Then why are you so casual? Don't you know these books are precious?

Takasago Chie was a little crazy, while Igarashi spread his hands.

You may not believe it, but Sei Senjumura is the light novelist I am responsible for, so it is not difficult for me to get her autograph?


Takasago Chie was surprised at first, but then she understood a little bit.

In this way, everything makes sense.

Precisely because the Senshou Fengzheng was excavated by Igarashi. Therefore, Dengeki Bunko will favor him very much, giving a full-time editor great power without assigning too much work.

And this is Zi's collection. Maybe it was not bought with fifty yuan, but a gift given by Dengeki Bunko as a reward?

As for what Igarashi has said more than once, that he is the boss behind Dengeki Bunko or something like that, Takasago Chie doesn't believe it.

Takasago Chie, who thought she had understood everything, let out a breath and felt happy for Igarashi's luck. Then she looked at [Demon Sword Fantasy Legend] with gleaming eyes and spoke hesitantly.

Is it really possible?

Of course, please accept it.

Chapter 1259 She is excellent

Although Igarashi said that the signed version of Demon Sword Fantasyden was not something too precious, it was a bit regretful to see that Takasago Chie only thanked herself and did not perform any more practical and effective actions to express gratitude.

As a gentleman, of course Igarashi could not extort a favor with words or gestures when he had just shown his generosity.

He just writes regret on his face,

Takasago Chie, who knew Igarashi's character well, naturally understood what he meant. The girl hesitated for a moment, then blushed and touched Igarashi's cheek like a dragonfly touching water.

Is this okay?

Well, according to the light novel, now it's a happy ending.

Igarashi was indeed satisfied. Although it was just a gentle kiss, things will turn out to be the opposite, and going too far is never enough.

Takasago Tomoe usually looks calm and generous, but she is not the type who is too proactive when it comes to relationships. This is something Igarashi knows very well, so he behaves very proactively, but within a just right range.

Walking out of the treasure room, Takasago Chie's eyes were on the door plate with Izumi Sagiri's name hanging on it. But the room that had been closed stayed for a moment, looking at Igarashi silently.

She was hesitating whether she should meet Izumi Sagiri.

As a good friend of Igarashi Wei and interested in becoming Izumi Sagiri's sister-in-law, Takasago Chie naturally wanted to establish a good relationship with the other party first.

Although Igarashi and Izumi Sagiri have different surnames, and of course they are not related by blood. After being cared for by Igarashi for such a long time, Izumi Sagiri may have special feelings for him, but Takasago Chie feels that You shouldn't hold back because of this.

However, whether Takasago Chie will shrink back is one thing. If she harasses Izumi Sagiri without permission, it will cause this little otaku to have negative emotions. It is another.

If possible, Takasago Chie does not want to cause trouble to Igarashi. After all, she came to visit because of Igarashi. If Izumi Sagiri is dissatisfied and even angry at Igogan, that is a scene that Takasago Chie does not want to see. .

Igarashi can roughly guess what Takasago Chie is thinking.

I've already tried to change Sagiri. Although it's not enough to let her go out to play, it doesn't matter if she meets my friends. Well, if she doesn't want to, I'll have to take some coercive measures.

At the end of the sentence, Igarashi's voice was deliberately raised.

Izumi Sagiri knew it the moment Takasago Chie came to visit.

Although Sagiri Izumi spends a lot of time in the bedroom, she usually just curls up in the room to draw or look up information on painting and is always quiet. Without other sound interference, you can naturally hear the doorbell ringing loud enough, and you don't even need a bug.

After realizing that Igarashi and the girl who had obviously had a close relationship with him came to visit in the middle of the night, Izumi Yoro slowly hurriedly locked Shindo on the door of the room.

She did not install any bugs on the second floor, because unlike the living room, it was a bedroom, and it was a place where personal privacy was relatively respected.

Izumi Sagiri, who had been eavesdropping, naturally heard what Igarashi said. Even if he didn't pay attention, Izumi Sagiri could hear it clearly.

Although today's girls still resist contact with strangers, it doesn't matter if they are friends recognized by Igarashi.

Izumi Sagiri carefully opened the door and looked out from the door.


Izumi Sagiri saw Takasago Tomoe who was cute, beautiful and full of gentle temperament, and Takasago Tomoe also saw a girl who was like a snowflake.

After a brief trance, Takasago Tomoe quickly introduced herself.

I am Takasago Tomoe, Igarashi's classmate. I also work as a clerk at my family's bookstore on weekends. I often heard Igarashi mention you, and after we met, I realized that you are a cuter girl than I imagined.

Takasago Chie was cautious this time. If you think about too many things. It made Igarashi laugh dumbly.

Seeing that Takasago Tomoe seemed super nervous, Izumi Sagiri felt a lot more relaxed.

But this does not mean that she can talk to Takasago Chie normally.

At this moment, Izumi Sagiri has turned her pitiful eyes to Igarashi for help.

He opened the door slightly and greeted Takasago Tomoe. This is already the limit of what Izumi Sagiri can do now.

Okay, okay, now that we have met each other, we can be considered friends from now on, right? I will give Sagiri your contact information to Chie, okay?


Izumi Sagiri swallowed and closed the door again, making Takasago Chie reveal her sleepy look.

Does she agree or refuse?


He's really introverted beyond imagination.

It is true that her nominal guardian is very concerned about this.

What about you? Don't you care?

As long as Sagiri doesn't have any psychological problems, I'm still willing to let her maintain her current lifestyle. You may not believe it, but Sagiri already has a formal job. She is very good at being able to support herself at this age.


Igarashi, who returned to the lobby on the first floor, was talking to Takasago Tomoe when another sound of stepping on the floor came from the ceiling.

Izumi Sagiri made no secret of the fact that she was eavesdropping, and expressed strong protest against Igarashi's intention to reveal to Takasago Chie that she was Eromando, and perhaps she was shy about being suddenly awarded a special prize.

Takasago Tomoe didn't know that Izumi Sagiri stepping on the floor was an extremely healthy thing. At this moment, I thought the other party was angry. Stand up quickly.

It's getting late, I should go home.

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