Igarashi didn't get out of the car, but sat on a seat not far away and fiddled with his mobile phone.

Yamada Fairy felt like a fool when he spied on the other person from time to time.

The destination of this train is not only Adachi City. Why am I suspicious? I just thought about Igarashi's intention to do whatever he wants with me. Sure enough, he is mostly writing light novels.

Yamada Fairy comforted herself in her heart and calmed down her mood.

Then there was a voice announcing the station name from the train, and his destination was about to arrive.

When the Yamada Fairy was about to get out of the car, the girl was shocked to find that Igarashi also stood up.

Have a problem? There's definitely something wrong with this, right? !

Looking at the other person's well-dressed appearance, let's assume that he doesn't want to do anything bad.

So, do I really live nearby or plan to come here to buy something, or do I want to confirm the location of my home to prepare for future submissions?

Yamada Fairy's heart went through ups and downs like a roller coaster in a short period of time. At this moment, she felt like never before that she was actually a guy who judged people by their appearance.

If Igarashi looked like a wretched uncle, the current Yamada fairy would not be so calm.

I have learned that if a boy is handsome enough, he will not be afraid of doing something suspicious and will not cause strong disgust in girls.

Next time, if the readers of [Burning Dark Fairy] and their servants dare to question the protagonist's emotional affairs, I will use this life experience to fight back.

Having said that, when the Yamada Fairy walked all the way and almost reached the door of her house, she saw Igarashi still casually following her not far away, and the girl was really a little scared.

Unlike other bustling places in Tokyo, Adachi Ward actually has a suburban feel, and there are not too many pedestrians here.

Moreover, I live alone!

Finally unable to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, Yamada Fairy stopped, holding his mobile phone in his left hand and the anti-wolf stun device in his right hand. Turning around, he glared at Igarashi who was still playing with his phone.

Hey, you guy, what do you want to do by following me all the way?

Igarashi finally raised his head, a look of purity and integrity on his face.

I want to go home.

Chapter 1248 Not to the point of spoiling


Yamada Fairy was immediately laughed out of Igarashi's anger.

Are you trying to tell me that your home is not only in Adachi Ward like mine, but also on the same street as mine? 2

Now, the Yamada Fairy is ready to call the police, and the anti-wolf stun device can also ensure his safety for a period of time before the police arrive. In addition, there are still pedestrians passing by from time to time not far away. Moreover, the Yamada Fairy has only stated that his home is on this street, but has not revealed the detailed location. Even if Igarashi is captured, it will be difficult to retaliate.

Yamada Fairy has considered everything very clearly.

If this is the street where your home is, then we are indeed destined.

Seeing the Yamada Fairy's expression as if she was facing a formidable enemy, Igarashi did not intend to tease her anymore. After saying this, he walked forward on his own.

As for the anti-wolf electric shock device, if it is aimed at ordinary people, it is indeed somewhat effective, but for Igarashi, it is not even a toy.

However, the Yamada Fairies carry gadgets that can protect themselves, which is worthy of praise.

The Yamada Fairy didn't move, just stood there, quietly watching Igarashi move away.

Just when she thought Igarashi was about to disappear from sight and was secretly relieved, Yamada Fairy was shocked to find that Igarashi actually took out the key and opened the door of a house.

That house——

Not only is it on the same street as my own home, this is a close neighbor!

Yamada Fairy looked at the residence that Igarashi entered, whose architectural style was no different from other ordinary residential houses on the street, and then looked at the building next to it.

The exterior is covered with green ivy, and it is a manor-style mansion with a Western style mainly made of white building materials.

Although nearby residents thought it was an abandoned house that had been idle for many years, and some even regarded it as a haunted house, in fact it was the home of Yamada Goblin.

Since becoming a light novelist. After writing The Dark Fairy of Explosion, Fairy Yamada also achieved financial independence. She successfully left the shelter of her relatives, spent her own money to buy her own home, and lived here alone.

Of course, the direct reason is that the light novel needs to be animated. Most of the various animation production companies gather in Tokyo. As the original work, Yamada Fairy needs to attend meetings about the animation of his own works from time to time, so he moved directly to Tokyo.

The Yamada fairy, who spent a long time digesting the fact that Igarashi happened to live next door to her own house, opened the door of her house. Compared with reading the contract given to her by Dengeki Bunko, the girl had more important things to think about. Do.

She first ran to the room on the first floor near Igarashi's residence and looked at it carefully.

There is a balcony opposite, but the glass sliding door leading to the balcony is closed all year round. Moreover, there was a thick curtain hanging on the door. The mountain fairy once looked around at night when he had nothing to do.

She couldn't even tell through the curtain whether the light was on in that room.

Therefore, Yamada Fairy always thought that room was unused, and the other rooms in the house did not have a good view of his own home. Because of this, Yamada Fairy was less careless when he stayed at home. But now that she knows Igarashi lives here, the Yamada fairy decides to pay a little more attention to her words and deeds at home.

Realizing that he had made a false alarm, Yamada Fairy regarded Igarashi as a not-so-obscene guy, but he was still a guy full of bad taste.

The girl never believed that Igarashi didn't notice that she was scared and thinking wildly along the way. In fact, if Igarashi hadn't been silent to her all the time, pretending to play with her mobile phone, but still following along, The Yamada Fairy is not so worried.

That guy did it on purpose!

After complaining about Igarashi in his heart, Fairy Yamada just sat down, took out the contract and read it carefully.


When Igarashi came home, Izumi Sagiri happened to be picking up the express delivery.

This little otaku resists contact with people outside of her family. She doesn’t even want to meet her classmates from the school she originally attended, let alone strangers.

However, Izumi Sagiri needed to buy something after all, and a shopping method called online shopping solved the girl's trouble of not wanting to go out. But when express delivery is at its peak, there will be some minor twists and turns.

Izumi Sagiri didn't want to have any contact with the courier. Every time the courier rang the doorbell, Sagiri would huddle in the room, quietly pretending that no one was home. When the courier thought no one was home and left the courier at a nearby receiving point or waited for the next delivery, Izumi Sagiri would beg Igarashi to pick up the courier for her.

This request is naturally not a big deal for Igarashi, but it is not good to always have the courier make two trips. Igarashi can give Izumi Sagiri care, but he will not overly pamper her to the point where she gets used to causing trouble for others.

So Igarashi paid a construction company to install an iron gate in his yard, and asked Sagiri to change the recipient's mobile phone number to his in the future, so that even if Igarashi is not at home, he only needs him Talk to the courier. The other party will put the express delivery in the yard through the gap in the fence, so there is no need to make another trip.

Did Izumi Sagiri learn anything from this incident?

Judging from how she later specifically asked about the cost of the modification and handed the money to Igarashi, she probably gained something.

Welcome home, brother.

Izumi Sagiri has already mastered the ability to identify intruders by sound, so she did not respond when the door was opened. Instead, she stood where she was. He whispered hello to Igarashi.

Such a scene made Igarashi smile.

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