In that case, I will admit that you are the strongest and just be a weakling who gets what the strong wants.

It seems like you were dissatisfied with my previous decision to seal your super power?

Of course I don't accept it, it was just a sneak attack.


As Igarashi finished his last words, Yuriko Suzuka suddenly realized that her computing power, which had always been lost no matter how she used it, and her disappeared superpowers, had all returned to normal. At this moment, she was once again powerless. Yuriko Suko becomes the number one in Academy City—[Accelerator]

Yuriko Suzuko, who had regained the power that could almost run rampant in Academy City, did not take action immediately. She just looked at Igarashi with a slightly confused look. It seemed that the frustration during this period made her even able to regain her strength now. Even after acquiring superpowers, he did not give up using his brain. He was thinking about the significance of Igarashi being able to restore his superpowers so easily, as well as the significance of his series of actions.

Come on, I'll make you convinced that you lose and I'll crush you head-on.

However, all the calm thinking disappeared after Igarashi flirtatiously raised his finger at Suzukina Yuriko. At this moment, Suzukina Yuriko abandoned all scruples, a familiar ferocious smile appeared on her face, and her slender palms waved forward. , the invisible air turned into a cannonball with huge lethality under the influence of vector operation and flew towards Igarashi's raised finger.

Such air cannonballs can directly deform solid alloys. If the target is a human body, there is no doubt that it will shatter the opponent into pieces. Although I have always thought of breaking Igarashi into pieces, but Yuriko Suzuko's current attack, It will only cause Igarashi's fingers to be broken. Compared with Yuriko Suzuka's previous achievements. A little too gentle.

After firing this shot, Air Bubble, Yuriko Suzuko did not continue to attack. She just stood on the spot and applied a defensive shield composed of back-row vectors around her body. Igarashi could not approach as freely as before. Watch how Igarashi handles the current situation.

Avoid? Or is it taking out some hidden weapon to counteract it? Or even use military weapons developed by Academy City for defense?

When Suzukina Momotaiko's thoughts were flowing, facing this air cannon, Igarashi did not make too many movements but still stretched out his finger and flicked it. Suzukina Yuriko was very familiar with the concept of vector. At this moment, he could clearly feel that his air cannon was deflected by the huge wind pressure generated by Igarashi's simple action.

It's not like the wind pressure created by superpowers, but rather like an accessory derived from huge power.

The powerful wind pressure not only defeated the air cannons, but also whizzed past Yuriko Suzuko's body unabated, causing her clothes to rustle and her short hair to fly messily.


As Yuriko Suzuko's voice fell, dozens of air cannons flew out under her operation. The simple increase in the number brought about a terrifying change in power. The air made a harsh sound, which was enough to match the school. Defense of the city? An attack in which 1 unit confronts them head-on and annihilates them all.

Not bad? I think it's just that.

He still moved his fingers exactly the same, but it triggered a completely different wind pressure than before. At this moment, a storm formed between Igarashi and Yuriko Suzuko. After a brief stalemate, all the air bombs disappeared. If it weren't for Yuriko Suzuko's timely response, Using vector manipulation to lift up the earth to form a shield, perhaps the terrible storm could attack all the way to the vector shield she arranged outside her body.

After the storm was withstood, Suzuko Momodaiko pushed the forcibly lifted earth down again. The moment he regained his vision, what he saw was a fist close to his feet.

Chapter 1124: Hands-on

Yuriko Suzuko fell into a brief trance. With the power Igarashi has shown so far, and the speed he showed when he sealed his super power before, he should be able to attack before the Taichi barrier is restored. That would be a more appropriate time. Not now that I am already vigilant enough.

As one of the top figures in Academy City, Yuriko Suzuko does not lack combat experience. It is precisely because of this combat experience that she is troubled by Igarashi's behavior at the moment. However, her movements are not slow at all in operating the vector against Five. Julan moved into the platoon and strengthened his defense.

But, it has no effect.

Yuriko Suzukina just watched helplessly as the fist landed on the chest with a method that was undoubtedly violent, ignoring the changes in the vector. The blow was not too small to Yuriko Suzukina. Any substantial damage made her breathless.

Then Yuriko Suzuko heard the faint words from Igarashi who was 0.2 nearby.

...It's a bit clumsy.

It took Yuriko Suzina a full five seconds to understand the current situation and the meaning of Igarashi's words.

Dozens or even hundreds of air cannons, no, all the surrounding air was pressed towards Igarashi due to the vector manipulation of the furious Suzuko Yuriko. The power contained in it in any direction can easily knock down a tall building. Yuriko Izumi, who had been crushed into a discus and lost her mind, forgot about her original restraint and used all her strength.

All in vain.

If Yuriko Suzukina hadn't been able to feel the changes in the vector, she would have even thought that Igarashi, who was in front of her at this moment, and even the corners of his clothes had not changed much, had not been attacked at all.

Are you convinced?

