What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 219 It’s getting dark (55 too lazy to log in and get extra rewards)

Chapter 219 It’s getting dark (55 are too lazy to log in and get extra rewards)

Bang! Aokiji's heavy fist hit Katagiri Tomoshi's face mercilessly. Before Katagiri's shocked expression could fade away, he staggered back two steps and hit the wall.

Aokiji did not pursue him, but looked at him with a calm expression: Come.

What a heavy fist! Katagiri Tomoji gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and yelled: Seeking death!


Aokiji just tilted his head and hit his ear with his fist. Aokiji even had time to talk nonsense with him: Is this the extent of Kaijiu's boss?

Aokiji's eyes were full of pleasure: Don't you want to fight?

Don't you like to fight?

He suddenly raised his leg and hit Tomoshi Katagiri hard on the stomach with a knee. He felt a cramp in his abdomen and was a little unsteady when standing.

Aokiji still didn't pursue, like a cat teasing a mouse, he tilted his head and looked at Xangliang Meng: Hey, don't you want to come and help your boss?

Sagara glared at Aoki Tsukasa fiercely, and the men behind him quietly handed him a baseball bat.

Don't do anything! Tomoshi Katagiri half-knelt on the ground, holding his stomach and staggering up. He glared at Sagara Meng fiercely, turned to look at Aokiji, his face full of anger: I am Tomoshi Katagiri!

Katagiri Tomoji rushed forward angrily, Aokiji leaned over and punched him, and hit him in the stomach. Katagiri Tomoji just felt that this guy's fist was a little harder than other people's baseball bats, so he groaned and suppressed it. From time to time, he punched Aokiji.

The bad boys around him looked at each other, but they didn't dare to take action due to the order.

Aokiji just took a step back, dodged a punch, rushed forward, grabbed his arm, and exerted force from his waist, he actually threw Tomoji Katagiri into the air, and mercilessly threw Katagiri over his shoulder. Tomoji hit the ground hard with a dull thud. He lay on the ground and there was no movement for a while.

Search! Suddenly there was a gust of wind behind his ears. Aokiji suddenly turned sideways, but his body strangely slowed down for half a beat.

what happened? Before he could figure out why his body was suddenly out of control, Aokiji tilted his head instinctively, and then, the smaller half of his shoulder that had not been able to escape was grazed by a baseball bat.

Aokiji endured the pain and turned around suddenly. Looking at Sagara holding the baseball bat high, he walked towards him coldly and said in a cold voice: You are looking for death!

Go! Xiangliang narrowed his eyes slightly and gave the order. Behind him, there were more than ten people carrying clubs and rushing towards Aokiji.

The small space in the alley did not give Aokiji many opportunities to dodge. He narrowly dodged another heavy baseball bat that struck his face. He raised his hands and grabbed the hand of a delinquent boy. He snatched the baseball bat from his hand with bare hands.

Sagara smiled sinisterly and raised his baseball bat. He was about to join the fight, but he was grabbed by Tomoji Katagiri who reluctantly got up: Sagara! What are you doing! Stop it, stop it all!

Sagara looked at Tomoshi Katagiri, who was grabbing the corner of his clothes and barely getting up, with a complicated expression. The delinquent boy who was in the middle of the fight was even slapped on the head. He didn't care what Katagiri Tomoji said anymore and got into a fight with Aokiji. From time to time, the painful muffled sound and moans of baseball bats hitting the body could be heard throughout the alley.

The weak emotion just passed for a moment. The next moment, Sagara suddenly kicked Katagiri Tomoji, who was about to grab him to stand up, and knocked him to the ground. His face was ferocious: What am I doing?

He swung the baseball bat in his hand and hit Tomoji Katagiri hard on the arm. Tomoji Katagiri screamed, and the numbing sound of fractures resounded in everyone's ears.

I've had enough of you for a long time! Sagara laughed wildly, raised the baseball bat in his hand, and hit Tomoshi Katagiri hard again, making him groan and twitch uncontrollably. one time.

A person like you still wants to lead Kaijiu to dominate the upper city area? Sagara threw the baseball bat and kicked Katagiri Tomoshi: Stop kidding!

Kaikyu! Only the strong can become the boss! Xiangliang looked at the embarrassed Katagiri Tomoji, shook his head, tutted, and turned to look at the Kaiku students around him: A person like this can be our The boss?

Ah?! Xiangliang roared angrily.

How can you talk to Brother Chiji like this! A bad boy with a long history stood up angrily: Don't slap me on the nose, or else don't blame me for crushing you to death now!

