Father did not agree at first, but after knowing that I came to you, he didn't stop me. But I have to go back before ten o'clock.

Takasago Chie's eyes were a little wandering, and she remembered her father's words.

In fact, after knowing that he was coming to Igarashi, his father said that he could stay up all night. As for where he would stay after staying up all night, it was self-evident.

But the girl didn’t want to be eaten up and wiped clean by Igarashi so casually. She just missed Igarashi a little when she came here this time. After all, the two of them had not seen each other for a long time, more than 24 hours. Woolen cloth.

Ten o'clock? Ten o'clock tomorrow morning? Okay. I'll make your bed right now.

Igarashi tried to stand up, but Takasago Tomoe held her shoulders down.

It's ten o'clock in the evening. It was before ten o'clock tonight. I have to go to school tomorrow. How can I go home at ten o'clock in the morning? Asshole.

What a disappointment.

Igarashi pretended to shake his head and sighed. This caused Takasago Chie to glare at him angrily.

However, the original shyness has indeed been reduced by half.

The girl had the time to look around at Igarashi Wei's residence.

This is my first time coming to your house. It's quite clean. I was already prepared to help you clean it.

Cleaning? Wouldn't that make your clothes dirty?

You can wash it when you go home, it's okay.

Wearing beautiful clothes is to let Igarashi see the best version of himself, and helping with cleaning is simply helping.

There is no conflict between the two, and even if there is a conflict, Takasago Tomoe will resolve it herself.

There's no need to clean it now. There's nothing special about my house that's worth visiting, come to think of it. Are you upset?

Have dinner before coming here.

Then, let me show you my treasure room.

Igarashi took Takasago Chie's hand and came to another room next to his bedroom.

Only Igarashi and Izumi Sagiri live in this two-story house, so there is naturally a lot of space that can be used as they please.

Chapter 1258 That is Chuyang in the light novel world

Limited edition light novels, comics, games, as well as figurines whose workmanship is clearly not mass-produced, extremely exquisite, and snacks and drinks packed full of items.

Looking at Igarashi's treasure room, Takasago Chie was stunned.

Of course, the girl is not disgusted by the otaku nature revealed everywhere in this room. She is a girl who likes royal treasure culture, otherwise she would not have set up a light novel corner in her bookstore. What shocked Takasago Chie was the financial resources revealed by Igarashi.

The cheapest items in this room are probably the snacks and drinks, and the rest are all limited edition light novels, comics, etc. Nowadays, it seems that they are all of a priceless type. They are purchased by enthusiasts on the Internet at very high prices. As for those figures that are so exquisite that they can be called works of art. That should also be the price of art.

Although artists were dismissive of it, young people loved it.

Originally, Takasago Chie had always thought that Igarashi and Izumi Sagiri's lives were not very wealthy, so Igarashi went to Dengeki Bunko to work part-time as an editor.

Fortunately, it seems that Igarashi is a well-deserved super academic in school and has received numerous awards. In addition, a talented person actually became a part-time editor of Dengeki Bunko as an accidental student.

At first, after knowing Igarashi's identity, Takasago Chie was sincerely happy. She was still worried about how to help Igarashi without offending his pride.

Later, Igarashi was suspected of using his editorial authority to help Yingsha Bookstore so that the bookstore always enjoyed above-average treatment and could obtain a large supply of goods from the publishing house. In addition, there was also a return channel for unsold books. In addition to paying some basic fees. The bookstore is almost guaranteed to make a profit.

Even so, Takasago Tomoe wanted to persuade Igarashi to stop doing things that might offend Dengeki Bunko, but she was worried about accidentally involving the other person's sensitivity, so she always hesitated.

As a result, what did Takasago Chie see now?

Money, it’s all money.

When Takasago Chie was silent. Igarashi is introducing his collection.

In fact, it is not a collection. It should be said that collections are more appropriate. The things that Igarashi really likes are sent directly to the small world of the Space Bag or the Sword of Prosperity.

Of course, sending it to the small world is almost the same as sending it to Nayako from the king.

Now Igarashi can probably understand why Nayako is interested in human light novels and comics even though he is an extremely powerful evil god.

Because with the accumulation of time, the highest peak in the field of power that humans can reach will be easily surpassed by immortal species and even stronger beings, and what is left is knowledge.

No matter whether they are interested in knowledge or have no desire to explore knowledge, they will not be interested in humans.

At least, Igarashi has never encountered a world where the high level of technology is so powerful that it exceeds the individual's strength, and the world of Takuo Princess has not reached this level. After all, there are Cheetos suppressing it.

But from a media perspective, many things about human beings are quite interesting.

This is what Igarashi thinks now, letting his interests drive him to do things he likes and collect things he likes.

If there is anything you like, I can give it to you? Think of it as a small gift for your first visit.

Give it to me, really?!

Takasago Chie was moved.

Her eyes couldn't help but look at the signed version of the light novel - Demon Sword Fantasy.

This is a rising morning star in Dengeki Bunko. This morning star has even risen to the sky and turned into the scorching sun.

Sentomura Sei, the author of Youshou Fantasyden, is obviously just a new light novelist writing a book for the first time. But he has extremely sophisticated literary strategies and plot concepts. Without any special promotion, WoD Fantasy Legend was a hit.

In recent years, Dengeki Bunko has no super popular works, so it often holds competitions such as the Rookie Light Novel Taishou, hoping to get new blood with potential.

Sei Senjumura is a light novelist who has proven his ability without participating in the competition.

Also, super mysterious.

No book signing has been held, there is no relevant information on the Internet except for a pseudonym, and even the gender is unknown.

As a result, Takasago Chie now has a complete set of Demon Sword Fantasy Legend signed by Senjumura Sei in front of her?

A treasure, no, I should say a masterpiece.

Want this set of light novels? No problem.

Igarashi took out a bag and put [Demon Sword Fantasy Legend] in it with an overly casual movement, causing Takasago Chie to ask involuntarily.

Um, these signatures couldn't have been forged by you yourself, right?

How is it possible? This is indeed Yu Shou Fengzheng's autograph.

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