(4000 words.)

The strength of the alien king was beyond their imagination.

There was no room for resistance and the two were easily captured.

Several other members of their team had already fled.


On the outskirts of the native area, alien territory.

Snowflakes were flying in the sky, mixed with the sound of howling wind.

A huge mountain peak towering into the clouds. The mountain peak is covered with various fortifications, mostly made of wood and rocks, with a rough style.

Moving the perspective downward, you can see that everything from the middle of the mountain to the foot of the mountain has been hollowed out. The ground at the foot of the mountain has also sunk diagonally downwards, going deep into the bottom of the mountain, forming a huge cave.

This cave is not naturally formed, and you can see many traces of artificial excavation on it.

This huge, deep underground passage is one of the entrances to the underground alien kingdom.

The same goes for export.

The short aliens were born to live in the dark underground world.

Even today they maintain this tradition.

A huge underground world has long been built underground.

If it weren't for the special force field in the Kingdom of Arant, it would also act on the vertical plane.

The Inhumans even have the ability to hollow out the entire Arrant.

In the alien language, this huge entrance deep into the underground world is called "粕利HUHUSKULL", which is translated in Aramaic as "deep passage".

These entrances deep into the underground kingdom are heavily guarded.

At these entrances, there are constantly transport beasts driven by the Inhumans, pulling heavy carriages in and out.

The materials needed for the operation of the entire underground kingdom, as well as the garbage generated, are entered and transported out through these entrances.

Therefore, the daily flow of people here is quite large, and alien troops are stationed all year round to maintain order.

At this time, several figures who were obviously much taller than the Inhumans walked out of the cave.

Mixed in the convoy of Inhumans, their height is very conspicuous.

But no stranger noticed anything was abnormal. Instead, several low-level alien officers guarding the entrance came forward and said hello to them.

They are Lili and Ni Xia's temporary teammates, Grizzlies and others.

Under the disguise of the Court of Origin, these people are now the leaders of the Inhumans.

It can be said that among the entire alien race, apart from other alien commanders who are on an equal footing with them, only the alien king can order them.

This is also the reason why no one dares to stop a few people here now.

Looking at the foreign officer with a diligent look on his face who was walking out of the snow, Grizzly waved his hand with disgust, signaling the other person to step back.

For no other reason than that, the alien officer who came up was holding a bowl of thick soup made from unknown animal carcasses, with a pale green color, and was about to deliver it to several people.

God knows if you can drink this stuff, and will something happen if you drink it?

But it seems that if you really drink it, there is a high chance of something happening.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Sir, it's such a cold day. Let's have a bowl of soup before leaving."

The alien officer, holding the thick soup in his hand, diligently asked the several "general commanders" in front of him who, in his opinion, had extremely noble status.

He lowered his head, held the bowl of thick soup in both hands and served it. At the same time, he kept winking at the entourage behind him, indicating that he should bring more bowls quickly and not to neglect the adults.


Grizzly Bear was speechless, looking at the thick soup served by the alien officer and his entourage, feeling sick in his heart.

"Sir!" Seeing that Grizzly Bear and others were unwilling to accept his kindness, the alien officer was a little anxious, "This is a nourishing soup made from troll root, barmy elephant root, and phosphorus tiger root. Have a bowl of it." , I guarantee you will stay warm all day long.”

Just listening to the description... this bowl of thick soup is indeed very strange.

"This is a specialty of my hometown and a must-have for traveling in the snow!"

The alien officer's emotional intelligence seems to be a bit low. He completely ignores Grizzly Bear's gloomy face, which can almost squeeze water out of his face, and still promotes the thick soup that is a specialty of his hometown.

"We accept your kindness. You can keep these nourishing soups for yourself."

Another walker next to Grizzly Bear also spoke. The smell of this soup was too pungent, and he couldn't help it anymore. It was too strong.

"Just prepare a warm car for us and a few sturdy transport beasts. The soup is not necessary."

