At the very least, the memories of the participants in the plan will be erased, and only a small number of upper-level officials will be spared.

And Princess Kiriha herself is not the upper echelon of the Taishi Bureau. She was ordered to come to Genkami Island to express the friendly attitude of the Taishi Bureau to Igarashi. At the same time, she was also the scapegoat when Igarashi discovered the secret and was angered. .

Chapter 1222 Eguchi Yutong

Feizaki Kiriha's body trembled, and a look of relief suddenly appeared on her face that had always been a little cold.

This is just like ordinary students who are nervous and worried about passing or getting high marks when the teacher reads their grades. It was a moment of relief when I found out that my grades were as bad as ever.

Because I had been tortured by tension and various pressures for a long time, I even got a result that I didn't expect to see. There will still be a sense of relief, at least for this moment you no longer have to bear the psychological pressure.

Without the uncertainty and uneasiness about the unknown, the last hope of luck in Qin He's heart was completely shattered. All he had to do was calmly close his eyes and wait for death.

From Feizaki Kiriha's point of view, knowing the original purpose of the Taishi Bureau, Igarashi might not directly destroy it violently due to the status of the Taishi Bureau, but his own ending is destined to not be very happy.

In addition to being the messenger of goodwill expressed by the Taishi Bureau to contact Igarashi, he was also the punching bag and scapegoat when the past was exposed. Kiriha Feizaki clearly knew the role he played.

When she thought she was about to die, Princess Kiriha had already begun to recall her monotonous, hard and dangerous life. However, the next moment, she heard Igarashi's words.

I won't do anything to you, just open your eyes.

There is no anger, and there is no sound that feels suppressed or low.

Feizaki Kiriye opened her eyes, pursed her lips and looked at Igarashi. The original sense of relief disappeared, the extinguished fire of hope was rekindled, and the feeling of hesitation filled her heart again.

She didn't know what Igarashi meant.

A plan that has not been actually implemented and is still in the planning stage. And it was quickly overturned and turned into flattery. Even if I and my power were really targeted, I would not go crazy because of it. Kill all members of that organization.

At most, it would just help the scheming senior executives of that organization to clear their minds.

Glancing at Feizaki Kiriha, who was still in a dazed state, and Himiragi Yukina, who couldn't understand the development of the matter, Igarashi continued.

How can you allow others to snore on the side of the collapse? String God Island may indeed have been established by String God Chira in order to bring Cain back, but now, Cain cannot come back, at least he cannot rely on String God Island to return. .”

Cain, originally the ancestor of humans and demons, was cursed and expelled from the earth. He was the culprit that triggered the [Holy Annihilation], degenerating the gods into demons and massacring the ancient human Celestials on the earth.

The false land built on the sea like Xiankami Island is the altar that allows Cain to escape the curse and return.

Aizawa Asakusa is [Cain's Miko]. Whether she can truly be the factor that brings Cain back is unknown. However, when she was on Genkami Island, she was indeed able to gain access to the entire Genkami Island. Asylum, when his life is threatened, will escape for various reasons. This is why the Taishi Bureau wants to directly destroy Xiankami Island instead of annihilating Lan Yu Qiancong.

However, in front of Igarashi, the layout, back-up moves, and theorems can all be broken.

Today's Genkami Island is just a giant island on the sea. Because of the existence and development of Igarashi's power side, Lanyu Asakusa still enjoys the original super good luck on Gengami Island, but there is no need to pay any price.

Igarashi's words were a bit exaggerated, but Kiriha Fizaki and Yukina Himeira believed them very much.

They are from the Taishi Bureau and the Lion King Agency respectively. Because they would have direct contact with Igarashi, the organization they belonged to informed them of almost all the information collected about Igarashi.

In the Banquet of Flames, which was targeted by all parties, they won the final victory with absolute superiority. There was no trace of fighting at all. Before the Banquet of Super Light was officially held, all the forces retreated.

Those are not small forces at all.

There is Duke Vatra from the War King Realm, Balthasar, who is an illegal Hun ghost force but can remain active under attacks from all sides, and there are even faint rumors that the third true ancestor of [Chaos Realm], Garda I personally landed on Genkami Island. Later, he left silently. The victory of the Flame Widow was handed over to Igarashi.

Later, the War King Realm, the Chaos Realm, and the Extinction Dynasty, which had prematurely exited the Banquet of Fire due to lack of preparation, all three forces showed a very friendly attitude towards Igarashi, especially the Chaos Realm, and there were even rumors It is said that the third true ancestor seems to want to marry Igarashi.

One of them must be Igarashi, and no one knows who the marriage partner from the turbid realm is. Judging from the information that has been collected, it is more likely that the third true ancestor wants to take action personally.

