(4000 words.)

The Inhumans' proceedings are coming to an end.

Although it is based on the parliamentary system of the Alant Dynasty.

But the situation on the alien side.

It's true that I can't compliment you.

Even in the process of deliberation, several foreign commanders often started fighting in public due to disagreements.

But this kind of thing seems to be very common among the Inhumans.

Several walkers discovered that the strangers sitting around had long been accustomed to this.

The alien king sitting in the center did not stop them either. Only when one of them was about to be beaten to death did the guards step forward and pull them apart.


that's all.

in this case.

The meeting went incredibly slowly.

But the aliens didn't seem to care about this little time.

In order to avoid being exposed if the disguise is not good enough.

None of the walkers offered any opinions of their own.

Of course, even they don't know how to communicate with these beast-like dwarfs.

I can only review the escape plan over and over again in my mind.

Several people have already memorized the entire plan by heart.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, the discussion ended.

The general content of the discussion among the aliens was how to sneak into the royal capital secretly, reinsert the "Holy Sword" into the magic core, and shut it down.

this matter.

It's definitely not possible to let strangers go.

Under the energy field of the magic core, their lifespan is only three hours.

In this little time, it’s too late to do anything.

But it's not impossible.

The Inhumans have been at war with the Arantees for so long, plundering countless people and using them as breeding machines.

As time went by, these humans who were kidnapped into the Inhumans gradually formed a special group among the Inhumans - humans and animals.

Humans and animals, to put it bluntly, are slaves kept in captivity by the aliens. Like livestock, they are raised in the areas planned by the aliens.

Among the Inhumans, humans and animals have become an indispensable part of their lives, and they have many uses.

Whether it is as a tool to vent one's desires, or as food.

When the magic energy core was activated and was located in the Royal Capital of Arant, the force field generating device produced a special force field that was enough to cover the entire city from the Royal Capital to the border.

Humans and animals have a new role.

To put it bluntly, they are still human beings. They are not like the Inhumans, who only have three hours of life within the envelope of the magic force field.

This means that after the overt war between the two sides is over, the Inhumans will secretly control humans and animals through special secret methods, cross the border and enter the territory of Arant, and secretly carry out sabotage plans.

These humans and animals have been brainwashed since childhood, and the Inhumans behind them use secret methods to control their thinking and actions.

The possibility of rebellion is almost zero.

But even so.

The Inhumans have not really allowed animals to carry the key that can close the magic core - the Holy Sword - into the territory of Arant.

Over the years, what these humans and animals have done is more like exploring paths.

There is only one holy sword.

The Inhumans are inherently cunning and treacherous, and they will definitely not take out the Holy Sword easily without complete assurance.


The meeting ended, and the strangers who participated in the discussion left one after another.

Most were standing.

A few were carried out.

The alien king sat there without moving, watching his subordinates leave.

Several walkers also took the opportunity to mix in and tried to walk out quickly.

At this moment, a voice came from behind them.

Several people were very familiar with this voice, it was the Alien King.

"Bujili, it's your turn to accompany me today."

Bujili was originally a female alien leader, but now, her identity has been replaced by the female walker named Li Li.

Hear yourself being called.

Li Li stiffened, pretended not to hear, and walked forward quickly.


She didn't want to have that ugly and short alien king lying on her body and performing some indescribable movements on her belly.

"Bujili, didn't you hear what I said?"

Seeing that his words were ignored, the alien king's face darkened and his voice rose a bit.

The female walker still chose to ignore the alien king. Her companion, a tall and round male walker, deliberately trailed a few steps behind him and blocked his figure.

They are teammates of a temporary team 0.

Except for this level of identity.

That male walker was Li Li's boyfriend in the real world. The two entered the Court of Origin on the same day. Naturally, he couldn't just sit back and watch a green hat being slapped on his head.

"Guards, stop Commander Bugili!"

The alien king stood up, raised his ugly and ferocious paws, and walked towards a few people.

at the same time.

The guards guarding the door all turned their heads.

