What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 209 The Familiar Siren (55, Book Friends 20190....10,000 rewards for more updates)

Chapter 209 The Familiar Siren (55, Book Friends 201.9 Million Rewards for Additional Updates)

Yo yo yo. Xiangliang made a mocking voice, and as he gradually approached, he said loudly: Why are we just here and you are all over?

Hey, please, any of you who can still fight, please stand up and play with us, okay? Xangliang Meng casually kicked away a Honggao delinquent boy who was lying on the ground and whining. He didn't block the way intentionally. See Looking at Aokiji who was not far away, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

This guy looks a lot scarier than Tomoji.

Xiangliang laughed calmly: Ara ala, isn't this the Tiger of the Dancing Sun, Aoki-kun? Why does he look so miserable? It's really disappointing.

Maeda Tiger roared angrily: Who do you think you are? How dare you do that?

Before he finished speaking, Aokiji reached out to stop him and took a step forward with a calm expression: What do you mean?

No. Xiangliang tilted his head sharply, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled coldly and sinisterly: Well, I still have to say thank you. If it weren't for you, a slippery guy like Mihashi wouldn't be like this. It’s easy for me to catch you.”

What? I knew someone was up to something! Shinji Ito staggered up from the ground and laughed angrily: You were the one pretending to be Wuyang behind the scenes to attack us, isn't that so?


He tilted his head and looked at the expressionless Aoki Tsukasa: There are also friends from Wuyang High School here who beat up our people from Kaijiu High School, so we finally found them and wanted to settle the account with you.

Fart, why would our people beat you guys for no reason? Maeda Tora cursed: You bastard, you come to fight whenever you want, what excuse do you have! I'm always with you!

Seeing Maeda Tora standing unsteadily, Aokiji didn't know what else was left in this guy's head besides blood. He sighed and stood in front of him: In other words, all of this is You are playing tricks behind my back, deliberately instigating a fight between me and Sanqiao, and you are here to reap the benefits, right?

I told you. Xiangliang's face suddenly darkened: You were the ones who provoked us Kaijiu first.

After all, you are so popular that it has dimmed Kaijiu's light. I shouldn't be lying if I say this.

The fierce glare in Xiangliang's eyes was even more intense: If I want to blame, I blame you for blocking my way!

Give me less. Shinji Ito couldn't hold back his anger anymore. He staggered two steps from the ground, suddenly flew up and kicked Sagara away.

However, at this moment, his body, which was already shaken by the beating from Aokiji, was how powerful was the attack?

Sagara Meng didn't even bother to hit him with a baseball bat. He just flew sideways and kicked Shinji Ito to the ground.

Mitsuhashi Takashi drowsily climbed up from the ground, raised his upper body, and said in a trembling voice, Ito!

Aokiji squinted his still red eyes, staring closely at the man on the fierce side of Sagara, and said in a cold tone: It seems that we can't survive without fighting today?

Well, if you don't accept it, come and hit me. Sagara shook the baseball bat in his hand and suddenly tightened it.

I won't hold back this time. Aokiji walked forward slowly, seemingly fearless, with a steady pace and no trace of the weak look he had just now.

At this time, the blood on Aokiji's face has not been washed away, his eyes are red, and his cold expression is even more sinister, like a evil ghost trying to kill himself, very much like a murderous maniac in a horror movie.

There was a hint of fear in Xiangliang's fierce eyes, and the Kaijiu students behind him were even more stiff. For a moment, no one dared to take the initiative.

A bunch of trash! Xiangliang cursed inwardly and tightened his grip on the baseball bat: Come on, let me see how you can face us alone.

Woo!!! The piercing siren suddenly sounded, and from the sound, it seemed to be right at the corner of the street.

Xingliang's face suddenly changed, he glared at Aokiji hesitantly, and cursed angrily: You're lucky! But listen to me, Kaijiu is the strongest high school in Shangcheng District!

After finishing his words, he immediately turned around and said: Let's go!

Unlike Aokiji, Sagara Takeru had just been warned by the police not long ago. If he was caught with someone swaggering through the city at this time, not to mention that he was about to take action, but he was just passing by, and now he was lying on the ground on the street. The bad boy will also make him unable to defend himself.

