Other powers...are there many strong men like you?

If there were many, Yuriko Suzina would doubt her life, not to mention the sense of loss caused by the change of role from Academy City's number one to the world's most powerful person. Just knowing the existence of so many powerful characters would give her a headache.

From the beginning to the end, Suzuko Momotaiko was not a warlike character. What she longed for was to become [invincible], so she even agreed to participate in the mentally retarded absolute ability user plan and the purpose of becoming [invincible] was to put an end to everything. potential challenger.

Before that, although Academy City had not disclosed the personal information of superpowers, Suzuko Momotai had encountered many people who relied on various channels to come to challenge her without overestimating their abilities. Anyway, they were all beaten by her and lay paralyzed. At the hospital.

Very troublesome.

I am the only one in the world who is as strong as me. As for those who are weaker than me but stronger than you. There are indeed some. Although [Vector Operation] seems to be quite invincible, there is indeed no one else in this world who can rely on Absolute power can violently break your superpower. But you can't reflect on things you can't understand, right?

...Yes, but, apart from creating new substances out of nothing like the second [Weiyuan Substance], I already know enough about everything else.

For the guy in front of her who had defeated her in a crushing manner, Suzuko Yuriko had no intention of hiding her strength, which was not a weakness.

Seeing this, Igarashi shook his head.

No, at least you don't know that magicians are a group that is more numerous and stronger than those with abilities. Well, let's call the strongest among them [saints]. In addition, there are some magicians who can eliminate themselves by eliminating them. The original sin was upgraded from human to angel. The total number of the two is probably less than twenty. It doesn’t matter. They are all a group of beings with their own fields of activity. If you cross the line, I will naturally deal with you. As long as you understand this world There is also a group of magicians.”

Magic, so you are a magician? That kind of existence that originally only existed in fantasy works, and the director of Academy City who firmly believes in science and has always been the leader of the scientific camp is actually a magician?

Suzuka Momotai wanted to smile mockingly but couldn't. If everything in science was a game played by magicians, her pride as a superpower would be doomed to be shattered.

I'm not. Besides, magicians can't become espers, and espers can't become magicians. These are two conflicting powers.

Suzuka Momotai glanced at Igarashi steadily. She didn't continue to ask, but she had a feeling in her mind that there was something unfinished in Igarashi's words. Maybe there is someone on the Academy City Governing Council who is actually a magician. Who is it?

never mind.

Can you let me see magic? You can capture a magician, or tell me the location of a lone magician.

It seems that Yuriko Suzina intends to learn about magic, not to learn it but to bring it into a range that can be controlled by [Vector Operation].

Seeing the desire that appeared in Yuriko Suzuko's eyes for the first time, Igarashi smiled.

Whenever you can satisfy me, I will let you meet the magicians. Well, there are two young elite magicians, one female [weirdo] and one who has memorized most of the powerful magic in the magic camp. How about [Banned Books and Records] that can be used in special circumstances??

very good.

Suzuka Momodaiko showed a twisted excited smile, as if she was looking forward to it, but Igarashi knocked her head mercilessly, completely changing her temperament.

So, don't smile like that. From now on, learn to smile cutely. People who don't know you will feel creepy when they see your smile.

Igarashi was unhappy when he saw Suzuko Momotai rolling his eyes again. He pondered for a moment and said.

It seems that your personality is not so easy to change. Let's just regard it as cute. As long as you learn to control your beauty, I will consider you a passer. How about letting you meet the magician?

make a deal.

At this moment, Suzuko Yuriko didn't know. Regardless of whether you agree or not. Those magicians are destined to appear.

Chapter 1126 Kihara Divine Fist

This world, or this planet, is divided into the magic side and the science side. The leader of the science side is naturally Academy City, while the leader of the magic side is more than one force. They are not just rookies pecking each other, but a powerful force. This reflects that if any of the forces on the magical side, including the English Puritan Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Roman Orthodox Church, come to confront Academy City head-on, as long as Aleister and Aiwass do not take action, it is very likely that the Academy City will lose. Garden City. As far as the magic side is concerned, the current science side is just a newborn child.

However, the English Puritan still reached a certain level of agreement with Academy City, and planned to send Index, the Index of Magical Forbidden Books, to Academy City partly for protection and partly for communication.

Index, who has a special physique with perfect memory ability, can clearly remember everything she sees. However, after special guidance and turning on the automatic writing mode to read the relevant memories of the magic book, it will not be lost in her mind. Normally, in order to deal with magic around the world, the Puritans and the Royal Faction copied and saved the 13,000 magic books sealed in 700 places around the world for Index to memorize, and imposed two restrictions.

If Index is allowed to come to Academy City, where she is the least likely to covet magic and is the leader of the scientific side, safety can be guaranteed and a convincing reason can be given to other forces. At the same time, Puritanism and Academy City can also have some exchanges and cooperation secretly. For Puritanism, Student City is not the most dangerous enemy. On the contrary, they can even become friends.

This is the excuse given by the Puritans. Aleister told Igarashi completely a few days ago and asked him what Igarashi meant. Of course, Igarashi did not refuse.

Whether it is Index, Kanzaki Kaori, or other people in the magic side, Igarashi is very interested. How can he refuse the door? The risk of doing it does not exist in the face of absolute power. risk.

There are probably less than two weeks left before Index arrives in Xuexian City. It's about the same time as Mugino Shinri and the others ended their fake show. It doesn't matter. What's important is that Igarashi needs to teach Suzuka Momotaizi well during this period of time to let her develop a more girlish temperament.