Xiangliang Meng just smiled and turned his head: Hey, have you figured out the situation?

This guy named Aokiji, he attacked our people and broke into the hospital before. Xiangliang raised his eyebrows and sneered: But what about Katagiri Tomoshi?

Single challenge?

When this bald man beat our people, was he thinking of a one-on-one fight?

After Xingliang's fierce words fell, Aokiji, who knocked the troublesome delinquent boy to the ground with a baseball bat, raised his head with blood dripping from his head: Don't be ridiculous. When have I ever done anything to you Kaijiu people?


Forget it. Xiangliang twisted his neck violently, sighed, and turned to look at the surrounding Kaijiu students with complicated expressions: Hey, do you want to continue watching the show? We Kaijiu people are being beaten.

The other delinquents hesitated, holding weapons and planning to join the fight. At this time, seven or eight delinquent boys were lying in front of Aokiji. They were all bloody and miserable.

However, Tomoji Katagiri stood up with his knees in his hands, punched a delinquent boy to the ground, and roared: It's all him, stop it!

I'm fighting him one on one!

Katagiri Tomoji had one arm resting softly by his side, and only one hand was raised in front of him. He was swaying just standing there.

Xiangliang shook his head violently and sneered: What?

Do you still think you are the boss?

Xiangliang took a deep breath, looked at the bad boys around him, and roared loudly: Follow me, and I will lead you to the top of Uptown!

You have clearly seen how people like Katagiri Tomoji behaved just now, right? Sagara smiled fiercely: Follow him, can you still have a way out?

The delinquents around him were silent.

Xiangliang pointed fiercely at Aokiji, who almost knocked the bad boy in front of him to the ground, and said in a cold tone: As long as you follow me and knock this guy down, Wuyang is over. Next, follow me to defeat Ruanye. In high school, we are the strongest in Uptown!

Stop joking! Tomoji Katagiri punched Sagara Tomo with hatred, but Tomo Sagara dodged without taking any action. Katagiri Tomoji, who was at the end of his rope, lay on the ground.

Tsk, that's really embarrassing. Xiangliang shook his head sarcastically and looked at Aokiji: Kill him.

After saying that, the remaining dozen or so bad boys shouted and rushed towards Aoki Tsukasa.


At the entrance of the alley, there was suddenly a slightly childish scream.

Everyone couldn't help but froze.

Aokiji turned around and looked around. At the entrance of the alley, through the dim moonlight and numerous figures, Qiong's thin body was standing on the spot, swaying slightly.


Qiong saw Aoki Si standing in the alley with his face covered in blood. In front of him were all the delinquents with vicious faces, many of whom were carrying weapons such as baseball bats. His heart suddenly felt cramped: Si manage!

As soon as her voice came out, she felt difficulty breathing, and all the strength in her body was instantly drained. Her legs softened, and she lay on the ground, covering her heart and twitching slightly.

What's going on? There was a commotion among the bad boys, with a somewhat panicked expression.

Xiangliang Meng looked at Qiong and suddenly fell to the ground, as if he had suffered some illness, and he felt a little panicked: Heart disease? Epileptic? This thing can kill people, right?

Raising his hands in panic, Xiangliang shouted loudly: Let's go.

After saying that, the bad boys fled in all directions, not daring to stay where they were - they didn't want to risk any lives. As for the Kaijiu boys lying on the ground, they all supported each other and staggered away. Only Aokiji stayed there, his eyes dull, and he had no time to care about what these bad guys were doing.

Aokiji felt that the earth was shattering in an instant, and the baseball bat in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter. He hurriedly ran towards Qiong and crawled towards Qiong. He knelt down next to Qiong with a plop and watched her eyes widen with great effort. His eyes were open, his mouth was open wide but he couldn't breathe, and his head was blank.

Qiong Qiong. Qiong! Aoki Si called out Qiong's name helplessly, but she just covered her heart and looked at Aoki Si, her eyes filled with mist.

Lying far away, Tomoji Katagiri hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his arms and dialed the emergency number of the hospital: Hello? I'm here.

Aokiji used all the first aid knowledge in his mind and said with tears in his eyes: Hold on, Qiong.

Zhiyang acupoint, Neiguan and other acupoints were tightly held by Qingmu Si. Seeing Qiong getting more and more angry, Qingmu Si's eyes were in a trance. The soft body of the person in my arms was like a light cloud, as if it would disappear in the next moment.

At this moment, Aokiji just felt.

it's dark.


PS: Modified.

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