There is no doubt about Igarashi's power, otherwise the Empire of Night would never be able to show that kind of attitude towards Igarashi, who is definitely not a vampire.

When Fizaki Kiriye and Ji Hiiragi Yukina couldn't help but start thinking wildly, everyone had already arrived at their destination.

A bedroom that is by no means a girl's room in the normal sense.

There are no girly objects as there should be, no dolls, bears, and other toys, and even the color is the same silvery gray that makes people feel a little solemn like the rest of the facility.

However, the one who lives in it is indeed a girl, the soul bearer of the so-called strongest dream demon Lilith - Eguchi Yuhitomi.

One has short brown-pink hair. And a girl with clear blue eyes.

When I saw Kiriha Feizaki appear. She smiled happily.

Sister Wuye.

It seems that Princess Kiriha not only had contact with Eguchi Yuhitomi before, but also seemed to have spent a lot of time establishing a very good relationship with him. This kind of subconscious behavior of smiling just by seeing the other person is not ordinary. Meaningful friends can make it.

Is the world's strongest incubus just such a cute little girl?

I feel like the guys with the strongest title in this world are very unique beings.

Chapter 1223 Mental Control

The Fourth True Ancestor, who is known as the strongest vampire, was actually a weapon created by the other three True Ancestors in conjunction with Heaven to fight against Cain. Later, he inherited the title of the Fourth True Ancestor and became the strongest vampire in the eyes of the world. , it’s Agurola, a weak girl with a middle-class speaking style and a weak personality.

According to the original plot development, Xiao Gucheng will be the fourth true ancestor. Not to mention having the courage to be the True Ancestor and the strongest blood-sucking electricity, his strength alone is completely unworthy of the name of the strongest, or even the name of the True Ancestor. In the plot, almost everyone who comes out to oppose Akatsuki can defeat him, and even ordinary familiars used by mikos for communication can injure him.

Before Igarashi appeared and strengthened the power of those involved, Nangong Nazuki was probably the strongest human being. After all, she left the reputation of Gap Witch in the whole world just by relying on the phantom she created with magic power. In comparison, The Lion King The Three Saints of the organization are more than a step weaker, and they have no more brilliant achievements.

However, Nangong Nayue, the strongest human being, trapped himself in the prison barrier.

The most powerful dream demon in the world in front of me not only lives in a small area, but she is also a little girl.

Guys with the impressive title of The World's Strongest should be very feared in other worlds, and they themselves are in high positions. As a result, the World's Strongest in the world of Blood Devouring Attack are not unworthy of their reputation. They are restricted by various factors, and none of them are as intimidating or free as the world's strongest.

Now, as the heir to the power of Lilith, the strongest dream demon in the world, the girl hugging Kiriha Fizaki at the moment is Eguchi Yuhitomi, a little girl whose appearance matches her age. It seems that even her temperament matches hers.

But that was last minute.

A devil's tail appeared behind Eguchi Yuhitomi, and at the same time, the expressions of Princess Kiriha and Himehiraki Yukina changed.

It wasn't the surprise caused by seeing the devil's tail, it was a different emotion.

Feizaki Kiriha actually knelt down in front of Igarashi.

If I return to the Taishi Bureau intact, even if I complete the mission of showing good will. At the very least, your memory will be erased by the higher-ups, and in the most serious case, they may kill you. Get rid of me, the insider who knows the past malicious plans of the Taishi Bureau against you. So please take me in, Lord Igarashi, just like Wuweiyuan and Jiansha over there in the Lion King Agency, I am ready to become your lover.

Ji Hiiragi Yukina directly hugged Igarashi's arm, her face turned red and her body exuded a sweet fragrance that made her heart beat faster.

Well, do the same thing to me as Sayaka? I'm mentally prepared, senior.

During this period of time, Igarashi has eaten up Sayaka Kosaka. Yukina Himiragi, who lives with Sayaka Kosaka, may have discovered some clues, and the title of senior is completely meaningless. The problem is, Igarashi was originally a student at Saikai Academy. Although he was very unqualified and often absent, he did have the status of a student. As a member of the junior high school of Saikai Academy, Yukina Himiragi used senior It's normal to call him Igarashi.

Fuizaki Kiriha's words were a bit abrupt, but considering the reason she told them, they seemed reasonable.

Although the words themselves were reasonable, Princess Kiriha and Himehiraki Yukina should not have said those words.

Hiizaki Kiriha's personality tends to be cold, and she is a relatively taciturn type. It is impossible to say such ambiguous words. Hime Hiiragi Yukina does have a heroic and clean appearance on weekdays, but she has always been emotional. They are both extremely shy types.

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