
Nangong Nayue, who was originally focused on tea spit, gradually widened his eyes when he heard Igarashi's words.

In one hour, can those two witches travel back and forth to the black tea producing areas and bring the black tea back?

This is something Nangong Nayue herself cannot do. You must know that she is a world-famous gap witch. She has always acted as the strongest of the witch group and even one of the strongest of the human group.


When Igarashi nodded and answered in the affirmative, Nangong Nayue began to doubt life.

Sister Meiya is so strong? If they had such power, they shouldn't have been wanted by various forces as evil demon priests before now.

Seeing this, Igarashi and Jugar continued speaking as if nothing had happened.

Didn't I tell you? I killed the demon who made a deal with the Meiya sisters, and then used the demon as nourishment to strengthen the Meiya sisters' fighting power. Although I don't know what their true form is like now, but if it is with your If we compare this magical phantom, any one of the Maya sisters should be able to defeat it.

...Are you deliberately irritating me?

Exactly, I can solve the prison barrier issue, and the deal between you and the devil can be overturned at any time. Your power will not be reduced, but will be strengthened. Even so, do you still plan to stay where you are? Little Natsuki.

Nangong Nayue took a portion of the black tea and brewed it without saying a word, then took a sip. Feeling the familiar taste, the girl sighed.

Okay, okay, I agree. The only requirement is not to have a great impact on the residents of Genkami Island and cause unrest. Is that okay?

It's just a small matter. Then the time to deal with the prison results will be tonight. Little Nayue, you can just wait for me to kiss you awake, just like in a fairy tale.

This ambiguous statement made Nangong Nayue blush, and then said in annoyance.

The prison ended up existing in my dream. If I wanted it to connect with the real world, I had to wake up. You couldn't kiss me awake. I would have woken up by then.

It seems that you still don't understand my power, little Nayue. How about you just follow me and see how I solve a series of things without you waking up?

Compared to being a waiter in prison, it is indeed better to be a bystander next to Igarashi. If anything unusual happens, he can respond in time.

Nangong Nayue nodded.


She was already looking forward to it.

Originally, in Nangong Nayue's eyes, topics related to the prison boundary were dangerous, as more than one prisoner who endangered the world was imprisoned there. But if Igarashi intervenes, Nangong Nayue believes that things will have a good outcome.

After all, since the previous Flame Night Banquet, Igarashi has always fulfilled the promise he made, being strong and reliable.

Chapter 1203 Xiandumu Aye

The prison boundary is half virtual and half real. When Nangong Nayue's body was in deep sleep. The prison barrier is in her dream and no one else in the outside world can observe, perceive or contact it.

This is also the reason why no one has come to rob the prison for a long time despite the fact that most of the prisoners in the prison also have considerable power in addition to their own strength.

But today is different.

The Junhui Fortress, surrounded by thick iron walls and barbed wire, gradually appeared, standing on the corner of Genkami Island, an additional island that originally seemed to have no significance.

How could it be? It's really...

Looking at the fortress, Nangong Nayue, who was following Igarashi according to his words, whispered like he was dreaming. Igarashi's eye bug reflected two scenes, one was the military fortress in front of him, and the other was a monastery-like church.

The military fortress is reality, while the temple is a dream. The relationship between the two is just like Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly, which are connected into one and form the prison boundary.

Holding the hand of Nangong Nayue, who was still in a state of disbelief, Igarashi ignored all obstacles and the gap between reality and reality, and led her into the military fortress. The interior of the building, which looked ferocious on the outside, was actually extremely spacious. and majesty.

There is a chair in the middle of the empty hall. There was a luxurious armchair covered with sky-high velvet, and sitting on it was a witch with her eyes closed and her face as beautiful and lovely as a doll.

It was the month of Nangong.

In addition to the sleeping Nangong Nayue, there was another girl standing next to her.

She has long hair that reaches her feet. She is wearing neon singles from a female aristocrat from the old days. She has gorgeous and complicated clothes. She has a beautiful face and a very special crimson eye.

She expressed surprise at Nangong Nayue's magical phantom and Igarashi's appearance.

You came in without using the normal detention spell? It's really a special method, but it also gave me a chance. Nangong Nayue, how long ago did it start? This is the first time I have come face to face with your magic phantom. , before that I could only stay alone in the cell and hall, watching your sleeping body.

The words of the elegant and beautiful girl Xiandumu Aye made Nangong Nayue slightly apologetic.

I just want you to feel that someone is with you on the road. After so many years, my body has been sleeping here and never moved...

In my opinion, this is provocation.

Halfway through Nangong Nayue's words, she was interrupted by Xiandumu Aye. Her eyes were full of calmness but there was anger hidden in them.

My former best friend denied my ideals and imprisoned me, leaving me in a dead body that was inaccessible. Isn't it just to laugh at me?

No, it's not...

Well, everything ends here. Although I don't know the reason why you appear here, it is a rare opportunity for me. As long as I defeat your magical phantom. Without the support, your will will have to Returning to my true self, at that moment, I could completely break away from the bondage through the prison barrier and the connection with reality.”

Saying this, Xiandumu Aye suddenly began to gather his magic power, seeming to be communicating with a distant place, recalling what originally belonged to him.

That is the guardian of the witch, an illusory knight who is one of the powers granted by the devil.

It is something similar to a vampire's favored beast, but it does not possess the wisdom of a favored beast, and is more inclined to a demon-level magical creation.

Before being imprisoned by Nangong Nayue, Xiandumu Aye cultivated her own clone, Xiandumu Yuma, and handed over her guardian [Black Knight] to her.

It's not out of any emotion, it's just to enhance the power of the item that will save you in the future.

Do you want to deprive Yuma of her guardianship? After all, it was once your own. However, it will be very painful for Yuma to have her power taken away, so I will give you a new one.

Igarashi snapped his fingers, constantly forcibly stopping the spell that Xiandumu Aye was performing in the middle, and also caused various elements in the air to gather, creating a knight phantom behind Xiandumu Aye.

The appearance is black armor, but the inside is a faceless humanoid composed entirely of magic power.

Xiandumu Aye showed a dull expression because of this unexpected development. She could feel the familiarity of the black knight behind her being the same as that of many years ago. But he is also certain that his half body is essentially the same person, so Senduki Yuma, who can feel a little bit of his condition, has not lost anything.

At this moment, Xiandumu Aye quickly understood that the man beside Nangong Nayue who had been ignored before was by no means a weakling. On the contrary, he was unreasonably strong.

The other party and Nangong appeared here that month, not to see the scenery.

As the leader of the library organization, Xiandumu Aye had long mastered the ability to keep his emotions and anger hidden, even if he had extreme fear in his heart, he did not show it.

Yuma? It seems that you have something to do with the doll I made. What, do you want to change the fate of that prop, or do you want the doll to replace its owner?

After regaining the guardianship of the witch, Sendumu Aye, who had obviously fully recovered her strength, did not take action. Instead, she pretended to be calm and negotiated with Igarashi, but secretly began to use magic power to change some of the consequences of the prison. Details, releasing other criminals who were originally held in their respective cells, hoping to create a disturbance to distract Igarashi.

The other party could so easily create a guardian that only demons could provide. Xiandumu Aye already regarded him as a formidable enemy that could not be resisted.

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