What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 220 Extremely Furious (Seven Miles and Eight Thousands of Rewards with Additional Updates)

In the dazzlingly white corridor of the hospital, Aoki Si leaned weakly on his chair, looking up at the ceiling, his head still a little dazed.

The silence in the exceptionally empty hospital corridor was eerie.

Regret, anger, despair, all kinds of emotions are like the devil with its teeth and claws, gradually eating away at Aoki Si's disappearing sanity.

Tomoji Katagiri stood aside silently, with a plaster bandage on his arm, not knowing what to say.

Aokiji suddenly punched the wall angrily and buried his head deeply.

If I thought more, I would take Sagara Takeru and others to a farther place and fight again.

If I were more ruthless, I wouldn't have so many worries and would directly deal with them ruthlessly.

If I were more selfish, I would not consider the future of my so-called friends and lead others to attack in advance.

If I had worked harder in the dream training room, or even just slept a little longer in the morning so that my mind and body could rest more fully, maybe I could have avoided Sagara's fierce sneak attack.


Aokiji felt his eyes were astringent, and if there wasn't someone around him, he would have shed tears long ago.

The scenes that happened with Qiong in the past kept flashing through his mind, and self-blame and anger kept intertwining in his heart. All of this made Aokiji feel like a balloon filled with despair and anger, and might explode at any time. .

Yes, I still have a lollipop. Aokiji hurriedly communicated with the system, and suddenly a lollipop appeared in his hand. Without even seeing the lollipop clearly, he put it into his mouth. He chewed the candy twice and swallowed it into his stomach.

[Lucky Lollipop has taken effect, duration: 23:59:59. 】

Will it work?

It will definitely be useful, right? This is a high-level prop as the system calls it, so it must be right.

Aokiji kept hinting to himself. He turned around and saw that the lights in the emergency room were still on and there was no sound inside.

Katagiri Tomoji looked at Aokiji's almost collapsed face and couldn't help but comfort him: It must be okay, you.

Shut up! Aokiji raised his head, his bloodshot eyes staring straight at him. The terrifying aura made Tomoji Katagiri silently shut his mouth, not daring to say another word - although in some respects In fact, he is also a victim, but this matter has nothing to do with him after all.

There were some hurried footsteps at the end of the corridor. Songshanyan's body as strong as a hill walked quickly. He looked at Aokiji who lowered his head and said nothing, his face still full of blood. There was still a trace of anger on his face. He opened his mouth and finally turned into a sigh.

Don't worry. The doctor who performed the surgery is one of the most famous doctors in Yachiyo. He specializes in heart surgery. There will be no problem.

Aokiji nodded silently.

Seeing Aoki Si's dejected look at this time, Song Shanyan couldn't say anything to blame him. He was obviously full of resentment before coming here, complaining about why Aoki Si didn't listen to him, but now seeing Aoki Si's appearance, he couldn't say anything. Nothing can be said.

He had no choice but to pat Aokiji on the shoulder, sit next to him, and look at Tomoji Katagiri, who was standing not far away with his arm wrapped in a plaster, but said nothing.

Crash. There was the sound of wheels in the passage leading to the operating room. Aokiji hurriedly got up and went to the door. Through the glass window of the emergency room door, he saw Qiong lying quietly on the bed, and the nurse was pushing him. She walked out of the emergency room.

As soon as the door of the emergency room was pushed open, Aokiji quickly asked: How is it? Where is the doctor?

The nurse understood Tsukasa Aoki's mood at this time and calmly advised: We are out of danger for the time being. Please don't get excited. Now the patient still needs to go to the intensive care unit to continue to check the situation. It will take at least twenty-four hours. Wait until we confirm She was out of danger and transferred to the nursing ward.

Aokiji nodded repeatedly: Okay, okay.

Three or four nurses pushed the bed from the emergency room to the intensive care unit not far away, and closed the door heavily.

Aokiji wanted to follow, but was stopped by the nurse: Sorry, family members are not allowed to enter the intensive care unit casually.

Okay. Aokiji stood at the door of the intensive care unit, looking at Qiong lying on the hospital bed with a ventilator on. His already fair face was pale, and his silver hair hung down behind him, like a princess in a fairy tale who was about to sleep forever.

Her bare feet were still stained with mud. Only then did Aokiji realize that she didn't even wear any shoes and ran out of the house.

Qiong Aokiji's call was cut off by the door of the intensive care unit, and Qiong gradually disappeared from sight.

Aoki Si sat back in his seat dejectedly.

Songshanyan sighed again: Don't worry, the ICU here is also top-notch. When she is out of danger, I will help her make an appointment with the best nursing ward, and the doctor will also make an appointment for you. She will definitely get better.

