What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 213 Skills - Feitian Sword Style (45, Verg 10,000 rewards will be added)

Chapter 213 Skills - Feitian Sword Style (45, Verg will be rewarded with more updates)

The cold wind blew, and the familiar bamboo forest made Aokiji shiver unconsciously. He walked a few steps with a grimace, and the simple hut appeared in front of him again.

The red-haired swordsman was still sitting in front of the stone table, drinking tea by himself. He watched Aokiji gradually walk in and said softly, You don't seem to be in a very good mood today.

Aokiji smiled bitterly and nodded.

Himura Kenshin raised his head, looked at Aokiji, and tilted his head: Why do you look like you are going to do something big?

I plan to learn it hard, but the teacher's flying sword is bad. Aokiji sighed and called up the system.

What do you mean? Himura Kenshin frowned slightly.

Please teach me, teacher. Aokiji said with a serious expression.

Himura Kenshin threw the sword on his waist to Aokiji, picked it up with his toes from the ground beside him, picked up a piece of bamboo, and said happily: Okay.

[Rare skill detected: Feitian Sword Style, do you want to learn it? (Tip: Rare skills require twice as much experience as ordinary skills)]

Aokiji took a deep breath and nodded: Study.

[Flying Sword Style LV4: A unique ancient style of swordsmanship centered on the unique explosive skill 'God Speed'. Its emphasis on counterattacks makes it unique in controlling rhythm and timing. It is a swordsmanship that is extremely good at killing with few versus many. Swordsmanship and the physical skills it contains are also of great practical significance. You have just begun to gain access to this path, and you have some rough knowledge of its secrets. Physical strength +1, agility +1, strength +1. Experience (432/1200)】

[Vitality: 13→14] [Agility: 15→16] [Strength: 12→13]

[Feitian Yujian style has broken through LV3, please choose the direction of breakthrough. 】

[Since the host has successfully broken through, the breakthrough direction has been automatically selected. 】

[The Way of Extreme Speed ​​- You will be more comfortable in using explosive power and have a higher understanding of explosive power-related techniques. Additional attributes: Your explosive power will be enhanced by 30%]

[The special training room of Feitian Yujian style has been opened. 】

Aokiji clenched his fists, and his mastery of the flying sword style became clearer in his mind. His body, which was already full of strength in the dream training room, felt much stronger. And sure enough, his mastery of the Feitian Sword Style was converted into experience points, directly pushing him to level four.

Holding the sword thrown by Kenshin Himura tightly, Aokiji just waved his sword and waved his hand to Kenshin Himura: Okay, teacher, I have to leave first.

Himura Kenshin said with a confused look on his face: Uh, don't you want to learn the sword from me?

I've finished studying. Aokiji chuckled: I haven't been discussing with the teacher recently, so I'm leaving now.

Only then did Himura Kenshin suddenly realize something: You brat, that's what it is!

Seeing the black line on Himura Kenshin's face, Aokiji raised his eyebrows: I won't ask the teacher to be beaten today.

Don't go! Himura Kenshin picked up the bamboo and stabbed Aokiji, but Aokiji just smiled and took a step back and disappeared into the air.

Himura Kenshin put away his bamboo sword boredly, sighed, and sat back at the stone table, his figure gradually becoming blurry.

Aokiji's eyes flashed, and he returned to the white training space again. He sighed and said, Enter the actual training room of Kendo.

The reason why he didn't go into the special training room of the Hiten Mitsurugi style was because Aokiji was afraid that it was also a special training room that couldn't be exited at will. He would have to make dinner for Qiong later.

Light flickered in front of his eyes. When he woke up again, Aokiji looked at the sword at his waist and the black open-breasted coat on his body. He pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes, and tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, a shout came from the bamboo forest: You insulted my beloved and killed my best friend. Today, I, Kotaro, will take your life!

A swordsman wearing a bamboo hat rushed towards Aokiji with his sword raised. Aokiji tightened his grip on the handle of the knife with a calm expression, then slowly loosened it and threw the knife aside.

Come on, let me see if my guess is correct or not. Aokiji took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Kotaro was puzzled by Aokiji's action of throwing the knife and clenching his fists, but with great hatred in his heart, he just wanted to kill Aokiji quickly. He raised his sword high and shouted: Take your life! and then he attacked fiercely. Then Aokiji chopped it down.

Aokiji just turned sideways and hit him in the abdomen with a whip leg, causing him to bend down involuntarily.

Then, Aokiji skillfully grabbed his arm and twisted it, and he couldn't help but let go of the sword in his hand because of the severe pain in his arm. Before he could scream, his temple On top of that, he was hit by Aokiji with a punch, and he immediately passed out.

Throwing the unconscious Kotaro aside, Aokiji twisted his neck and waited quietly. Sure enough, not long after, another roar came from the distance.

Aokiji! Where to escape!

Two swordsmen who looked 80% similar to Kotaro rushed towards Aokiji with swords in hand.

