What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 42: Too High A Level Is Not A Good Thing

Ye Yu looked at the scene in the dream.

I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Ruan Lingyue is like a white moonlight to herself in the dream.

When you are unable to practice.

A presence that gently illuminates the entire night sky.

But now.

Fenglei Temple actually doubted Ruan Lingyue's position.

Just expel him from the sect.

Abandon your cultivation?

In this fantasy world.

There are many crises.

Ordinary mortals are not even ants in the eyes of monks.

If you are not lucky.

He might not be able to survive even a day.

Didn't the people from Fenglei Temple just make it clear that they wanted Ruan Lingyue to die?

[After you learned the news, you were extremely angry. ]

[The whole person's murderous intention surges. ]

[Take out the immortal-killing soul-calling banner and attack the sect alone!]

[Two days later. ]

[You killed all the monks in Fenglei Temple. ]

[And successfully reached the middle stage of the Fusion Realm. ]

[But you didn't feel any happiness. ]

[After thinking for a moment. ]

[You immediately return to Disha Sect and order everyone in the sect to look for Ruan Lingyue. ]

[With Fenglei Temple as the center, no corner of the land with a radius of thousands of miles can be spared. ]

[You want to see people alive, you want to see corpses when you die. ]

[Currently, Ruan Lingyue has become an ordinary mortal. ]

[Can't go very far at all. ]

[A radius of a thousand miles is already the maximum limit. ]

[But I searched for half a month. ]

[Still no news. ]

[You are very dissatisfied with the efficiency of the sect monks. ]

[Immediately killed two elders who were not too concerned about this matter to establish their authority. ]

[And promised on the spot. ]

[Anyone who can find Ruan Lingyue will immediately be promoted to deputy sect leader of the Disha Sect. ]

[Gongfa, Law Weapon, pick whatever you want, give whatever you want. ]

[Under such motivation. ]

[The monks of the Disha Sect began a blanket search again. ]

[Some people even directly coerced the heads of the local cultivating families and ordered them to send people to find him. ]

[Another month has passed. ]

[There is still no news from Ruan Lingyue. ]

[You know in your heart that you haven’t found it for so long. ]

[Then it is most likely that this girl is no longer alive. ]

[This day. ]

[You rarely drink alcohol, but you get very drunk. ]

[At the age of 760, you become the number one demon in Zhongzhou Continent. ]

[And under your leadership, the Disha Sect has also become the leader of Demon Dao. ]

[This year, you officially entered the late stage of Transcending Tribulation Realm. ]

[It was also the year you stopped killing. ]

[Return to the original village again. ]

[Live alone. ]

[Chopping firewood and fishing every day. ]

[Like an ordinary mortal. ]

[This is not a lack of ambition. ]

[But you know very well in your heart that if you continue to kill and break through the realm, the final result can only be death. ]

[The one who kills you will not be other monks, but the Heavenly Tribulation. ]

[The monk absorbs the aura of heaven and earth and lives in seclusion. ]

[The purpose is not to be involved in cause and effect. ]

[The stronger the cause and effect, the stronger the tribulation will be during the Transcending Tribulation. ]

[For hundreds of years. ]

[You have killed countless people. ]

[The accumulated cause and effect has reached an extremely terrifying height. ]

[Once you reach the peak of Transcending Tribulation Realm, it’s time to start Transcending Tribulation. ]

[That’s the day you die. ]

[Facing such a catastrophe, you have no confidence at all, let alone the ability to bear it. ]

[So, the best way. ]

[Just stop killing. ]

[This way you can live longer. ]

[Anyway, it is already the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and I still have a long life. ]

[Why bother thinking about it? ]

[As for the portable spiritual treasure Killing Immortals, you put it in the storage ring and haven't used it for a long time. ]

[The resentment above is extremely heavy. ]

[Almost touching the edge of the Immortal Weapon. ]

[Every time it is used, there will be lightning and thunder in the sky. ]

[It looks like an apocalyptic scene. ]

[Very cool. ]

[But you know clearly that the thunder in the sky is coming towards Killing Immortals. ]

[The karma of killing is too great and cannot be tolerated by Heaven. ]

[in this case. ]

[Seclusion in my hometown seems to be the best choice. ]

[Sometimes, when you sit in front of your home, you still look to the north. ]

[When I first met Ruan Lingyue, she came from the north. ]

[Unfortunately, she never appeared again. ]

[This is how people are, what is not available is the best. ]

Ye Yu frowned slightly.

It seems that we are in a deadlock and in a dilemma.

If you don't dare to break through the realm, you will inevitably be unable to withstand the catastrophe once you break through.

But if you don't break the situation, you will grow old alone like this.

It’s also extremely difficult.

But unfortunately, at this time, I can't think of any good way.

This is very hurtful.

[You originally thought that the peaceful days would continue like this. ]

[But the following spring. ]

[The deputy sect leader of Disha Sect, Zetian, comes to see you. ]

[It is said that traces of Ruan Lingyue were found in the northernmost part of Zhongzhou Continent. ]

[After asking around. ]

[I learned that she joined a small sect called Seven Star Sect. ]

[And become one of its disciples. ]

[After hearing the news. ]

[You can no longer contain the excitement in your heart. ]

[Come to Seven Star Sect as quickly as possible. ]

[Here, you really found Ruan Lingyue's figure. ]

[However, when she saw you again, she didn’t smile like she was reunited after a long absence. ]

[But he took two steps back in fear. ]

[You control your excitement. ]

[Invite her out to catch up on old times. ]

[Ruan Lingyue agreed. ]

[Later, I found out through conversation. ]

[It turns out that Ruan Lingyue was deposed by people from Fenglei Temple to cultivate. ]

[Rescued by former friends. ]

[And also found treasures from heaven and earth to nourish Ruan Lingyue's body. ]

[Enable her to embark on the path of spiritual practice again. ]

[The most important thing is that this friend is still a woman. ]

[This is great news for you. ]

[So, you immediately confessed your love to Ruan Lingyue and wanted to become a Taoist couple with her. ]

[But was rejected on the spot. ]

[Ruan Lingyue tells you that over the years, although she has been in a marginalized place, she is still clear about the current situation of Zhongzhou Continent. ]

[You are murderous and are the number one Great Demon in Zhongzhou. ]

[When the Fenglei Temple was destroyed, it was also by your hands. ]

[Ruan Lingyue doesn’t want to be with a demon who only knows killing. ]

[Moreover, that incident back then. ]

[It became Ruan Lingyue’s heart knot. ]

[On that day, why not kill her directly at the gate of Disha Sect? ]

[In this case, it will be settled once and for all. ]

[You won’t be suspected by everyone when you return to Fenglei Temple. ]

[The pain of losing your cultivation is so painful that it penetrates your bones. ]

[But the most hurtful thing is the pain in my heart. ]

[The disgusted looks in the Master's and Fellow Daoist's eyes, Ruan Lingyue still hasn't forgotten it to this day. ]

[But she didn’t wait for her to clear her name. ]

[Everyone in Fenglei Temple was wiped out by you. ]

[Ruan Lingyue knows that she has no right to hate you. ]

[Because you missed your old relationship, so you deliberately let her live. ]

[But what happened next was an unexpected mistake, giving her the most painful memories. ]

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