What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 212 Miscellaneous (35 guaranteed)

Chapter 212 Miscellaneous (35 guaranteed)

Lying on the bed, Aokiji picked up his phone, looked at the cracks on it, sighed, and murmured: I don't know if there are any Nokia phones in the world.

After unlocking it, there were two unread text messages inside.

One is from Songshanyan, and the other has no remarks.

Aokiji opened Songshanyan's information first.

???Website link. Songshanyan first sent three question marks, and then sent a website link. Aokiji clicked on it, and his expression suddenly became extremely bad.

After opening the web page, what appeared was a post from a local forum in Yachiyo City, and there was a video in the post. The title of the post was also very exciting: The Tiger of Wuyang is one against ten, will Chiba's strongest delinquent be sealed? Conclusion

Opening the video, as expected, it turned out to be a short clip secretly recorded during the fight between Aokiji and Mihashi Takashi not long ago.

The person who recorded the video didn't know whether he did it on purpose, or if he just started recording it when Aokiji used the God's Descendant. In less than a minute, the video completely recorded how Aokiji beat more than a dozen bad boys to the ground. On the ground, he punched Takashi Mihashi several times until his face was covered in blood.

Although the video is mosaic, combined with the title of Tiger of the Dancing Sun, coupled with the eye-catching bald head and school uniform name, anyone who knows something about this must know who the protagonist of this video is.

Aokiji turned off the video with a dark face and scrolled down the post. Under the post, there were already more than fifty replies.

I love eating fish: This guy is the boss of Wuyang, right? I've heard my classmates say it many times before. He's really awesome.

Black Dorayaki: We have been fighting for so long, and there are so many people lying on the ground. Are all the police in Neon doing nothing? Why didn't anyone call the police? These bad boys should be arrested. They are disgusting to watch.

Red Alert: Wow, I thought I was watching a movie. Isn't this really a promotional video for a TV series?

Saiko Sakurako: Has the protagonist changed in The Ultimate Storm?

Aokiji closed the post, silently slid his finger on the screen a few times, and dialed Songshanyan's number.

The phone rang a few times, and Song Shanyan's angry voice rang in his ears: What's going on?

Sorry. Before Aokiji could explain, Matsuyama Yan raised his voice and scolded: Do you know how troublesome this matter is? If this post gets too popular and becomes the news, do you know How much trouble will it cause you to compete?

Aokiji sighed.

Okay, I don't have time to talk to you about this now. I'll come to the club tomorrow to talk. I'm busy finding someone to take down the videos and posts for you now. I'm hanging up.

Song Shanyan hung up the phone.

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Aokiji threw the phone aside irritably, and punched the soft bed with a depressed fist: Are all these people sick? Damn!

Aokiji was so angry that he even cursed in Mandarin. You can imagine how angry he was.

Judging from the shooting angle of the video, it was probably secretly filmed at the corner of the street. Maybe he planned to pass by here and found someone fighting, so he secretly hid in the corner and filmed the video. As for why I didn’t take pictures later, it might be because people who started driving for a long time came later.

Why are there so many troubles all at once?

Aokiji suppressed his anger, took out his phone and read another message.

I'm Wu Geng Liuli. What do you want to do with the three dogs? I'm going crazy.

Aokiji blinked, and then he remembered that he had originally planned to go find her yesterday. Because Qiong lost the game and forgot about it, he hurriedly called her back.

Hello? Liuli's voice on the phone was a little muffled, as if she was holding her nose while speaking.

I'm Aoki Si. Well, it may not be convenient for me to go there these days. Can you please take care of me for a few more days? Aoki Si asked with a wry smile.

Wu Geng Liuli's voice suddenly rose an octave: Hey, didn't you agree that it would only be a week? Do you know how busy I am these days? Not only do I have to take care of my younger brothers and sisters, but I also have to take care of these three puppies. , it’s driving me crazy.”