If the opportunity is lost, you can still find it again, but if you are locked in for some reason, you will be in big trouble!

At least I have to stay there for ten days and a half to receive education. If that's the case, forget it. The key point is that he organized this matter behind Tomohisa Katagiri's back. If he was caught, Tomoshi Katagiri would also be implicated. If it reaches this point, Xiangliang Meng's greater ambition will inevitably be hindered.

He turned around and ran away with a sullen face, more resentment rising in his heart because his plan was thwarted.

It's not over yet, it's not over yet!

Xingliang suddenly turned the corner of the street, took a deep look at Aokiji who was still standing upright in the middle of the street, made a gesture of cutting his throat to him, and then left angrily.

It wasn't until they were completely gone that Aokiji finally breathed a sigh of relief. He suppressed the feeling of weakness and turned to look behind him.

The sirens gradually became louder, but what appeared was not a police car, but a teasing Serizawa Tamao, playing with the black mobile phone in his hand, whistling and raising an eyebrow at himself: Hey, did you see it? Talk about it. In terms of volume, the mobile phone of a poor man like me is better.

Did this guy use this method on purpose because I helped him like this last time?

Serizawa Tamao threw the umbrella and cigarette case that Aokiji gave him for safekeeping to Aokiji. Aokiji put the umbrella on his shoulder and opened the cigarette case, only a solitary cigarette was left inside.

Serizawa Tamao just shrugged, put his hands in his pockets, turned to leave, and said plausibly: What is missing is the storage fee.

Aokiji took out the last cigarette and held it in his mouth. The cigarette, which was slightly wet by the rain, had a fishy smell of rain.

Thank you. Aokiji's tone was very calm.

Serizawa Tamao waved his hand casually: I return the favor. See you again when we are destined.

Tatsukawa Tokio, who was following Serizawa, gave Aoki Tsukasa a thumbs up, raised his eyebrows, hurriedly picked up an umbrella from the park, and caught up with Serizawa Tamao.

Aokiji didn't speak any more, and his eyes became much deeper as he watched Tamao Serizawa gradually walk away.

Looking up, the raindrops in the sky still have no tendency to weaken.

Ahu, go home, have a good rest, and come back to discuss these things tomorrow. Aokiji patted Maeda Tora on the shoulder, took the lighter from his hand, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and left alone without waiting for others to get up. Take the lead on the way home.

Maeda Tora looked at Aokiji's back blankly, secretly clenching his fists: The boss must be very melancholy now, I am still too weak. Damn it, I want to be a general under the boss, but now I can't do anything.

Maeda Tiger gritted his teeth in self-reproach and glanced at the delinquent boys from Wuyang High School who were struggling to get up on the ground. He couldn't help but roared: We have all gone home. This fight was too much. It’s ugly!”

Aokiji walked around the corner alone. When no one saw him, his legs suddenly weakened and he held on to the wall to keep from falling to his knees.

I almost couldn't hold on anymore.

The blurred vision made Aokiji blink hard involuntarily, and he used his umbrella to support the ground, and then he barely stood up straight.

Go home quickly, if you continue like this, you may faint on the street.

Aokiji touched the rainwater on his face, but accidentally touched a few wounds. The pain made him feel a little more energetic, and then he staggered and quickened his pace.

Kaijiu High School?

very good.

I remember!


PS: Let’s talk about the rules of adding updates again. The ten thousand rewards can only be added once. The subsequent updates will only be when you are promoted to the leader. Friends, just give rewards according to your ability. To be honest, if you can give me a subscription, I will Already grateful.

There is nothing to repay, I can only rely on my love. I will try my best to produce more interesting plots. Dear readers, if you have money, please support me with money, and if you have no money, please support me with tickets. The author, I would like to wish you all a happy New Year! (Is it a little late?)

Mainly because I was in a daze while writing code words, and time was blurred. I could only look at the increase in subscriptions and monthly tickets to barely determine whether I would survive another day (I made it clear!)

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