Igarashi has learned that Yuma Sentoku is about to complete the training of witches and the lessons of being an ordinary person until high school. He hopes to learn Yuma Sentoku before she comes to Genkami Island. Aye released it and had a little communication with the other party to make him be more friendly towards Xiandumu Yuma.

According to the information and original understanding obtained by Igarashi, Xiandumu Yuma is the clone of Xiandumu Aye. In the eyes of Xiandumu Aye himself and even the library organization before surrendering to Igarashi, Xiandumu Yuma is a clone of Xiandumu Aye. Yuuma Mizuki was just a tool trained to destroy the prison's boundaries, and had no human rights at all.

Yuuma Sentomoto was unfortunate when she was a child, because the people who took care of her at that time were just dolls that could only act according to the programs set by 583 in advance and would not give Yuuma Santomoto real love at all. Caring.

But she was also lucky, because it didn't take long for her to meet Igarashi. When the young girl could not feel the strangeness and alienation, Igarashi took the library organization under his command, and then let a The witch with a pretty good reputation specializes in taking care of Senduki Yuma, giving her real care and attention.

Although Igarashi did not allow the witch to gain knowledge and power equivalent to that of a demon like he did to the Meiya sisters, he still gave her a generous reward to heal her body from the many hidden wounds left by the previous battles. , and had all countries cancel the communication group so that she could walk in the outside world openly.

The situation of witches in this world is actually not great.

As a being who has made a deal with a mysterious and dangerous demon, witches are feared and rejected by humans. Most people frown when they mention witches. The hostility and even pursuit by various forces also make the living environment of witches worrying. Coupled with some of their counterattacks and retaliatory behaviors in the face of pursuit, the notoriety of witches becomes even more solid.

Only witches like Nangong Nayue, who directly put her body into a near-permanent slumber in order to guard the prison, relied only on phantom movements constructed by magic power, and had performed well for a long time, gained some status. However, before Igarashi took control of Genkami Island, Nangong Nazuki's power was limited to Ayakai Academy and Genkami Island Guards, and he did not have much control over Genkami Island at all.

You must know that normally, with Nangong Nayue's strength and achievements, the leadership and management who want to truly enter Xian Shen Island should have no problem.

Just because she is a witch.

In fact, Nangong Nayue was quite happy to see Igarashi bringing so many changes to the group of witches. Therefore, when Igarashi proposed to take a walk with her, Nangong Nayue did not refuse.

...I was originally just an English teacher at Ayumi Academy, but you directly transferred the principal away and made me the principal. You are just talking about adding more work to me, and I won't be grateful for it, okay?

Really, you were just an English teacher before, but the floor of your office is higher than the principal's office, and it is more spacious and luxurious. Anyone with a little intelligence can see that your identity is more special than the principal. Now I will be a Everyone should be happy if the poor guy you bullied for so long is transferred away.

Essentially, my power has not changed, but the work that was originally handled by the principal has become something that only I can handle. You are adding a burden to me!

Nangong Nayue seemed to not want to agree with Igarashi's words and was still rebutting.

So I asked Astaludi to stay with you. In addition to accompanying you, she can also handle school affairs, right? Although she is usually quiet, Astaludi is a very smart girl. , you should have felt this in the past few days. Hmm...have I put a lot of pressure on Astaludi? Not only do I assign her work, but I also ask her to serve you, this arrogant young lady. It’s really It’s so painful for me.”

Huh? Miss Tsundere?! Igarashi, where did you see me being Tsundere?

Both eyes saw it.

When Nangong Nayue still wanted to argue, Igarashi continued.

Okay, okay, this is the end of the familiar bickering session. You don't want to jump up and hit me, do you?


Igarashi is getting better and better at provoking his own sensitive nerves. If he couldn't beat him, he would have done it long ago, probably...

Nangong Nayue took a deep breath and waited for Igarashi to speak.

So, is this the method you mentioned before to defeat me? Are you sure it's not to anger me?

Just now I was just confirming your favorability towards me. Now it seems that you have a high favorability towards me, little Nayue. Even if I said that, you didn't do anything. I'm very touched. Come on, touch your head. .”