Even if the alien officer had no emotional intelligence, he could still find that these adults did not like the specialties of his hometown, so he could only order his followers to bring these soups back.

We failed to let these adults taste the delicacies of their hometown.

He felt extremely regretful.


Soon, a chariot with a main frame made of wood from plateau coniferous plants and covered with a thick layer of iron armor drove over with several strong transport beasts driven by officers.

"Masters, you want to warm up the car."

Arriving in front of Grizzly Bear and the others, the alien officer got off the transport beast and bowed respectfully.

At the same time, an Inhuman driver was brought in to drive.

"Well, good job, let's go in that direction."

Grizzly Bear opened his mouth and pointed in the direction. Then, several walkers entered the warm car with a built-in stove inside.

The interior space of this warm car is very large for a short Inhuman.

But for walkers, it’s just right.

All the walkers got on the car, and the driver of the car swung his long whip and hit the transport beast.

The transport beasts felt the pain and began to run forward.

The warm car gradually goes away.

The wind and snow howled, and the alien officer just stood there, watching the warm car disappear from sight.

"The adults will probably remember me when they see the food I prepared for them in advance in the heated car."

He thought in his mind.

The reason why he did this was that he hoped to be promoted through the recognition of several "big commanders".


Several strong transport beasts dragged a warm car and ran through the snow forest.

The surrounding plateau coniferous plants that resembled pine trees but were several times taller were constantly being left behind.

An Inhuman driver wearing single clothes was driving the car, humming a tune, and seemed not to feel the cold at all.

The expression on his face actually showed that he was enjoying this feeling.

He is born with a fondness for the cold, which is the ability of some extraordinary creature to like the cold.

Outside the native area, the original habitat of the Inhumans was very barren, and at the same time, it was in severe cold for nearly 3/4 of the year.

Therefore, some aliens with extraordinary cold resistance characteristics became coachmen.

And their innate extraordinary characteristics mean that whether they are driving a car for a big shot or riding a transport beast to transport supplies back and forth, they will not complain, but rather enjoy the cold weather.

At this time, warm the car.

The burning stove radiates heat outwards through thermal radiation, making the entire warm car extremely warm.

"It's already 10 kilometers away. We shouldn't be able to catch up anymore. We can start now."

Grizzly's voice was deep. He was now the leader of the temporary team.

"Ju, let your summons control the driver."

"We will change our route now and prepare to go to the Arant Dynasty."

Grizzly looked at the map projected on the personal terminal in front of him and stated his follow-up plan.

"Yeah, but if we do this, how will our camp mission be completed?"

The female walker named Ju was confused.

Her summons have no effect on friendly targets.

"Submit an application for camp change. I have done this before. Each trial world only has one chance."

The Grizzlies vowed that nothing would happen.

"like this."

With that said, Grizzly Bear started to demonstrate to his companions.

He displayed the prompts he received from the Garden of Origin through the projection of his personal terminal.

"Tip: Yes/No to submit the change of camp selection. This operation opportunity is only once in each trial world."

"Tip: The current camp you can choose is the Inhumans/Arant Dynasty."

"please choose."

"Choose the Arantian Dynasty."

The grizzly bear spoke.

"Tip: The camp change has been completed, and the current camp is - the Arant Dynasty."

"Reminder: According to the basic regulations, you have been forced to forget all relevant information about the alien camp and only retain the most basic common sense information."

"You see, it is indeed possible."

After completing a series of operations, the Grizzlies showed the results of the camp change to their teammates.

The Court of Origin is just.

After the camp is changed, the walkers who change camp will be forced to forget the previous camp information.

But this is not an unbearable price for a few people.


Warm the inside of the car.

Seeing that the method was feasible and reliable, the remaining people immediately started the same operation.

Soon their camp became the Arant Dynasty.

However, it was temporarily changed after entering the trial world.

