Not to mention Igarashi who can pry into the legal principles at will, even ordinary people who are completely unable to feel special mental fluctuations should be able to detect the strangeness.

Igarashi did not respond to the words of Princess Kiriha and Himeira Yukina, he flicked his fingers lightly. This caused Saki Kiriha and Ji Hiiragi Yukina to break free from their mind-controlled state and fell into a coma for a short time.

Then, Igarashi looked at Eguchi Yuhitomi, or the existence that was in charge of Eguchi Yuhitomi's body at the moment.

When I first learned about the strongest dream demon, I thought it was a soul that had lived for countless years. But now it seems that you don't have too much experience, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a flawless thing. Control, can you tell me the reason?”

Eguchi Yuhitomi, who had already shown an excited smile and wanted to watch the next developments of Igarashi, Princess Kiriha and Himehiraki Yukina, froze because of this unexpected change of circumstances, and then returned after a moment. He quickly hid his shock and tried to maintain a normal expression on his face.

Luye and Yuhitomi both call me Riliu, you can call me that too.

Lishu did not answer Igarashi's question, or she deliberately avoided it. She looked at Kiriha Feizaki and Yukina Himeira who were sent to the sofa by invisible forces after they fell into coma, showing a playful smile. .

Are you really not going to do something? This is such a rare opportunity?

It's hard to get a chance? Are you saying that with my little mental control ability just now, if I want to, I can make a girl fall in love with me in an instant. In a way that is far superior to mental control, but I'm not that Do, so it's better not to use the word 'opportunity'.

With just a glance, Igarashi confirmed Riliu's true form.

It is not the so-called soul of Lilith, but the product of Eguchi Yuhitomi, who wanted to escape the identity of the Incubus, and separated the Incubus' abilities from some negative emotions. It can be regarded as the first personality that can use the power of the Incubus.

Igarashi's words made Riryu frown, just like Eguchi Yuhitomi. Lishu didn't like the power of the dream demon very much, and even resisted this kind of force. Therefore, she made a decision. However, she heard Igarashi call the ability of the world's strongest dream demon weak. Li Shu was still unhappy with the mental control.

Riliu, who originally did not regard Igarashi as a target of mind control, began to take action against Igarashi.

Chapter 1224 I can help you

Not to mention a mere World's Strongest Dream Demon who has not yet reached its peak, even a blood-devouring attack on the world itself to exert mental control over Igarashi is destined to fail.

Although the strengths and weaknesses of different worlds are very different, Igarashi, as a person who transcends the world, at least compared to the blood-devouring world, he is the one who takes the initiative. The spiritual power of this kind of goal Mental control, which must be lower than the user's own to be truly effective, has no effect on Igarashi.

In fact, if he hadn't deliberately restrained all the mysteries surrounding him and would fight back when attacked, Lishu, who was trying to control Igarashi's mind unreasonably, would have been washed away by the power of the law.

Even now Li Shu felt great fear.

It's not that Igarashi did anything to her, but like a mouse provoking a wild cat, like a lamb raising its undeveloped horns to a hungry wolf, it was a weak being taking action against an absolutely strong natural enemy. Panic caused by overestimating one's capabilities.

Even so, the original Riliu couldn't detect it.

Because the gap between her and Igarashi is too big, even wider than the distance between heaven and earth.

But Shi Si helped.

as the will of the world. The moment Igarashi enters the world, he will naturally notice it.

The will of the world hopes that Igarashi, who is suspected to be the highest being on the order side, can have more goodwill towards this world. According to its observations and calculations, the best way for Igarashi to show goodwill towards the world itself is to make this world's Excellent women have more interactions with them.

In addition, giving it strong power would have an effect, but World Will does not think it can come up with something that satisfies Igarashi.

As the strongest dream demon, Riyu is naturally an excellent woman, but she provoked Igarashi without any intention.

The world intends to let her understand the difference between him and Igarashi, otherwise Lishu will be killed by Igarashi's palm, and the world will feel very wronged if he is angered.

In the past, World Will took action in many aspects and tried to change some things that might make Igarashi disgusted.

Igarashi could sense Lishu's current state.

Although Rishu's attempt to control Igarashi after directly controlling Yukina Himiragi and Kiriha Hiiragi just now was somewhat provocative, Igarashi knew that she actually had no ill intentions.

Previously, Igarashi had received detailed information about the other party.