Igarashi smiled and stretched out his hand, but Penangong Nayue avoided it, and the petite girl showed a vicious look at this moment.

What does it mean to have a high affinity for you? I just don't want to bring disaster to innocent people.

Have you already started to dazzle yourself? If the favorability level is not high enough, even if there is a strong person you can't defeat casually provoking you, you will find a way to resist or directly use the gap ability to disappear, so well-behaved What's going on standing there? Little Nayue.

You're so annoying, Igarashi.

Is there anything you want to do but can't do for various reasons? I can help you achieve it.

When Nangong was already thinking about whether he should use his ability to escape that month, Igarashi changed the subject and became very gentle.

The girl was silent for a while, and then she spoke.

you sure?

Sure, but if you want to make the world peaceful or something, forget it. Although you can do it, it will take a lot of effort.

Can you make the world peaceful?!

Nangong Nayue's eyes widened at this.

Sweep the world with the power of law and turn everyone into my loyal servant. As long as an order is issued to prohibit war, the world will be peaceful.

Then it's better to maintain the status quo! ...Forget it, anyway, I know that you want to do something to improve my favorability, so I want to drink black tea, black tea from all over the world, this is one of the few things I have Hobby, can you do it?

Chapter 1202 Already prepared

Hearing Nangong Nayue's words, Igarashi laughed dumbly. His appearance also made Nangong Nayue speak with confusion and a little provocation.

Why, can't you do it? You've clearly said something arrogant before that you can bring peace to the world.

It's just because your request is simply beyond my imagination. As for black tea, I heard that you have a hobby in this area before, so I asked my subordinates to collect some. I don't need to do anything at all. A phone call can make them Delivered within an hour.”

Humph, I don't believe it.

Nangong showed doubts that month.

In fact, her heart beat a little faster.

Nangong Nayue had no idea that Igarashi had noticed this ordinary hobby of his before and asked someone to take action.

What he requested was black tea from all over the world. Igarashi had to bring out at least a few tea bags from famous black tea producing areas. Without preparation in advance, he would not be able to complete it in an hour.

And if it is completed...Nangong Nayue can only admit that Igarashi's behavior to improve his favorability was indeed successful this time.

This kind of meticulous care is very damaging to girls.

Watched the other party make a phone call. Briefly, he asked his subordinate to bring the black tea. Nangong was a little nervous and looking forward to that month.

It’s normal to be nervous, but what about the anticipation?

Nangong Nayue was already a little confused about his own situation.

The result was just tens of minutes later——

This is top-grade Qihong tea with orchid aroma and sweet and mellow taste; this is Assam black tea with malt aroma, rose aroma and rich taste; this is Darjeeling black tea with grape aroma and is most suitable for clear drinking; this is Ceylon Highlands black tea reveals the aroma of mint and lily of the valley, which is relatively bitter but has a sweet aftertaste.”

Seeing the four beautifully packaged boxes placed in front of him, as well as the tea leaves that still emitted a different light fragrance even if they were not brewed, Nangong listened to the introduction of the woman who brought the black tea in a very professional tone. That month fell into silence for a long time.

As a lover of black tea, she knows that the four most famous black tea producing areas in the world are not on Xianshen Island or Xiahong. It is not something that can be brought back in ten minutes, even if Nangong Nayue has the ability to move in space. There is no way to cover such a long distance in such a short time.

I remember that your favorite is Ceylon Highland Black Tea, right? I didn't expect it to be this kind of black tea that is bitter at first and has a sweet aftertaste. Are you savoring life? Little Nayue.

Nangong didn't expect Igarashi to understand him to this extent that month, and that cute face had become unnatural.

Now that you know it, you should understand that I know a lot about black tea. It's impossible to fool me by just buying ordinary black tea from the store, right?

You must be looking down on me. Even if it is a fool, it is to let the Meiya sisters use teleportation magic to go directly to the various producing areas of black tea, and rely on their strength to accomplish what takes a long time to do in a short period of time. And Not shoddy.

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