Just like Xiandumu Aye understands Nangong Nayue, Nangong Nayue also understands the close friend in front of him. After knowing that the other person's silence is equivalent to silent acceptance, he took out a box of snacks that had been prepared long ago.

So, want some of your favorite takoyaki?

Xiandumu Aye, who originally looked at Nangong Nayue, had softened a lot, but now he showed full of resentment.

The food I hate most right now is takoyaki!


Nangong Nayue, what are you thinking? For so many years, you have given me takoyaki every day in my meals. Did you do it on purpose? No matter how much you liked it in the past, you have regarded it as a staple food for ten years. You’ll hate it too, right?”

Seeing Xiandumu Aye's angry look at this moment, although he was happy with her changed name, Nangong Nayue was still a little embarrassed.

Ahem, I thought you would always like it.

He said this as if it was easy for him to fall in love with another person. Obviously until today, Nangong had not thrown away the food that Nangong had sent to the prison through space magic that month, and had eaten it properly.

Xiandumu Aye curled his lips incomprehensibly, and then spoke.

Anyway, I have lost my appetite when I see takoyaki. I want to eat ramen, sushi, pizza, burgers, and cuisine from all over the world. Weidu doesn't want to eat takoyaki.

Yeah, yeah, I'll take you there. Come on, let you see the changes in Xiankami Island over the years, and treat you to all kinds of delicious food.

Nangong Nayue took Xiandumu Aye's hand and led her out of the room with a smile on her face.

This smile and this action are exactly the same as before.

It's obviously been so many years.

Xiandumu Aye was in trance for a moment, and many pictures flashed through his mind.

Every detail of the time when I got along with Nangong Nayue, the complicated expression on Nangong Nayue after she told me my ideals, the years in prison, and the things I saw in the false world.

It's in the past.

Xiandumu Aye opened his eyes again, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Chapter 1207 This is slander

After spending most of the day on Xian Shen Island with Nangong Nayue, Xiandumu Aye finally regained her friendship with Nangong Nayue. At an open-air stall selling various drinks, Xiandumu Aye met Igarashi, and learned about the current situation of Senduki Yuma from the other party.

Xiandumu Aye did not show any joy because of this, but instead frowned deeply.

Senduki Yuma is just a prop that I cloned using my somatic cells. Apart from the weak connection like a clone, I have not had any level of communication with her at all. You want me to behave like a relative and get along with her? I do Not even.

In fact, if he hadn't understood Nangong Nayue's kind character and discovered that Igarashi was extremely friendly towards Xiandumu Yuma, Xiandumu Aye would have been prepared to deal with Xiandumu Yuma directly.

Since it is a product of cloning technology, Xiandumu Yuma will naturally look similar to herself. Even if there is an age difference, Xiandumu Aye will find it difficult to tolerate the existence of a person who looks exactly like herself.

There is no family affection, only dissatisfaction in the face of fakes. The reason why Xiandumu Aye used her own body cells to cultivate clones was because it required strength to break the prison barrier, and 'she' was the most suitable to inherit [Witch. Guardian] person.

Now, the prison barrier has completely become history. Not only did he break free from it, but he also reconciled with Nangong Nayue. For Xiandumu Aye, Yuma's existence is not only superfluous, but also a thorn in the flesh. thing.

At least you can't show hostility or even murderous intentions towards her.

Igarashi understands Xiandumu Aye's mood to some extent, and is not overly demanding, nor is he persistent in making too many changes. After all, under Igarashi's many operations, today's Xiandumu What Yuma cares about most is Igarashi, followed by the witch who has taken care of her for many years, and thirdly, Sendumu Aye.

Hearing some of the meaning contained in Igarashi's words, Xiandumu Aye spoke.

Do you want Sentogi Yuma to come and live on Genkami Island for a long time? You should know that she is my clone. We both have the same appearance. For now, it doesn't matter that Sentogi Yuma is just a little kid. If she grows up to be exactly like me in the future, I will be very troubled.

If you are playing Mahjong Sendumaki, you will deliberately change your hairstyle to the same style, wear the same style of clothes, and pay more attention to your behavior. Except for close friends like Nangong Nayue, no one else could tell the difference at all. Xiandumu Aye was worried that Yuma would go out and cause trouble under her own identity.

This is not the first time Igarashi has encountered clones.

In the forbidden world, Misaka Mikoto had many clones.

Misaka Mikoto has no prejudice against Misaka sister, but Sendumu Aye is very repulsive to the clones she ordered to cultivate. As expected, different personalities lead to different things.

Igarashi was silent for a moment.

Yuma has short hair, and her usual dress is a bit boyish. You don't have to worry about replacing you. In the future, you two will just be known as twin sisters.

My parents died many years ago.

It doesn't matter. I said you are twin sisters, and no force will want to refute or explore.

Although at the beginning, the library organization regarded Xiandumu Yuma as Xiandumu Aye's mother, this was essentially to make Xiandumu Yuma obedient and follow Aye's orders in the future. Anyway, there was absolutely no There is no need to worry too much about clones of kinship.

In the future, when Yuma becomes a young girl, there is no problem in treating her as Xiandumu Aye's sister.

Igarashi showed dominance, which was also a disguised reminder to Xiandumu Aye that she didn't have much bargaining capital at the moment.

If they were sisters, it wouldn’t be too big to accept.

Just like the mother-daughter relationship arranged by the library organization before, Xiandumu Aye has never even been in love, and suddenly she wants to treat her clone as her daughter. Who can accept this?

I, Xiandumu Aye, am just a teenager and my daughter is already a teenager. If the relationship between mother and daughter is publicized. Do you want to tell others that you are a shameless guy who fell in love at a young age and even got pregnant and gave birth to a child?

Fortunately, it was not mentioned as the relationship between grandma and granddaughter, otherwise Xiandumu Aye might have exploded.

Xiandumu Aye took a deep breath and nodded to accept Igarashi's arrangement. He had already made up his mind to keep a distance from Yuma in the future to avoid trouble.

Since you are connected with that...since you are connected with Senduki Yuma. Can you tell me a little bit about the current situation of the library organization?

Xiandumu Aye, who originally wanted to use Xiandumu Yuma as a prop, quickly changed her mind and began to care about the library organization.

She is the [Secretary's Witch], a small group of people who stand at the top of mankind like Nangong Nayue. Even if they reconcile with Nangong Nayue, they do not want to live a life of dependence on others. She wants to regain control of her own power. .

Igarashi smiled.

Library Organization 533 Star has been loyal to me and is now responsible for the security of Genkami Island. However, if you think that without my presence, you can bring the Library Organization under your control, you are wrong. A few years ago, The senior leaders of the library organization fell into a power struggle, and along the way, your existence was erased from the organization.

An expected betrayal, but still very unpleasant.

Xiandumu Aye looked at Igarashi with a deep tone.

Are you actually willing to take a guy with a criminal record into your employ?

Don't worry. I don't even have the desire to brainwash those guys who don't have much power but have deep thoughts. Naturally, I will let their lives come to an end. You don't have to hold a grudge. [The Witch of the Secretary] wants to be the same as before. Are you in charge of the library organization and acting as chief secretary?

...If I nod, will you hand over the library organization to me?

It's not that I leave it to you, but that you join me. As one of the higher-ups in the library.


The other two are my women

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