What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 210 I’m so sad (15 guaranteed)

Chapter 210 I’m so sad (15 guaranteed)

After opening the door, Aokiji stumbled and propped himself on the shoe cabinet in front of the door, shook his head and blinked hard.

Not to mention the seriousness of the injury just now, just the so-called 'weak state' after the God descended to earth made Aokiji feel top-heavy at this time, as if he had a high fever for three days and three nights, and all his strength was drained away. It's hard to open my eyelids.

After taking two hurried steps, Aoki Si sat down in the entrance hall, threw away his umbrella, panted for breath, unbuttoned the school uniform on his upper body with difficulty, and dragged it down, revealing his muscular body. upper body.

At this time, the body was green and red, and there were many wounds that had been scratched out for unknown reasons, and they were slightly whitened by the rain.

Aokiji sighed and grabbed the school uniform at hand. Fortunately, the one he wore today was given by the system and was extremely wear-resistant, otherwise it would have turned into rags long ago.

He walked two steps holding on to the wall, entered the bathroom, and threw the school uniform into the washing machine. Aoki held the sink and turned on the faucet, washed his head and face with warm water, and then looked at the mirror blankly.

In the mirror, Aokiji's eyes were still bloodshot, and a knuckle-length wound on his left cheek was very obvious, and he didn't know when it was made. Looking at his originally cold and majestic face, which looked even more ferocious due to the wound, Aokiji couldn't help but sigh.

To be honest, he really didn't want to be involved in these troubles recently. Not to mention being seen by Qiong, he would definitely be sad for a long time. Songshanyan alone would be difficult to explain.

It's not like Aokiji doesn't know good people. He knows how good Songshanyan is to him, so he doesn't want to cause trouble before the game. If he accidentally causes any trouble and affects the game, Aokiji will really be unhappy. Know how to return a favor.

Thinking of this, Aokiji anxiously rummaged through the pocket of his school uniform from the washing machine and found a mobile phone with a cracked screen. He pressed the side button and saw that the screen lit up normally, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: It's okay, it's not broken. , I forgot to put it away in advance.

The main reason is that Aokiji really didn't expect that he would be forced into such a miserable situation - Mihashi Takashi's paprika method was too despicable and too unexpected. Aokiji thought that they might bring baseball bats, iron rods, and even thought that in the worst case scenario, someone might bring a knife, but he never thought that anyone would bring a pack of chili powder.

When I think of Mihashi, I inevitably think of those guys from Kaijiu.

Aokiji's face darkened and he stared at himself in the mirror, lost in thought.

How to deal with those guys who are driving for a long time?

Just call the door?

It's not impossible, but Aokiji didn't expect that he could take care of the entire Kaiku group by himself, so he had to call Maeda Tora too, but Maeda Tora and others seemed to be seriously injured at the moment. This is a bit difficult to handle.

Sure enough, we still have to discuss it with Maeda Tora and the others before making a decision. If this matter is not handled well, it will be much more troublesome than the previous conflict in school.

Aokiji, who was tired and lost in thought, didn't notice at all that slight footsteps suddenly sounded in the living room. By the time he heard something, it was already too late.

Si? Qiong's somewhat surprised voice sounded from the bathroom door. Aoki Si's eyes widened and he turned around hurriedly, only to find that he had no place to hide. He could only stare blankly at Qiong standing in white pajamas. At the door, an awkward smile appeared: Why did you come down suddenly.

Qiong looked at Aoki Si in silence, stepped forward, walked closer, stretched out his hand, grabbed Aoki Si's arm in front of him, and pulled hard.

Aokiji's arm was pulled off by her, exposing the wounds on his face and chest.

What's going on? Qiong's voice was a little cold.

Aokiji looked at her eyes that were as clear as glaciers but full of coldness, and opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Qiong just looked at him quietly for a while before speaking: Are we fighting again?

Yeah. Aokiji always has a strange feeling, as if he has done something wrong and been discovered by his parents, feeling embarrassed and guilty.

Qiong sighed and lowered his gaze. The expression on his face was a little complicated. In the end, he just let go of his hand holding Aokiji's arm and said softly: I'll get the medical kit. You should take a shower first. I'll leave a change of clothes at the door.

Aokiji hummed, not knowing what else to say, he just looked at her with apologetic eyes.