Aokiji clenched his fists and his eyes were bright: The shortcoming of mixed martial arts is that it is relatively weak when facing multiple enemies. In the flying sword style, it pays more attention to using fewer enemies against many, and one against a hundred.

Now, if I can integrate mixed martial arts techniques into the physical movements of Feiten Mitsurugi-ryu, and use Feiten Mitsurugi-ryu's fighting style to deal with enemies, I should be able to become stronger in group battles.

And you are my best touchstone. Aokiji exerted his strength with his legs, and his whole body rushed towards the swordsman holding the sword like a bullet. His body floated past the blade like catkins, and with a strike A heavy punch caused a swordsman to fall to the ground instantly.

As long as I can stay here and train hard, in reality, I will never be as passive as before. Facing another swordsman's merciless slash, Aokiji's eyes flashed, and he used both hands to Feitian Yujian's fluid technique used the technique of grabbing the white blade with bare hands. He stopped his wrist, grabbed and buckled it, and removed his weapon.

After casually knocking out the swordsman with a punch, Aokiji raised his head, and sure enough, three more swordsmen jumped out of the bamboo forest, shouting and rushing towards him.

Aokiji clenched his fists, shouted loudly, and rushed towards them without retreating.


Getting up from the bed tiredly, Aokiji rubbed his eyes and looked at the time on his phone. It was just early six o'clock.

Staggering out of bed, Aokiji slowly walked down the stairs while holding on to the wall.

Unexpectedly, before he even went downstairs, Aokiji smelled the aroma of food. The lights were bright downstairs, and there was the sound of clinking spatulas.

Turning the corner, the back figure of Qiong, who was stirring something in the kitchen on a small stool, appeared in Aoki Si's eyes. Her long silver hair swayed slightly with her movements, and her small body swayed with some effort.

Qiong? What are you doing? Aokiji called out in surprise.

Qiontou didn't reply: Let's cook.

Uh, I know I'm cooking. Aokiji scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: Why did you suddenly remember to cook?

Si is very tired today. Qiong's face turned slightly red, not sure if it was because he was too tired from cooking.

Aokiji quickened his pace and walked to her side. He looked at the Japanese food that seemed to be pretty good in her pot and smiled softly: Are you tired? Let me cook next?

No, go sit down, Si. It will be done soon. There were still some beads of sweat on Qiong's face. Si Aoki looked at it and couldn't help but reach out his hand to wipe it off for her.

Qiong let Aoki Si wipe his sweat. After wiping, he turned to Aoki Si and said calmly: Si, go try and see if the miso soup tastes good.

What's going on here? Aokiji couldn't understand why Qiong suddenly changed his appearance, but he couldn't bear Qiong's refusal, so he had to sit on the chair in front of the dining table, looked at the miso soup that had been served on the dining table, and took the took a taste of the spoon.

It tastes good!

Aokiji's eyes widened.

Not long after, Qiong turned off the fire, used a shovel to weigh the vegetables onto the plate, and brought them to the table.

Seeing her pouring rice from the rice pot and putting it in front of him, Aokiji said with some discomfort, What's going on? Qiong?

Qiong just smiled lightly: I thought about it just now, and it seems that I am indeed a little too willful. Why, does Si think it's not good for me to do this?

Okay, it's good, but the sudden change is a bit big. Aokiji looked at her with a wry smile.

Just like how Qiong suddenly started to treat him coldly before, this time he suddenly became mature and kind again. Aokiji really couldn't figure out the reason.

Qiong picked up the small spoon, took a sip of the miso soup in front of him, smacked his tongue, and seemed to be quite satisfied: Today is an exception, because Si is not feeling well.

Uh, thank you. Aoki Si picked up the chopsticks dullly and tasted the food she cooked. The taste was on par. He couldn't help but nodded: Qiong's food is delicious.

That's good. Qiong didn't seem to know what to say anymore. He just lowered his head, picked up the chopsticks, and started eating by himself.

Aokiji was a little confused and started eating in silence.

Well, a girl's mind is indeed very complicated.

It's delicious! Perhaps because he was tired, Aokiji felt particularly comfortable eating, eating big mouthfuls with a happy face.

Qiong watched Aoki Si eating deliciously, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth: It's good as long as it's delicious.

After the meal, Qiong also refused Aokiji's request to wash the dishes. He washed the pots and pans with his white and tender hands before slowly returning upstairs.

Aokiji returned to the room with a confused look on his face, lay down on the bed, and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Am I still awake?

Or did I accidentally eat that lucky lollipop?

It feels really good that Qiong suddenly became gentle. Thinking of how busy Qiong was before, Aokiji couldn't help but laugh happily.

Okay, then we should work harder to cure Qiong as soon as possible!

Aokiji took a deep breath, suppressed his curiosity about the special training room of Feiten Yukenryu, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

Enter the special medical dream training room.

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