It will definitely get better. Aokiji just murmured and repeated his words.

In the corridor, a burst of hurried footsteps sounded again. Kasugano Masao and Kasugano Anzu walked from the other end of the corridor with gloomy expressions. Before they could reach them, Kasugano Masao asked excitedly: What on earth is going on?

It's all my fault. Aokiji's face was filled with self-blame.

Kasugano Masao strode up to Aokiji, raised his hand with an angry look, and finally put it down slowly: Why is it your fault!

Aokiji briefly described the reason why Qiong fainted, and Kasugano Masao finally couldn't help but cursed: Are you worthy of me like this? Ah? Are you worthy of my trust in you?

I'm sorry. Aokiji lowered his head two points.

Kasugano Anzu pulled Kasugano Masao expressionlessly: Don't do this.

How's the situation? Kasugano Xing looked at Aoki Tsukasa, his eyes a little cold.

Aokiji repeated what the nurse said.

Matsuyama Iwa hurriedly added: Don't worry, I have already found the best doctor in Yachiyo to do this surgery. I will also ask a doctor from Tokyo to fly in tomorrow to help check it again. There must be no problem.

Kasugano Masao showed gratitude: Thank you, you are.

I am his coach. Song Shanyan pointed at Aokiji and comforted him: Don't blame him, he didn't do this on purpose.

I know, I just am. Kasugano Masao smiled bitterly and slumped down on the chair, covering his face, trying his best to hide his tears: I'm just a little panicked.

I'm sorry. Aokiji repeated his apology.

Kasugano Anzu looked at this scene, sighed, walked up and wiped the dried blood on Aokiji's face, and found that the blood had completely condensed and could not be wiped off, so she had to touch his Face said softly: You should go back and rest first, we will watch from here.

Aokiji shook his head slightly, looked at her with dull eyes, and said in a sad tone: I'm sorry, it's all my fault.

It's okay, it will get better. Kasugano Xing showed a somewhat forced smile: Being able to come out of the operating room and enter the ICU means that it is nothing serious. You don't have to worry.

Indeed, unnecessary family members can go back to rest. The doctor belatedly walked out of the emergency room with a tired look on his face. He looked at Aokiji and the others and said calmly: You are the family members of Kasugano Qiong. Bar.

Yes, doctor, I am her father. Kasugano Masao hurriedly stood up and took a few steps forward with a nervous expression.

The doctor said calmly: This is probably not the first time she has been in the operating room. You must have a general understanding of her condition, so I will briefly explain it.

The patient's cause was acute angina, which caused difficulty in breathing, and then shock. Fortunately, your first aid measures were timely before the ambulance arrived and you successfully bought time, so the surgical effect was also ideal.

But the patient's main problem is still the severe heart failure, which leads to a series of physical complications.

The doctor took off the mask on his face, looked at Kasugano Masao and warned: Based on my experience, it is definitely no problem to get through this hurdle. You will wake up in two or three days at most. The key lies in the future.

The doctor said hesitantly: If the current situation continues, her body may completely collapse in one to two years. If she wants to have a heart replacement surgery, based on her current physical condition, she will find a matching heart. , the probability of surgical failure will also be 80% or even higher.

I know, I know. Kasugano Masao nodded painfully.

The doctor sighed: Cherish now.

After saying that, the doctor nodded to Songshanyan and turned to enter the intensive care unit.

Aokiji finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as nothing happens to Qiong now, there is still a chance to save everything.

Okay, you go back first. Kasugano Xing sat on the chair and blinked a little tiredly: Your uncle and I are watching here, you go back and take a nap. Look at you, you haven't rested for a long time. Already?

Aokiji shook his head and was about to refuse, but Songshanyan slapped him on the shoulder and said angrily: What can you do here? Stop being willful and go back to rest.

I Aokiji wanted to say something, but Kasugano Masao also said coldly: Let the two of us stay here with Qiong. You go home and calm down. Look at your face, it's really...

Aokiji opened his mouth, but no words came out.

That's right, Kasugano Masao must be annoying himself very much now.

It's the same thing if you change yourself.

Aokiji was silent, holding on to the wall and standing up straight with some staggering steps. His voice was hoarse: Then I'll go home first and come back tomorrow.

Whatever you want. Kasugano Masao was still not angry.

Kasugano Xing just nodded silently: Go back, your uncle will apologize to you tomorrow when he is less angry.

No need, this is all my fault. Aokiji smiled bitterly, turned and walked out of the hospital.

Matsuyama Iwa stayed where he was, comforting Kasugano Masao and his wife.

Katagiri Tomoji quickly followed Aokiji.

