What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 43 Have You Ever Eaten Very Sweet Spiritual Fruit?

[Ruan Lingyue's eyes are red and she tells you that she is very satisfied with her current life. ]

[I have little ambition in this life. ]

[I dare not expect to soar in the daytime and become an immortal instantly]

[I just want to restore the Soul Formation Realm in Fenglei Temple, and then live this life peacefully. ]

[If you really miss the friendship you had when you were a child. ]

[Then, let her go. ]

[That day, you left Seven Star Sect in despair. ]

[Obviously, I didn’t expect that I would wait for this result. ]

[Please let me go, right? ]

[Whenever you think of this sentence, you feel unspeakable distress in your heart. ]

[But after you go back, you still feel uneasy. ]

[After tossing and turning. ]

[You hide your figure and come to Seven Star Sect again. ]

[Stay silently beside Ruan Lingyue. ]

[When I see her sunny smile. ]

[You seem to be a child again. ]

[This fairy’s smile is still very healing for you. ]

[It is from this moment on. ]

[You are determined to guard Ruan Lianyue day and night from now on. ]

[Of course, you still have a small wish in your heart. ]

[That’s the hope one day. ]

[Ruan Lingyue can smile again and hand you a spiritual fruit to eat. ]

[However, this possibility is really small. ]

[Time passes little by little. ]

[You also met the friend Ruan Lingyue mentioned. ]

[She is a fairy with a cold temperament. ]

[Named Li Yao. ]

[It is the second elder of Seven Star Sect. ]

[I have a very good relationship with Ruan Lingyue. ]

[Like sisters. ]

[After observing for a few days, you decided to show up to see Li Yao. ]

[Thanks Ruan Lingyue for her life-saving grace. ]

[For this reason, you almost emptied the Disha Sect’s family fortune. ]

[Prepared a lot of natural and earthly treasures. ]

[Of course, not all of this is prepared for Li Yao. ]

[Instead, I only gave her a small part, and wanted to pass the rest to Ruan Lingyue through her hands. ]

[What you didn’t expect is. ]

[When you came to Li Yao's room, you didn't show up yet. ]

[It was discovered that Li Yao was discussing with the Seven Star Sect leader to make a deal with Shenji Pavilion. ]

[Exchange Ruan Lingyue to the other party for a Law Weapon. ]

[At that time, you even wondered if you heard it wrong. ]

[Use people in exchange for a mere Law Weapon? ]

[But later, you discovered that you did not hear wrongly, and there were no auditory hallucinations. ]

[Li Yao is really planning to use Ruan Lingyue as a gift to an elder of Shenji Pavilion. ]

[Exchange for a High Grade Law Weapon. ]

[The Seven Star Sect leader pointed out that the Shenji Pavilion elder had a violent temper and unique taste. ]

[Countless fairies die at his hands every year. ]

[Send Ruan Lingyue there, I'm afraid she will die. She and you, Li Yao, are sisters, can you really bear it? ]

[Li Yao expressed disdain. ]

[What do you mean by sisters? ]

[It's just a joke. ]

[The reason why she invested so much in Ruan Lingyue was because she valued his beautiful appearance. ]

[I want to raise Ruan Lian Yue and put it up for sale. ]

[Now the time has come, High Grade Law Weapon, it is something you can only meet but cannot ask for. ]

[It doesn’t matter whether Ruan Lingyue agrees or not. ]

[Li Yao is determined to do that Law Weapon. ]

[I don’t have Ruan Lingyue’s opinion. ]

[Hearing this, you couldn't help it anymore and showed up on the spot. ]

[Ask Li Yao, Ruan Lingyue trusts you so much, why do you dare to do this? ]

[Sect Master Seven Star Sect and Li Yao were both shocked when they saw your appearance. ]

[Immediately step back. ]

[As the number one demon in Zhongzhou Continent. ]

[Maybe you don’t know many people. ]

[But there are definitely a lot of people who know you. ]

[With the promotion of the photo stone, I have seen your appearance in almost all the main entrances. ]

[The Seven Star Sect leader and Li Yao were puzzled. ]

[I don’t understand why you came to this remote place. ]

[At this moment, the murderous intent in your heart is fully revealed. ]

[Kill the Seven Star Sect leader and Li Yao on the spot. ]

[Anyone who dares to have evil thoughts towards Bai Yueguang in your heart should die. ]

[But in your anger, you caused too much noise. ]

[Ruan Lingyue, who happened to be passing by, heard this. ]

[Come and check immediately. ]

[After discovering Li Yao’s body at your feet. ]

[Ruan Lingyue's face instantly turned extremely pale. ]

[She keeps asking you, why do you do this? ]

[Why do you want to kill everyone around her? ]

[Looking at Ruan Lingyue crying bitterly. ]

[You know in your heart that no matter how you explain it now, she won't believe it. ]

[So, you didn’t waste your breath. ]

[The body turns into a stream of light. ]

[Snaps straight into the distance. ]

[the next day. ]

[After burying Li Yao, Ruan Lingyue left Seven Star Sect. ]

[Choose to wander alone. ]

[You look at that lonely figure and feel very uncomfortable in your heart. ]

[A few days later. ]

[You see Ruan Lingyue is emotionally stable. ]

[He showed up, ready to explain Li Yao's affairs to her. ]

[When Ruan Lingyue saw your appearance, she immediately became extremely excited. ]

[In her eyes. ]

[You are a complete devil, and everyone related to her will die in your hands. ]

[In order to protect other people in Seven Star Sect, all Ruan Lingyue started wandering. ]

[You can’t help but sigh. ]

[Understand that there are some things that cannot be explained clearly. ]

[You might as well leave again. ]

[half year later. ]

[You can't bear to see Ruan Lingyue wandering alone all the time. ]

[So I planned to personally select a master for her. ]

[In this case, you can also guarantee that you will never meet a bad person like Li Yao again. ]

[After making thousands of choices. ]

[You found a female Independent Cultivator named Liang Yu. ]

[He is a great monk in the Fusion Realm, and he is also somewhat famous in the world of cultivation. ]

[The way you act is both good and bad, it all depends on your heart. ]

[When you expressed that you wanted Liang Yu to accept Ruan Lian Yue as his disciple. ]

[Decisively rejected. ]

[So, you have to use the method you are best at to convince people. ]

[Let Liangyu agree to accept Ruan Lingyue and protect him for five hundred years. ]

[You are not a stingy person either. ]

[Taking advantage of the situation, he also gave Liang Yu a book of high-quality exercises, as well as countless treasures of heaven and earth. ]

[Later, after meeting Ruan Lingyue. ]

[Liang Yu is very puzzled. ]

[With your current strength, what kind of woman can’t you want? ]

[Even the saints from the Five Holy Lands are within your reach. ]

[Why do you insist on pestering a female cultivator from the Gold Core Realm? ]

[Just because it’s beautiful? ]

[You know, the most indispensable thing in the world of cultivation is beautiful fairies. ]

[But their faces are just red and pink skulls. ]

[The ascension of the Great Dao is the most fascinating thing. ]

[Faced with this question, you did not answer directly. ]

[Just asking Liangyu, have you ever tasted very sweet spiritual fruit? ]

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