When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1215: Chen's housekeeper

When Father Death and the others summoned the other ninety-nine-level people to discuss, Murong Tian had already left the territory where Father Death was and flew in one direction.

He is a ninety-nine-level space avenue powerhouse, and his flying speed is extremely terrifying. In just two incense sticks, he has already arrived in the territory of the Zhongtian Organization.

After a while, they arrived at the gate of the Zhongtian Organization headquarters.

He did not break in rashly, but appeared in front of the city gate and asked the gatekeeper to notify the Great Emperor Hongtian and them that he had something to talk to them about.

When the gate guard saw Murong Tian's strength, he was immediately frightened, and quickly sent a letter to the powerful people such as Emperor Hongtian.

At the stone pavilion, Emperor Hongtian and others already knew what happened outside the city gate.

They all sensed the breath of the ninety-nine-level space avenue. After hearing the news from their subordinates that they knew that such a person was looking for them, they were all thinking, who this is.

In the entire Absolute Beginning Realm, there are two people who have reached the ninety-nine level of the space avenue. However, one of these two is on the side of the death emperor, and the other is on the side of the emperor in the beginning.

Then this person is one of them!

Chen Pingan said: "Let him come over, but let's see what he is going to do."

For the sake of safety, Emperor Hongtian decided to bring the man over in person.

In an instant.

outside the city gate.

Emperor Hongtian appeared and saw Murong Tian.

Murong Tian knew all about the recent events in the Zhongtian Organization, especially the business.

The success of Zhongtian's organization's business shocked the entire Taichu world, and even their forces heard some rumors.

And he also knew that the person who created this business became the leader of the Zhongtian Organization, and now the person he wants to meet is also the leader.

Seeing Emperor Hongtian, Murong Tian put on a smile: "Emperor Hongtian, I have heard the name for a long time."

After Emperor Hongtian appeared here, his eyes were fixed on Murong Tian, ​​but no matter how he looked at Murong Tian, ​​he couldn't find any familiar feeling in him.

Never seen one!

He is not like the Death Father, who has practiced the virtual and real avenues, so he doesn't know if the other party is wearing a disguise mask, but according to his understanding of the Absolute Beginning Realm, there are only two 99-level Space Avenue powerhouses in the Absolute Beginning Realm. , then this person's appearance is not one of them at all, he must be wearing a disguise mask.

Emperor Hongtian looked a little indifferent: "Emperor Kongwen, or Emperor Kongdu?"

Murong Tian smiled and said, "None of them. My surname is Murong. Fellow Daoists can call me Murong Tian."

Murong Tian?

Unfamiliar name.

However, he doesn't believe the other party's words, and he will definitely find Master Yuan Zun later to see if this person is wearing a disguise mask.

"What's wrong?" Emperor Hongtian looked at Murong Tian with some vigilance.

Murong Tian was also at the ninety-nine level, but he could be sure that Murong Tian's specific strength was not as strong as his, and he knew it when he saw Murong Tian.

But even so, he still had to be vigilant, not to capsize in the gutter.

Murong Tian smiled and said, "I came here today because there is a transaction I want to discuss with Zhong Tian. If you don't mind, can you all gather together and have a chat? It's best if you are in charge."

Hearing this, Emperor Hongtian's eyes turned cold.

He began to suspect that the purpose of the person in front of him was to drag Chen Ping'an to death.

Seeing that Emperor Hongtian didn't speak, Murong Tian smiled and said, "This business has something to do with other planes. If you don't welcome me, I can leave now."


Emperor Hongtian fell into contemplation, and then felt that he could not be the master, so he sent a letter to Chen Pingan and the others.

After Chen Ping'an learned the specific situation, he said directly: "Bring him here."

Now that his avenue of life has reached the 90th intention level, even if the opponent is the 99th intention level of the space avenue, it is difficult to kill him instantly, not to mention that there are so many strong people here, and he is not afraid of any accidents.

And what the other party said has something to do with the alien plane.

His curiosity about the alien plane has risen to a certain level, and he will not miss any opportunity to know the information on the alien plane.

When Emperor Hongtian saw Chen Ping'an's request, he didn't say anything in the end. Chen Ping'an dared to let the other party go to the stone pavilion, indicating that Chen Ping'an had the means to protect himself.

"Let's go, but I advise you not to have any crooked thoughts." Emperor Hongtian warned in a deep voice.

Murong Tian smiled and nodded.

The two dodged and disappeared, and they appeared in front of the stone pavilion not long after.

Chen Ping'an and others' eyes instantly fell on that space.

All the honored lords were examining the white-robed old man who appeared with the Great Emperor Hongtian.

Murong Tian looked at Shi Ting where a group of venerable lords who were at the top of the Absolute Beginning Realm gathered here, and was stunned for a moment.

This collection is so fast?

He thought that Emperor Hongtian would take him to a certain hall, and then wait for Zhongtian to organize those lords to come slowly.

"My master of the Yimian Pavilion, Murong Tian, ​​I have seen Zhong Tian organize everyone." Murong Tian greeted him with a smile.

Chen Ping'an glanced at Murong Tian, ​​and instantly saw Murong Tian's situation clearly.

In addition to the 99-level Dao of Space, this person also has a 90-level Dao.

Road to life!

The reason why Emperor Hongtian and others could not perceive it was because he used some special treasures to hide it.

But in front of him, who has comprehended the Great Way of Creation, this hiding is obviously useless.

Chen Pingan began to frown.

It is very strange that the other party does not wear a disguise mask, but has this face.

Because of this kind of strength, it is impossible to remain unknown in the Absolute Beginning Realm!

The word obscurity only appeared in Chen Ping'an's avatar not long ago, and his avatar is a fake person, so it can have such an effect.

Now this person is so strong, but his reputation is not obvious, and they don't even know Emperor Hongtian?

This is very strange, especially when the other party said that he came here because of a different plane, and the faction he is in is also called a different plane?

This is one word difference from the heteroplane.

As for the name Murong Tian, ​​Chen Ping'an didn't think much about it. There were too many surnames for Murong. Although the old housekeeper of their Chen family was called Murong Palace, it was a word different from this person, but it couldn't explain anything.

But there is one thing I have to say, that is, Chen Ping'an actually doesn't know much about the identity of his old housekeeper.

He heard his father say that Murong Palace joined the Chen family when the Chen family was just starting out, and the time could be traced back to shortly before the opening of the first Xenoplane.

Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Tian with a smile on his face: "Fellow Daoist, I came here today, what's the matter?"

Murong Tian looked at Chen Ping'an, and knew that Chen Ping'an was the creator of that business, the creator of that business, and the new leader of the Zhongtian Organization.

"I came here today to sell a product to you all." Murong Tian still had that unchanging smile on his face.

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