The two of them walked out of the hospital without saying a word. Katagiri Tomoji's still mobile hand reached into his pocket, took out a bag of crumpled cigarette boxes, and handed it to Aokiji.

Aokiji took the cigarette case and lit a cigarette. His eyes gradually became cold. He turned to look at Tomoji Katagiri and said in a cold tone: Do you know where the Sagara Takeshi family lives?

What are you going to do? Katagiri Tomoji was panicked by Aokiji's gnawing eyes, and hurriedly advised him: First of all, I don't know his home address. Secondly, the doctor has said that your sister will definitely not Something will happen, don’t do something wrong because of your current emotions and impulsiveness.”

Wrong thing? Aokiji smiled dumbly and looked at Tomoji Katagiri sarcastically: What a bad boy has to do, are there right and wrong things?

I advise you, don't block the road. Aokiji grinned, and his angry and smiling expression made him look a little nervous: This time, maybe someone will die.

Hey, you Tomoji Katagiri wanted to say something more, but the next moment, he was shocked by Aokiji's eyes full of murderous intent. His footsteps stopped in place slowly, and he did not dare to step forward any more.

Aoki Si stopped a taxi casually. Seeing that Aoki Si's face was still covered with blood and his expression was extremely scary, the taxi hurriedly tried to find a reason to refuse the ride, but saw Aoki Si staring at him with a murderous tone: Let's go. .”

The taxi driver stepped on the accelerator stiffly, forgetting to ask Aoki where he was going.

Aokiji returned home first.

The door that was locked might have been because Qiong was too anxious to leave the door, and didn't even close it properly. He just opened it with a slight pull.

In the empty home, the lights are still on in the living room. Not long ago, Aokiji and Qiong had laughed and had a heart-to-heart talk here, but at this time, he was the only one left.

Walking into the bathroom in silence, Aokiji turned on the faucet and looked at his face in the mirror, which was covered in blood. He took the ice water with both hands and wiped it all over his head.

The wounds on his head that he touched still made him feel dizzy, and the physical fatigue became more intense. However, Aokiji seemed to be unaware of it and just wiped his cheeks over and over again until the cold water slid in along his collar. , shivered coldly, and then stopped.

Looking at himself in the mirror, his eyes becoming more and more terrifying, Aokiji murmured to himself: Kaijiu.

Countless emotions intertwined, and finally converged into overwhelming anger and countless hatred, making Aokiji's eyes gradually become creepy.

After walking out of the bathroom, Aokiji turned off the lights in the living room and looked at his phone. The time on it was just past one o'clock.

Now, those bad boys who have been driving for a long time should still have gone home, right?

So, where will they be?

Aokiji walked upstairs and walked into Qiong's room. He looked at the computer screen that was still on in the room. He stared at the game screen that had turned into black and white for a while before turning off Qiong's computer. .

After tidying up Qiong's somewhat messy room and packing away the pillows, Aokiji saw the photo sticker that Qiong had secretly attached to the bedside.

Above, his smile became extremely dazzling.

Taking a deep breath, Aokiji stood up, turned off the lights in the room, returned to his room, found the key, changed into a clean black sweatshirt, put on a hat and mask, pulled up the hood of the sweatshirt, and took the whole picture His face was immediately covered tightly.

Pushing open the door and closing the door, Aokiji stopped a passing taxi. Looking at the driver's timid eyes, he said calmly: Go to the bars, nightclubs, and games where bad boys often go. A place like the hall.”

That. The driver felt a little nervous when he saw Aoki Si covering his face in the standard attire of a wanted criminal.

Aokiji stared at him with cold eyes: You know where you are going, right?

Although it was a question, the tone of his voice, as if he would definitely die if he didn't know the answer, made the taxi driver step on the accelerator.

Passing through the sparse street lights, a bustling street with bright lights and greenery appeared in front of us.

Countless men and women were walking through the streets, and the lively atmosphere under various neon lights made Aokiji feel both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

You, you can go check out the nightclubs and bars inside. Yachiyo City has the most people here. The driver swallowed uneasily.

Aokiji casually took out a few banknotes from his wallet and threw them forward: No need to look for them.

After finishing speaking, he roughly opened the car door and got out of the car, then closed it hard. Aokiji put his hands in his pockets, his eyes under the hood were as terrifying as those of a beast looking for prey. He looked at the crowd in front of him and murmured in a low voice with a hoarse voice. It's the sandpaper that's rubbing.

Where will the person who opened it for a long time be?

The low hum was gradually left behind by his slow footsteps. Starting from the first bar on the street, Aokiji slowly walked into the glorious door.


PS: I feel better after seeing this, so I rushed out a chapter without sleeping.

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