Igarashi increased his strength slightly, and then hit Yuriko Suzuko who dared to attack him. At the same time, he confirmed his guess that girls with flat chests would even have smaller breasts than boys. After all, boys still have fat chests. Those are really flat-chested girls who are thin and thin.

Yuriko Suzukina was silent. Although the force used by Igarashi was not very strong, Yuriko Suzukina, who had become the number one in Academy City since her superpower reached V5, did not suffer.

She had experience in fighting. She had not been beaten before, and now she was beaten by Igarashi. It can be said that her eyes were black. At this moment, she refused to admit defeat and forced herself to hold back. She used her super power to control the vector and punched Igarashi. Swing it away.

Although Yuriko Suzina herself has no physical strength, after using her superpowers, she can kill an elephant with one punch, lift up a building and punch it down——

Igarashi was easily caught in the palm of his hand. Listening to the popping sound in the air, Yuriko Suzuko understood that it was not Igarashi who used any special device to manipulate the vector in a similar way to his own superpowers. He simply withstood all his attacks with his absolute physical fitness.

Then, Yuriko Suzuko discovered that her superpowers had been sealed again.

Look at you, you're so angry that you've lost your mind. Moreover, even if I hit a stronger junior high school student with this little strength, I won't make her cry. I almost roll my eyes at the look on your face. Sure enough, I still have to seal you. Superpowers are better. In addition, I suspect that your flat chest is also caused by long-term use of superpowers, which leads to endocrine disorders in the body. After sealing the superpowers, you should be able to return to normal. Who is Shokuhou Misaki standing with you? Do you believe that Shokuhou Misaki is a junior high school student and you are a high school student?

The battle is over. It is a battle in which I tried my best but still failed to win and was unilaterally crushed by the opponent. With the power brought by the opponent's ability to manipulate vectors at will, the opponent's physique wanted to fight with those two punches. It's not difficult to kill yourself, and you can even break yourself into pieces.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, and the feeling of difficulty breathing after being hit hard on the chest, Yuriko Suzuko couldn't help but become angry and glared at Igarashi without saying anything when she thought of her chest.

Of course Igarashi knew why Suzuko Yuriko was angry, and immediately comforted her.

Don't worry, my two punches won't dent your chest. I know that.

This kind of comfort is worse than no comfort at all. Anyway, Suzuko Yuriko is even more angry.

First you were talking to yourself about ordering a set meal for me, and now you're saying that my superpowers will affect my development. Are you sure you're not talking nonsense?

I don't lie about what a girl cares about, I mean it. Be obedient and I guarantee that in the future you will not only have a mind that matches your fighting power, but also a body that matches your age.

Igarashi didn't say anything. He did find that the existence of [Vector Operation] affected Suzukina Momotai's physical condition. Igarashi even suspected that Suzukina Yuriko counted all the calories from the food she usually eats. It entered the range to be operated, resulting in all the nutrients that should be absorbed. Otherwise, with her habit of eating fried chicken, she should not be so thin and fat anyway.

The fried chicken and other things that are said to be junk food contain excessive hormones and will cause premature puberty in children? Is it possible that the chickens in Academy City are special?

If Suzina Momotaiko had a guardian, she would probably think that the girl's current thinness is because fried chicken has no nutrition and is junk food anyway.

Igarashi's words seemed to have convinced Suzuko Yuriko, or maybe after being defeated by Igarashi head-on, Suzuko Yuriko realized that her position as a conqueror just lacked a step to give in. The girl at this moment was very honest. The face that followed Igarashi was no longer as distant as before, but he was struggling a little, wanting to ask something, but he couldn't find a way to ask for a while.

After a while, Yuriko Suzina defeated herself.

Your power - does it come from some kind of scientific device, or does it come from yourself?

Chapter 1125 The so-called magician

Myself, but you don't have to think too much. My power is not a superpower. You are still the number one superpower in Academy City.

What Suzukina Yuriko cares about is not Igarashi's comfort. But another point.

The source of power is not superpowers...

Seeing the girl's puzzled expression, Igarashi smiled.

You don't think that the only power in this world is superpowers, right? Academy City just occupies a small area of ​​​​Dai Hong. To the entire world, Academy City is just an inconspicuous point, even if it is such a All kinds of superpowers can appear everywhere, so it shouldn’t be too unusual for other places to have powers different from those of superpowers.”

In the minds of Academy City students, there is nothing special about the outside world. After all, although Academy City occupies a small area, the people in it come from all over the world, and there are many famous families. Even they don't know Powers other than superpowers Almost everyone agrees that people with superpowers are the most special individuals in the world.

However, looking at Igarashi's appearance, there are many secrets that are not known to everyone.

If it were in the past, it would be hard for Yuriko Suzuko to believe that Academy City and everything in real life have given everyone a deep-rooted understanding. Although superpowers have broken the common sense of the outside world in many aspects, all superpowers still believe in Qin's work. She believes that superpowers are the result of science, but as someone who has personally experienced Igarashi’s various mysterious methods, Yuriko Suzina can believe what he says.

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