At this time, Kagurazaka Iris could not remain silent.

Don't you ever lack for inspiration?

Is this girl really a genius?

Although [The Dark Fairy of Explosion] is not an earth-shattering masterpiece in the eyes of Kagurazaka Iris, it is undoubtedly an excellent work. If Yamada Fairy accumulates some writing experience and improves his writing skills, then it will undoubtedly be a masterpiece. , if she has never lacked inspiration while writing a book, then it really is...

Of course, if I want, I can summon the completed manuscript from the demon world.

Well, it turned out to be a chuunibyou.

Kagurazaka Iris, who originally wanted to explore the secret of Yamada Fairy's inspiration, pouted at this moment and turned around to walk out of the conference room.

I'll get you some drinks.

Eh? Why did you leave so simply? Shouldn't you be showing an expression of indescribable shock at this time? Or admiration? You should at least ask me for the detailed steps?!

The Yamada Fairy stretched out his hand stiffly to stop Kagurazaka Iris from leaving. However, when he realized that Igarashi was still there and was looking at him with a bad look like he was watching a play, the Yamada Fairy immediately calmed down.

So what's your answer?

I can be your editor. After all, she is a beautiful girl who is pleasing to the eye. If you think about it carefully, I won't suffer.

If this sentence were said by a middle-aged man with poor appearance, the Yamada Fairy would feel disgusted.

But the Igarashi who speaks is a very handsome type. If he didn't deliberately control his facial expressions, he would show some malicious expressions from time to time. The appearance and temperament of the guy in front of me can really satisfy a series of beautiful fantasies that girls have in adolescence.

Of course, Yamada Fairy asked herself that she was not such an innocent and ignorant girl, she just didn't feel disgusted by Igarashi's casual words.

So, this is the contract. Yamada Fairy-sensei's new book will be released electronically in Dengeki Bunko and participate in the online Newcomer Light Novel Award. If you can get the top three in the award, in addition to the ranking you would have received In addition to the rewards, Dengeki Bunko promised to let Mr. Eromanga and Mr. Yamada Goblin cooperate.

Kagurazaka Iris brought two drinks and a contract at the same time.

Yamada Fairy did not sign her name immediately. Although she acted a bit arrogant before, she was not an idiot. She would let someone with corresponding legal knowledge determine the contents of the contract.

At the same time, Kagurazaka Iris's last words also reminded Yamada Fairy.

When I was collaborating with Eromanga, who was supposed to be a lecherous uncle, if the other party asked me to meet in private on the pretext of discussing the character in the work, I might be able to ask the editor Igarashi for help.

Glancing at Igarashi who was drinking a drink in perfect condition next to him, Fairy Yamada felt that he was a genius.

When the time comes, if there is a conflict, whether it is Erromanga's wretched uncle being beaten by Igarashi, or Igarashi being beaten by Erromanga, it will be a good thing.

Goo hey hey.

Then Fairy Yamada-sensei can check the contract first, and then it doesn't matter whether you hand it over to your editor or come directly to the library to hand it over to me. I still have work to do, so I'll excuse you for now.

After Kagurazaka Iris finished speaking, he nodded at Igarashi, turned around and left the conference room.

As a senior editor in the library, she actually has a lot on her plate. If she doesn't hurry up and get back to her desk now, she might have to work overtime in the future.

Well, Fairy Yamada, I have finished my work and plan to go home. Do you have anything else to do?

Have you finished your work? What work? It's only two o'clock in the afternoon, and you're already planning to go home from get off work? This work has become much easier.

Helping Kagurazaka Iris solve a big problem called the Yamada Fairy is undoubtedly a lot of work.

Chapter 1247 What do you want to do by following me all the way? !


Fairy Yamada is now certain that Igarashi is deliberately targeting him.

This is really unreasonable. Shouldn’t it be the case that editors are fawning over the outstanding Qing Xiaojia? You must know that an editor's performance is largely judged by the sales volume of the light novelist's works he is responsible for. Is this guy really not greedy for fame and fortune?

Just wait, wait until this lady’s new book wins first place in the Newcomer Light Novel Awards, and then trample on those veteran authors from Dengeki Bunko. By then, can you still maintain your current posture?

Yamada Fairy thought angrily in his heart. After a moment, he came back to his senses and found that Igarashi had not left without permission. He was still sitting quietly, as if waiting for himself to give him the question Is there anything else about you? For the answer to the question, let’s give him a thumbs up.

If the editor leaves just because the assigned work is completed, the light novelist he is responsible for will be left behind. Although there is nothing wrong with the regulations, there is no doubt that it will give people an extremely bad feeling.

Igarashi's only good performance so far actually gave Fairy Yamada a feeling of relief.

Just wait for my new book, bye!

The Shanjiuda fairy said goodbye word by word, stood up and walked towards the elevator.

As a result, Igarashi also came.

By the way, he said before that he wanted to go home, but now it was natural to take the elevator to leave the library, and the Yamada Fairy didn't say much.

However, after getting off the elevator and walking out of the library, Igarashi was still following him.

What is this intended to do? Blatant tailgating?

You can't be deliberately teasing yourself again, right? Follow him in a pretentious manner, and then when you can't help but question him, you will calmly say that the house is nearby, or say that you want to buy something at a nearby convenience store. In that case, you will still be the one who is embarrassed.

Feeling that he had discovered Igarashi's sinister intentions, the Yamada fairy glanced at him sideways, said nothing, and walked ahead on his own.

Dengeki Bunko is located in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, a famous bustling area, and the home of Yamada Fairy lives in Adachi District, which is the last area in Tokyo. Now to go home all the way, first take the train for ten minutes, and then from It takes nearly twenty minutes to walk from the station to get home, which adds up to more than half an hour, which is really not a short time.

The Yamada Fairy pretended not to see Igarashi.

Even if this guy really didn't just want to tease, he wouldn't dare to do anything in public.

There are many people in Chiyoda Ward.

Yamada Fairy actually chose a time specifically and came to Dengeki Bunko during a time that was not during the rush hour. At this time, the trains would not be overcrowded, which would save Yamada Fairy a lot of trouble.

If there was something urgent, she would ask her brother to drive her here. It would be unbecoming for the dignified savior of the light novel world to be crowded around by ordinary mortals.

Then Yamada Fairy saw Igarashi getting on the same train as him.

coincide? coincide!

Yamada Fairy tried his best to comfort himself. Igarashi looked quite righteous and Yamada Fairy would not call the police immediately.

Yes, if Igarashi was a middle-aged uncle, once it was determined that the other party got off at the same stop as him by coincidence, the Yamada fairy would not hesitate to call the police.

Even if it is a future editor, the contract has not been actually signed yet. Besides, even if it is actually signed, it is not right for the editor to follow the light novelist without authorization.

Although, it has been said that if a light novelist fails to submit a manuscript by the deadline, the editor will come to urge them.

Tsk...Is this what Igarashi had in mind?

Yamada Fairy took a deep breath and decided to continue observing.

Five minutes, ten minutes.

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