Now, Igarashi has killed all the criminals without distinction. Although some guys are not guilty enough to die, that is because Nangong Nayue arrested them before they committed greater crimes. Otherwise, if The people here can really change their past mistakes, and they will not be locked up in prison all the time. The original Xiankami Island is in urgent need of strong foreign aid. As long as they are willing to atone for their sins, it does not count for these people to gain limited freedom. disaster.

It’s different now. With the current strength of the Genkami Island Police Force, unless the true ancestors of the three Night Empires become criminals, other levels of criminals can solve them on their own. Nangong even saw the Lion King that month ago The three sages of the agency, and the [Silence Breaker] Koei Hiida who disguised themselves as ordinary high school students and studied at Akai Academy, helped arrest the troublemakers on Genkami Island. It is not known whether they did it voluntarily or because they were threatened by Igarashi.

Of course, it's better for a cute and beautiful girl like you, Little Natsuki, to be free. Originally, you could only roughly feel the taste of the food in your mouth when you moved with a magical body. Now you can have a truly real experience. Do you have any? Feeling excited?


Nangong didn't answer that month. She was a little afraid that after nodding in agreement with Igarashi's words, the other party would take advantage of it to get even worse and ask for more from herself.

Because he was embarrassed to refuse, he was afraid. If anyone else dared to do this, Nangong would have crushed him to ashes that month.

Nangong decided to change the topic that month.

When will Aye wake up?

It will take at least two or three days. Even if I adjust the time flow, she should stay in the dream for ten and a half days. Only then will she understand that even without extraordinary power and other races, human beings will fight among themselves. The seven emotions and six desires have always been It’s something that has nothing to do with strength. A weak person doesn’t show it, just because he doesn’t have capital doesn’t mean he doesn’t have it.”

Then let her lie here?

Sendumu Aye, who had been elegant and dignified from the moment she appeared, still maintained a ladylike demeanor even after discovering Igarashi's unreasonable power, was falling on the ground and falling asleep at the moment.

Nangong Nayue felt that it was a bit too much to treat her best friend like this.

Igarashi appreciated Nangong Nayue's attitude and decided to show his gentlemanly demeanor in person and treat her best friend well.

So Igarashi walked towards Xiandumu Aye and was about to pick her up in a princess hug, but was stopped by Nangong Nayue.

Touching Igarashi's smiling eyes, Nangong Nayue's eyes were a little dodgeful. She didn't admit that she just acted subconsciously, and she was not satisfied with Igarashi hugging others in such a warm and ambiguous manner as a princess in front of her. People feel jealous.

I will take care of Aye.

Aren't you worried that she will be harmful to you when she wakes up?

Igarashi, you have personally created a dream for her. Aye will give up her ideals when she wakes up, right?

There shouldn't be any conflict between giving up your ideals and dealing with you. After all, you are the guy who has been imprisoned for several years. Do you think she doesn't have any resentment towards you? I saw Xiandumu Aye's appearance before, and it seems that dealing with you seems I’m very confident, and I’ve probably prepared some special props.”

...It doesn't matter. You won't sit idly by anyway, right?

Nangong had already reached this point that month, so it was naturally impossible for Igarashi to continue teasing her, so he nodded immediately.

Well, and you don't have to worry too much. I didn't feel that Xiandumu Aye had any murderous intention towards you just now. It was just a little malicious. I don't think anything really bad will happen.

The magic wave and extraordinary momentum brought by the appearance of the prison barrier. Naturally, it attracted a lot of people's attention. However, due to the action of the security team who had long accepted work-related orders and maintained order on Genkami Island, all attempts were blocked. The panic of ordinary people did not last long. After Igarashi finished handling the internal affairs of the prison, By that time, the police had also calmed down all kinds of disturbances in the outside world.

The church gradually became illusory, completely reverting to the appearance of a military fortress.

In the future, this place will become a real abandoned place for people who know the past to stop and reminisce. It is also possible that all the buildings will be overturned and rebuilt, and maybe it will be built into a commercial center.

Chapter 1206 Favorite food? I hate that the most now

A very real dream, so real that Xiandumu Aye even began to feel confused.

Is it Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou?

At this moment, Xiandumu Aye already suspected that she who once lived on Xian Shen Island and was a witch was fake.

Now, in the world Xiandumu Aye lives in, there are no demons, no witches, no extraordinary organizations, only ordinary people.

Xiandumu Aye originally thought that such a world should be beautiful. There would be no magical disasters, no wars, no conflicts between forces, and no endless battles between humans and demons. Naturally, there would be no Someone needs to make a deal with the devil and become a witch who is rejected and hated by the world.

Now that humans have become the only protagonists in the world, they should be able to live happily with 437.

However, Xiandumu Aye soon discovered that he was wrong.

Human beings are really special.

Born in sorrow, he will work hard to become stronger, bursting out unimaginable potential from his fragile body, and transforming it into real power in various ways.

However, in the end, they will die of happiness. Without the threat of external races and the interference of powerful enemies, human beings will actually start to fight among themselves. When they have enough to survive, they will start to fight for a higher status and more power. The fights even broke out.

Xiandumu Aye stayed in this world for a month, a month that kept jumping around the timeline involuntarily.

She witnessed many battles, for various reasons, all of which were essentially wars based on greed. The jump in the timeline made Xiandumu Aye know that she might be in some kind of unreal world now. , she hopes to tell herself that these wars are all false, but all kinds of things remind her that human beings are ultimately full of emotions and desires, and the upper and lower limits are exaggerated.

Unknowingly, Xiandumu Aye finally regarded her constant pursuit of the ideal she wanted to achieve as a childish thing. When she sighed at the gap between her ideal and reality, everything disappeared.

Then, there is deep darkness.

Xiandumu Aye opened his eyes.

There is a room filled with a light fragrance that is different from perfume, like flowers, but slightly different.

woke up?

A familiar voice sounded not far away. Xiandumu Aye, who was looking at the room with a little curiosity, thinking that he was jumping in time again in that illusory world, realized that he had returned to his original world.

She lowered her eyes with half joy and half sadness.

Igarashi isn't here?

Why, with his help, not only did you have a profound enlightenment, but you also secretly made a promise?

Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious. If Igarashi is not here, aren't you afraid that I will do something bad to you? The witch of the gap.

Xiandumu Aye's cold behavior made Nangong Nayue sigh.

After all these years, you are still angry with me. You clearly called me by my first name, Aye, when we were studying together at Caihai Academy.

You are getting better and better at being a traitor but showing an innocent look.

Faced with Xiandumu Aye's cynicism, he did not stop. Nangong Nayue lowered his head and apologized very seriously.

I'm sorry for forcing you to be imprisoned. It was indeed a lack of consideration on my part, but I have never had any ill intentions towards you. I swear, can you forgive me? Aye.

An unexpected apology.

In Xiandumu Aye's impression, Nangong Nayue has always been the kind of person similar to himself. Once he has an idea, he will break through many obstacles to implement it. He is a very determined and proud person.

Such a person should not take the initiative to apologize.

However, precisely because she knew Nangong Nayue very well, Xiandumu Aye did have a strange feeling because of her apology.

That kind of body where all the cells are cheering. Then he shouted, Let's make peace, let's make peace.


Xiandumu Aye was silent for a long time because of this strange feeling and did not speak.

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