Sorry, sorry. Aokiji also raised a dog when he was a child. He knew that raising dogs is sometimes troublesome, let alone raising three dogs at once. He apologized again and again: This is indeed my negligence, but I am a little bit... I really can’t take care of this troublesome matter at the moment, so I have to ask you to work hard for a few more days.”

After thinking about it, Aokiji added: I will find you as soon as possible. If things go well, it should be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Hmph, you have to figure it out yourself! Wu Geng Liuli saw that Aokiji said it very politely, but he was not angry at all, but he still complained and urged: Then come quickly, there is nothing else to say. , the key is that I also have a cat at home, and it fights with them every day, which really annoys me to death.

Aokiji sighed: Well, it's really hard work.

Forget it, you should have a good rest. Wu Geng Liuli heard the tired look in Aoki Si's words, swallowed up the complaints that he originally wanted to say more, and said calmly: That's it, then, Bye!

That's right! You perverted bald devil, don't just save my phone number! That's it!

Watching Liuli hang up the phone angrily at five o'clock in the morning, Aokiji shook his head, threw the phone aside, covered himself with the quilt, and didn't bother to take off his clothes, so he lay melancholy on the bed and looked out the window, his fingers resting on the quilt irritably. Beating on.

Watching the raindrops falling on the window and listening to the raindrops for a while, Aokiji suddenly remembered that he seemed to have yet to receive a mission reward.

[Blood debt must be paid with blood: The blood you shed must be repaid with the blood of your enemy. As the talker of Wuyang High School, you must not tolerate your brothers and friends being bullied and still swallowing your anger. Shake your fist and repay everything you receive. Defeat the Three Bridges Legion in a head-on conflict and win. 】

[Task reward: Lucky Day Lollipop (advanced prop), free attribute point*1. 】

[Lucky Day Lollipop: After eating this lollipop, you will be lucky all day long. 】

Aokiji did not choose to receive the reward immediately. It would be better to use this kind of prop directly than to save it for when luck is needed, so he just sighed and looked at his attribute column again.

[Strength: 12 (10 for adults, based on the overall muscle strength of the body.)]

[Agility: 15 (10 for adults, based on overall body coordination, muscle explosiveness, etc.)

[Brain power: 16 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of memory, logical ability, learning ability and other brain abilities. Please note that this point is not equivalent to IQ, nor is it equivalent to emotional intelligence.)]

[Physical strength: 13 (10 for adults, based on muscle endurance and physical strength, etc.)]

[Charm: 21 (This attribute is calculated based on the average level of a normal person on earth at 10 points, and is scored based on the comprehensive charm of appearance, body, temperament, etc.)]

After thinking about it, Aokiji simply added some free attribute points to his brain power.

There are too many troubles now. Aokiji just wants to make himself stronger quickly - if his brain power can exceed 20 points, new special effects will definitely appear. If there are skills as powerful as gods coming down to earth, Aokisi I think it is far better than improving my strength and agility attributes by two or three points.

Moreover, physical attributes can be improved through continuous exercise. Presumably, when the Supernova competition begins, Aokiji will be able to improve his physical strength, strength and other attributes a little more through exercise. But brain power is much more difficult to improve.

【Brain power: 16→17】

Just like taking a sip of ice-cold Coke in the dog days of summer, Aokiji shivered with success.

Why! By the way, I still have a skill bar that I can learn.

Perhaps it was because he had just added a little more brainpower that stimulated Aokiji's brain to start thinking. The new skill learning direction that he had thought of when he had a flash of the club's spiritual barrier suddenly became clear.

After learning that skill, your combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved!

But Aokiji hesitated for a while, and finally decided not to use this skill bar for medical skills. After all, the medical classics are comprehensive enough. Even if you learn an auxiliary skill, it may not be of greater help to Qiong. It is better to study the medical classics directly.

Aokiji already knew what he should learn. Without saying much, he decisively closed his eyes. After a while, his tired body helped him fall asleep as quickly as possible.

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