The weapons in his hands were aimed at Li Li, Commander Bugili, and her boyfriend.


Several of their companions have long since left. Although they are teammates of a temporary team, they have not signed a mandatory contract.

The risk of forcing a contract is too high.

Although the original purpose of this contract is to avoid risks and prevent teammates from rebelling and backstabbing themselves.

But once such a mandatory contract is signed, as long as there is a mentally ill person in the team, he can drag the entire team to death.

Therefore, what several people signed was only a temporary contract.

In a situation like this now, those who stay to help have real feelings in it. Those who don't stay and leave directly are the choices of normal people.


Li Li and her boyfriend were blocked at the door of the conference hall.

Rows of alien soldiers surrounded them, and their temporary teammates had long since disappeared.

Seeing that the situation is not good.

Li Li already held the staff in her hand, and her boyfriend also held a huge halberd in his hand.

His name is Ni Xia.

Of the two of them, Li Li is a magic walker, while her boyfriend Ni Xia is a melee fighter, a berserker type.

The two were surrounded.


The alien king approached, clapped his hands, and signaled the soldiers around him to separate. He pointed at Ni Xia and said, "Char, don't you know that Bujili is my exclusive breeding partner? How dare you and Did she get it together?"

The alien king's attitude was cold, and the surrounding alien soldiers had already tightened their weapons.

Charles is the original name of the alien commander Ni Xia replaced.

The nature of aliens is lustful and promiscuous, and they are not averse to multi-person sports at all, and even most aliens enjoy it.

But this generation of alien kings is an exception. He is extremely selfish. As long as he is interested in breeding, he will never allow any other tribesmen to have any contact with him.

Right now, in the Yiren King's mind, Ni Xia is no different from a dead person.

"Cut off his limbs and let him breathe. I want him to see Bugili and me with his own eyes★★★."

The alien king ordered the surrounding soldiers to take action, and the surrounding alien soldiers immediately rushed forward and pointed their weapons at Ni Xia.

Ni Xia swept away a large number of ordinary alien soldiers with his halberd.

He did not use extraordinary abilities, only his own brute strength.

Li Li, who was on the side, just watched and did not help.

All of her abilities are legal abilities. Even if she releases a low-level fireball technique, a race like Yiren, who are naturally sensitive to extraordinary abilities, will immediately detect it.

Before the origin, it was possible to disguise the identity of the walker, the appearance in the eyes of the natives, and even the shape of the weapon.

Only it will not cover up the fluctuations in the walker's own abilities.

Once one's own abilities are exposed.

Perhaps for the sake of race, the selfish alien king will make some changes.

By the time.

They were afraid that they would be humiliated to death.


on the other side.

More and more alien soldiers surrounded Ni Xia, and wounds could appear on his body.

Without using his own abilities, Ni Xia's 100% combat power would be good if he could achieve 50%.

Like characters in some games.

When adding points to skills, only click on combat skills or ultimate moves, not level A.

Once the combat skills and ultimate moves enter the cooldown, there is no way to deal damage by just relying on level A.

This is the current situation in Ni Xia.

There were more and more wounds on his body, and Ni Xia's health dropped rapidly during the siege.

He gradually couldn't hold on any longer and began to gasp for air.


A strong aura spread from Ni Xia's body.

In an instant, he tore into pieces the alien soldiers surrounding him.

Thick and smelly gray blood spilled all over the floor.

At the critical moment of life and death.

The instinct to survive defeated his reason, and he still used his extraordinary abilities.

"Block away!"

Seeing that there is no room for maneuver.

Ni Xia quickly drank a bottle of recovery potion, immediately pulled Li Li, and the two of them rushed out together.

Outside the meeting hall is a huge underground kingdom built by the Inhumans, with countless underground passages crisscrossing it.

At this time, the noise from the battle here had already alerted many Inhuman soldiers.

Like a tide, a large number of Inhuman soldiers poured out of the passage in front of Ni Xia and Li Li.