Qiong walked out of the bathroom with lowered eyes and closed the door.

Aokiji stood in the bathroom, staring blankly at the door for a long time, then turned around and took off his soaked pants, turned on the bathroom nozzle, and felt the warm water jets slap on his body, leaving countless small wounds all over his body. He couldn't help but grit his teeth.

After sloppily rinsing, Aokiji saw a faint black figure appear behind the glass door outside the bathroom as soon as he turned off the nozzle. Qiong's voice immediately sounded: Put your clothes at the door, don't put on your top yet.

Thank you. Aokiji didn't know how to react to Qiong's gentle gesture, so he could only say thank you dullly.

The black shadow behind the door walked away. Aokiji opened the door slightly and grabbed his clothes from the ground in front of the door. His face turned red when he looked at the boxer briefs on top. He quickly put on his underwear and shorts and put them on. He grabbed his half-sleeved shirt and walked out of the bathroom.

Qiong was sitting on the sofa, looking out the window in a daze. Her long silver-white hair hung down from her face, outlining the thin curves of her cheeks. The white dress-style pajamas looked like one size too big on her body. It made her look even weaker.

Aokiji walked up to her and said softly: I'm sorry.

Qiong patted the sofa next to him, his face was so calm that it made people panic, and his tone was soft: Get down first, and I'll apply medicine on your back.

After finishing speaking, she stood up, opened the medical box on the coffee table, and started rummaging inside.

Aoki Si obediently lay on the sofa, feeling a little weird in his heart. He couldn't explain what he felt, but he just felt a little sad.

The sound of raindrops outside the window was slightly weaker than before, but it still patted the ground tirelessly, as if a curtain had been hung on the street, and everything became a little blurry.

Aoki Si lay on the sofa, folded his hands under his face, tilted his head and watched quietly as Qiong turned towards him with iodine and cotton swabs, knelt on the floor, and stretched out his hand towards his back. hand.

Hiss. When the cotton swab touched the wound, Aokiji's inevitable instinct trembled. He suppressed it and did not show it. Instead, he smiled and whispered: What do you want to eat tonight?

Qiong didn't say anything, but the cotton swab behind him smeared the wound a little more gently.

After cleaning the broken skin and bleeding wound, Qiong turned around and took out the band-aid. His cold hands gently touched Aokiji's strong back, like jelly just taken out of the refrigerator, slightly cool and soft. slip.

Seeing that Qiong didn't reply, Aoki Si pursed his lips and didn't speak again. He just squinted at her little face and was stunned by that delicate face.

Qiong put band-aids on all the wounds, took out the bruise medicine, dabbed it on the palm of his hand, rubbed it, and put his little hand on Aokiji's bruised back.

Aokiji's squinted eyes finally closed, and the touch of Qiong's fingers behind him became a little clearer.

Does it hurt? Qiong's voice was soft and crisp, like a wind chime.

Uh-huh. It doesn't hurt. Aokiji made a negative hum and said in a gentle tone: The injury is not that serious, it just looks scary.

Qiong still didn't reply.

For a long time, the only sound left in the living room was the slight scratching sound of her sleeves against the sofa while applying the medicine. Other than that, the only sound was the sound of rain outside the window.

Aokiji closed his eyes, but suddenly felt a strange feeling of water droplets sliding down his back. He opened his eyes in a panic, and Qiong beside him, who didn't know when, had stopped applying the medicine, a beautiful and cute little face. It was covered with teardrops and was crying silently.

Aoki Si hurriedly sat up, stretched out his hand, and tried to wipe away the tears on her face, but found that there were more and more tears on her face. His pitiful face was full of sadness and pain, and tears flowed down Aoki Si's fingers. , fell to the ground with a thud.

Si, Si, I, my heart hurts so much. Qiong's choked voice, and his words that were somewhat intermittent due to crying, almost instantly made Aoki Si, who had never panicked in the face of dozens of delinquent teenagers, completely panic. Terrified.

Holding her pear-shaped little face, Aokiji said with a hint of pleading: I'm sorry, don't cry, Qiong.

I, I'm so sad. Qiong burst into tears and stretched out his hand and wiped the corners of his eyes, but his expression became more helpless: I, I don't want to cry, but, but I can't help it. Si, I'm so good sad

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