, aren't you afraid?"

Chen Pingan laughed: "What are we afraid of? Didn't you say that if this body dies in the alien plane, the people who are controlled outside will also be injured? I also want you to sell them more."

Murong Tian was dumbfounded.

How is this different from what he thought!

Why don't you play cards according to the routine! !

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