Their status within the Arantian dynasty is that of the most ordinary soldiers.

But in the hearts of a few people, even the lowest level soldier is countless times better than the leader of the Inhumans.

The camp change was completed, and the Inhuman driver outside the warm car became a hostile target.

Kiku's summons also come into play.

The door of the heated car opened a gap, and a palm-sized creature that resembled a jellyfish floated out and landed on the shoulder of the Inhuman driver.

The movement of the jellyfish was very gentle, and the wind and snow were very heavy, so the Inhuman driver did not notice it.

The next moment, the jellyfish merged into his body, and his pupils contracted for a moment, then returned to normal.

His consciousness has been controlled by Ju.

The driving route of this warm car began to change, heading towards the border land of the Arant Dynasty.



Ju closed the warm car door, but a lot of wind and snow still came in.

The temperature outside was extremely cold. Even though she was a walker and not a melee type, her physical fitness was still far superior to that of ordinary people.

But I still felt the biting cold.

It seems that there is no reason for the Inhumans to covet the fertile land of the Aram Dynasty.

"In this hellish place where birds don't poop, only creatures like aliens can survive."

Ju complained in her heart.

"According to the current speed of travel, it will take at least three days for us to reach the borderland unless something unexpected happens."

Several people in the car had just finished checking the introduction of the new camp and were discussing the next action plan around a map projection.

"The main mission is still unclear. The Court of Origin has only given us information to go to the Holy City of Fisoya within 5 days. There is no additional guidance."

On the side of the grizzly bear, a long-range walker spoke, carrying a large bow on his back.

Things are very different this time.

In the minds of several people.

In the past, every time you entered a new trial world, you would immediately get a clear and well-organized main mission issued by the Court of Origin.

But this time there are some exceptions.

Only one instruction was given for them to proceed to the Holy City.

"Let's go to Fisoya City first. Since Origin has given us information before, we can just follow it. When we get to the Holy City, there will definitely be guidance for the next step."





Several members of the team voted by a show of hands and unanimously passed.

The driver outside the warm car waved the long whip in his hand hard and hit the transport beast hard.

The pain caused these transport beasts to speed up again and rush towards the holy city of Fisoya.

The animal hooves and wheel marks left along the way were all covered by wind and snow.


Arantian Dynasty, Holy City Fisoya.

Had breakfast.

Xu Bai walked alone on the street, walking towards the palace.

The civilians near him subconsciously stayed away, with expressions of respect and panic.

This kind of respect is respect for those who are afraid.

Seeing the reactions of these civilians, Xu Bai felt that the previous commander of the Dark Army was very smart.

Look at this character.

How lifelike it stands.

No one would associate him, a playboy, with the mastermind in the darkness.

Very clever disguise.

Of course, being a dude alone cannot support the character of the leader of the Army of Darkness.

It also requires strong strength.

The original identity of the leader of the Dark Army was the real illegitimate son of the old king.

His personal strength on the surface is one of the best in the entire Arant dynasty.

That's why.

Even if he does some ridiculous things, no one will really dare to do anything to him.

There is no other reason.

Can't beat it.

He also has the personal endorsement of the old king, so not only can he not be defeated, but he cannot be offended.

And behind the scenes, the old king's illegitimate son secretly organized his own small group.

Many of them even penetrated into the military and political system of the Alante Dynasty.

The old king didn't even know this.

What's more, the current heir to the throne, the king's eldest son, Arant Sukhman.


As early as the period of the king of Judah, the Aramaean dynasty had abolished the eldest son succession system.

Instead, the most capable person will be promoted.

But the prerequisite must be the blood of the contemporary king.

The old king of this generation has a total of three sons and one daughter.

Behind every prince or princess, there is more or less the support of some forces.

And the supporter behind the king's eldest son.

That's his uncle.

The imperial lion guarding the borderland of the Arantian Dynasty—Marshal Barratt.


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