At the beginning, Eguchi Yuhitomi's parents were educating her because their daughter failed to achieve good grades in school. In fact, they did not beat or scold her, but their tone was harsher. Eguchi Yuhitomi went berserk because of fear, hurting her. The spirit of his parents prevented him from waking up for a long time. In addition, similar things happened after a conflict with a classmate. In order to stop hurting others, Eguchi Yuhitomi voluntarily was locked up here by Kusuki Happiness Enterprise. Although the area is large, there is no cell with anyone accompanying him.

Kusuki Happiness Enterprise also knows the strength of this dream demon, and they are also wary. They usually rely on electronic devices to communicate with them, so as not to be controlled by the other person's mind and become a vegetative state like their parents, lying in a hospital bed for a long time.

Liliu used her mind control ability very carefully just now. It seemed that she wanted to prank Igarashi, but in fact she wanted to verify whether her control over mind control had improved.

It turns out there isn't much of an improvement.

Himeira Yukina and Fizaki Kiriha are both sword wizards with quite spiritual power. They did not fall into a deep sleep for a long time due to their mental control. But what they did after being controlled was indeed not entirely in line with Li Shu's wishes.

So I still continued to implement the original plan.

After Lishu was shaken out of the state of feeling great fear just now, and had the subconscious mind to cannot attack Igarashi anymore, she recalled what she had done before, and the girl's eyes gradually dimmed.

Kusuki Happiness Enterprise hopes to rely on the power of the dream demon to control Leviathan. Liliu knows this, and the personality of Eguchi Yuhitomi also knows it, and the two of them do not have too strong resistance to this.

Not really wanting to control Leviathan, he helped Kusuki Happiness Enterprises threaten Igarashi and put the residents of Genkami Island in danger. But——

Lishu, do you still plan to follow your original plan? Die in Leviathan's body and use the magic barrier around Leviathan to bind Lilith's soul, which carries the strongest dream demon power, so that you can be freed and Let the strongest dream monster become history once and for all.”

Both Eguchi Yuhitomi and Riryu resisted the power of the dream demon, because this power caused her to lose her parents and classmates, and also lost the childhood that ordinary children should have.

If you simply commit suicide, the soul carrying the power of the incubus will not be destroyed, but will find the next host to start the next tragedy.

If you don't consider the extraneous existence of Igarashi. The power of [The World's Strongest Dream Demon] is actually worthy of its name. After all, it can even control the Leviathan in the deep sea, so it is undoubtedly the power of a strong man.

Power that is too powerful will be difficult to control. At least the two personalities of Eguchi Yuhitomi and Rishu have not been able to fully control such power until now.

In order to avoid causing trouble to others, and to avoid causing the next successor to face tragedy, the two personalities came to the same conclusion - pretending to agree to the requirements of Kusuki Happy Enterprise, and then committing suicide in Leviathan's body.

Eguchi Yuhitomi had told Princess Kiriha this secret, but had not told anyone else. At this moment, Pi Igarashi easily broke through, and the girl was naturally shocked.

Seeing this, Igarashi sighed.

Because your own power is too strong and you can't control it, you want to commit suicide. I don't know whether you two are fools or selfless saints.

Igarashi reached out and rubbed the girl's head, and then said something that made her eyes widen.

I can help you control your power. In addition, I can also help your parents and classmates wake up from their long coma.

Chapter 1225 Make your choice

The biggest factor that made Eguchi Yuhitomi and Rishu decide to commit suicide was the fact that people injured by mind control cannot be revived.

No one wants to die for no reason, at least Eguchi Yuhitomi and Rishu are not this type. They cannot control the power and cannot remedy the people hurt by the power. This is the reason why they seek death.

As a demon special zone, even before it was brought under Igarashi's rule, Genkami Island's medical level was among the best in the world. However, such excellent medical technology was still unable to cure Eguchi Yuhitomi's parents and classmates. This situation made her Fell into despair.

Now, what Igarashi said made Riliu wince, and then she smiled bitterly.

Yes, if it is this being who is feared by all the major forces in the world, it is indeed possible that he has the means to heal those who have been harmed by him, and can even seal his own abilities, or directly and completely eliminate Lilith's soul. Let the power of [The World's Strongest Dream Demon] become history.

Why didn't you and Yutong think of this in the first place? Instead, he wanted to cooperate with Kusuki Happiness Enterprise and commit suicide by relying on Leviathan.

Riryu sighed and returned control of her body to Eguchi Yuhitomi.

Originally, due to the arrival of Igarashi, Eguchi Yuhitomi, who discovered that the development of things was unexpected, let his other personality control the body, mainly because Lishu could use the dream demon's ability more skillfully to deal with emergencies. At the same time, There are also some who want to anger Igarashi, and then reveal their identity to see if the other party can kill them completely.

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