He asked Yuriko Suzukina to randomly choose an empty room to rest. The next day, Igarashi planned to finish the morning class and start asking Yuriko Suzukina to manage her facial expressions. This girl would either have a cold face. Either the distorted smile is not normal at all. Igarashi's goal is to change Yuriko Suzuko's smile, that is, to change her muscle memory. Although it appears to be a small thing, it is actually a bit troublesome.

After all, Suzuko Momotaizi's current state has lasted for too long.

Help me process these documents. The number one in Academy City's IQ should also be very powerful. Right?

Yuriko Suzina was already somewhat accustomed to Igarashi's aggressive tactics. At this moment, she curled her lips and was not angry. She reached out and looked through the documents piled up on Igarashi's desk, frowning.

Of course I can handle these little things, but you don't always want me to handle this kind of stuff, right? Don't you have any other subordinates?

Although I understand that my role is that of a weakling. But Yuriko Suzina doesn't intend to keep doing these unskilled jobs as Academy City's number one. Even if she fails, she has to play a role that no one else can match.

Other subordinates? I do. But they are all on vacation for a week and the vacation will be over. You have worked hard during this period. I think, even if you and I have not had any conflicts, I just treat you to dinner and give you a mansion to rest. , should I be able to let you help me complete this work?

He said this as if he was begging the other person to move in. Yuriko Suzuko rolled her eyes and refused to refute. Igarashi seemed to have remembered something. After walking out of the study, he took out a strange device. It looks like an alloy exoskeleton worn on the hand.

This thing was developed by Kihara Shuta. Let's call it Kihara Shenquan. It was originally used to deal with you. I'm going to teach the lovely students first. You can handle the files in the next time. Do your own research. If you're hungry, go out and buy something to eat. I gave you your ID card.

Suzuko Momotai stared blankly and took the so-called Kihara Godshoe. After looking at it for a while, he didn't see anything mysterious. On the contrary, he even thought that this thing made up of only a few alloy bars was very crude, and he didn't think that this thing had the ability to defeat anyone at all. With my abilities, do I really think that my fellow cat and dog can challenge Academy City's number one by just making something? Although Yuriko Suzuko also knows that the original number is slightly stronger than Cat and Dog, who is very aware of her own superpower.

When he wanted to ask, he found that Igarashi had already left. Yuriko Suzuko simply threw Kihara Kami aside and dealt with various issues as Igarashi requested.

These are all things that need to be dealt with as a teacher at Tokiwadai Middle School. For students' homework superpower test reports and the like, Suzukina Yuriko only needs to criticize the right and wrong or write comments, which is enough to reflect Suzukina Momotai's character. Although she wouldn't intentionally stumbling over Igarashi in such a trivial matter, her tone in writing the review was naturally not gentle at all. Even other LV5s didn't pay much attention to her, facing those rookies at LV4 and even LY3. , the comments written are of course very bad.

After finishing the not-too-much literary work, I sat down on a fairly comfortable seat and played with the ID card given by Igarashi for a while, and finally turned my attention to the person Igarashi had given me before. He threw it to the original god on the side.

Let me see how rubbish something made by a dead man can be, right?

After saying such harsh words, Suzina Yuriko put the Kihara God Shou on her right hand.

Chapter 1127 Shirai Kuroko is a little strange

In order to deal with challengers who may appear at any time and ensure her own safety in possible battles, Suzuko Yuriko, who is not very physically fit, will use the [Vector Operation] in action to cover everything on her body around the clock. The body will be reflected every time, through this method. Yuriko Suzuko can achieve invincibility in close combat.

Although Yuriko Suzina is the number one in Academy City, she is still a human being and not a god after all. It is impossible to precisely operate the super power around the clock. The effect of the ability to cover the surface of the king's body, although it is a reflection, is actually a reflection of the external force that touches the body. Adjustment in the opposite direction.

Because there is the premise of touching, generally speaking there will be no problem. After all, touching means exerting force in the direction of Yuriko Suzuko and then being affected by her super power.

And this so-called Kihara Divine Fist is aimed at Yuriko Suzuko's reflection.

In essence, it changes the direction of the incoming force into the opposite characteristic, and retracts the originally direct fist at a specific time point, causing Yuriko Suzukina to pass through reflection unconsciously.

Let the fist that was originally far away from you return to yourself, causing damage. Because that time point cannot be accurately grasped by ordinary people's brains, Kihara Suta created such a device, but unfortunately it was destroyed by Igarashi's men before it could be used.

After Yuriko Suzuko puts on the Kihara Divine Fist. Although he didn't hit himself, he already understood the operation of the Kihara Divine Fist while waving it casually. After a short period of confusion, he figured everything out with a livid face.

Before that, it was Kihara Research Institute who was responsible for measuring the various data of Yuriko Suzuko's superpowers and formulating the superpower curriculum. Kihara, who had those data, probably thought of himself as an enemy that needed to be destroyed to create such a thing. After all, this is a useless plaything to anyone except Suzuko Yuriko.

If you use this thing without noticing it for a moment, you may even get beaten up by ordinary people who get close to you.

Yuriko Suzuko narrowed her eyes slightly, but she did not destroy the Kihara Divine Fist because of the anger in her heart. Instead, she continued to wave her sword a few times thoughtfully, preparing to wait for Igarashi to release the seal of his super power again. Make some changes to the reflexes you have put on your body for a long time

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