There was no way to avoid it, and the staff in Li Li's hand continued to emit light.

Singing magic spells in his mouth.

Firebirds are constantly generated from the space around it.

Breathing tongues of fire, it burns the attacking Inhuman soldiers to ashes.

With their abilities fully activated, the ordinary soldiers of the Inhumans could not stop them at all, and the two figures quickly moved away.

All that was left was the scraps of meat on the ground, and the alien king who stood there motionless.

"The new ability is so wonderful, I have returned to the fragrance, hahahahaha!"

"Bugili, and Charles, you two really gave me a surprise."

"I can't wait to start the large-scale reproduction ceremony."

The alien king lowered his head, looked crazy, and danced with exaggerated body movements.

He was talking to himself there, his tone gradually becoming excited.


The alien king stared at the direction the two left.

"Go ahead and summon all clan members above the commander level to gather at the central altar."

"It's just that new blood needs to be injected into the clan."

The alien king ordered the men next to him.

Facing the two people who escaped, he didn't seem to be in any hurry, but instead gave the order calmly.

His men took the order and left, and the alien king looked again at the direction in which the two people were escaping.

Then he squatted down and dipped his fingers into Ni Xia's blood on the ground.

He reached out to his mouth, stretched out his long and slender tongue, and licked again and again.

"Got you."

The alien king whispered.

The next moment, the alien king's figure disappeared from the spot, as if he had never appeared before.


"Damn it! We're not lost, are we?"

While escaping, Li Li looked a little flustered and kept checking the map in her personal terminal.

This map is a 3D cross-section of the entire Inhuman underground city.

When entering the world, the Garden of Origin was shown to them along with the introduction of the world.

Can be viewed at any time.


While running, Ni Xia comforted, "Grizzly Bear and the others are right in front. We will catch up with them soon."

on the map.

The lights representing Li Li and Ni Xia, their temporary teammate Grizzlies, and others are already very close.

"These guys actually abandoned the two of us and ran away."

When Ni Xia thought of this, she gritted her teeth angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

The other party has no obligation to stay and help him.

This is normal.

The two of them continued to run, with the Inhumans chasing them behind them.

During the escape process, other soldiers from the Inhuman race would continue to attack them from the side roads.

But fortunately, they were resolved one by one by the two of them.

at this time.

Seeing that he was about to rendezvous with his teammates in front, Ni Xia, who was a melee type, suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

It seemed like some great terror was coming.

The next moment, without any warning, a short figure appeared out of thin air in front of Ni Xia.

It is the alien king.

The moment he saw the alien king, there was a bang in Ni Xia's mind and his scalp felt numb.

The aura exuding from the other party was too terrifying.


The halberd in his hand emitted a dazzling light.

Ni Xia couldn't allow Ni Xia to think too much. Facing the enemy in front of him, he raised the halberd in his hand without hesitation, aimed it at the short alien king, and chopped it down on the head!


In an instant, a layer of air waves spread out, causing cracks in the surrounding rocks.

Ni Xia used all his strength in this attack.

But the scene before him stunned him.

He tried his best to strike, but the alien king easily caught it with two fingers.

The alien king clamped the blade of the halberd between his fingers, his body motionless.

Twist two fingers together.

A fine "crunch" sound sounded.

In an instant, cracks appeared on the halberd blade.

Immediately afterwards, the entire halberd blade was shattered into pieces and scattered on the ground.

"This...this...this is impossible!!!"

Ni Xia's face was full of disbelief.

He was shocked.

That halberd is a piece of silver-level equipment, extremely durable and extremely strong.

But at this moment, the alien king used two fingers to easily cut the halberd blade into pieces.

"How is it possible... you are like a bed bug, how is it possible..."


There was a loud bang.

Before Ni Xia could finish his words, the alien king instantly approached and kicked him on the wall not far away.

act recklessly.

After casually deflecting Li Li's magic attack, the alien king stared at her and ordered in an irresistible tone:

"Come with me, the species needs you, and the breeding ceremony is ready."


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