Half an hour later, Saten Ruiko went back to the dormitory to get some money and bought a pair of headphones at a small store, and finally started to operate her MP3 player.

Seeing the only audio file named Fantasy Controller that existed in the MP3, Saten Ruiko was startled, and then laughed.

She didn't think this was the Fantasy Tamer from the urban legend. It was more likely that Flanda was a chuunibyou, and she chose such a name. With a faint curiosity, Saten Ruiko put on her headphones and played this piece of audio.

Then, what she heard was a piece of music that she didn't understand. It was neither good nor bad, it was weird.

The confused Saten Ruiko didn't think there was anything shameful about this piece of music, and couldn't understand why Flanda told her not to use MP3 before. Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly noticed something unusual.

The wind flowing in the air became extremely obvious, and Saten Ruiko had a feeling that if she wanted to, she might be able to control it.

Just when this idea came up, Saten Ruiko performed a calculation that was not too difficult as explained by the teacher in the school's superpower training course. She was shocked to find that the air flowing around her was really... He changed the direction according to his own wishes.

This is a super power. I have awakened my super power.

Excitement and joy filled her heart. Saten Ruiko cheered softly. After expressing her feelings, she quickly discovered something unusual.

Now, Flanda, who Saten Ruiko suspected was selling MP3s to her just to seek help, became suspicious, and her last words of warning made Saten Ruiko even more nervous.

If the Fantasy Controller can really enhance superpowers so easily, or help people awaken superpowers, why doesn't Academy City vigorously promote it? This is obviously a beneficial and harmless thing, just listening to a piece of music.

Unless there is a price to pay.

Full of anxiety, Saten Ruiko took out her mobile phone and stayed on the alarm number for a long time without dialing. Finally, she pressed on a person she had just met not long ago and had not contacted through this after exchanging contact information. number.

Chapter 1088 Tomorrow’s headlines

Teacher, I may be in trouble.

Hearing the panicked voice coming from the mobile phone, even though he didn't specifically use any means to monitor Saten Ruiko's situation, he still guessed that the opponent had accepted the fantasy master, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes. He quickly restrained himself and asked gently.

What's wrong?

Although he was asking, Igarashi had already begun to let go of his perception, exploring the place where Saten Ruiko stayed some time ago, and going back in time to explore how the [props] gave the fantasy hand to Saten Ruiko.

After seeing Saten Ruiko misunderstanding Flanda as a poor hungry girl, Igarashi felt dumbfounded.

Originally, Igarashi had always thought that the biggest factor in deciding whether Saten Ruiko would accept the Fantasy Controller would only be Saten Ruiko's desire for superpowers. However, he forgot to consider Saten Ruiko's character and did not consider it. Thinking that as Academy City ANBU, everyone has been stained with some blood to some extent, and has witnessed all kinds of darkness hidden under the bright appearance of Academy City, the [props] people would actually use such a lack of style to kill people. Take out the fantasy charioteer.

Let alone Saten Ruiko, if Igarashi had seen it without knowing it, he would not have taken Fantasy Controller seriously, and would have just thought it was a shameless salesman with a new trick.

Saten Ruiko obtained the Fantasy Controller without knowing it and used it. This made Saten Ruiko's original plan to make her suffer a little if she used the Fantasy Controller without hesitation in order to obtain superpowers. Igarashi has changed his mind. The role he needs to play now will no longer be a teacher who scolds or educates girls who make mistakes, but an intimate brother who comforts restless girls.

Well, Igarashi has played this role many times.

Since Saten Ruiko was able to hang out outside before, it was natural that it was time for various high schools to finish school, plus the time to trade Fantasy Controllers, and then go out to buy mobile phones after returning to the dormitory. At this moment, Academy City had also entered night, and Saten Tenleiko and Igarashi agreed to meet on the street of a shopping street.

The remote streets of Academy City will hide gangsters asking for money, but this is the forbidden area for gangsters in urban legends - the 7th School District. In addition, the shopping street is prosperous enough, so Saten Ruiko naturally did not encounter any when she came out alone. Crisis, after arriving at the destination, immediately saw Igarashi waiting there.

The teacher came earlier than the agreed time.

I don’t know whether it was the uneasiness caused by getting the legendary Fantasy Controller or the excitement caused by awakening super powers. At this moment, Saten Ruiko had a faint blush on her face, as if she had specially changed her clothes and dressed up. She looks feminine.

Igarashi, who also discovered this, looked at the suspicious look on Saten Ruiko's face, then looked at the people around him who were looking at her with eyes mixed with envy, jealousy, hatred and gossip, and said softly.

Don't call me teacher at this time, otherwise, I will probably dominate the headlines tomorrow.

Eh? Why does it occupy the headlines?

Saten Ruiko still looked unresponsive. Compared to being slow to react, the girl was more innocent and would not think of the bad side of many things. Just like when facing Frenda, Saten Tian Leizi will subconsciously imagine everyone to be very beautiful and sunny.

[Shocked, a famous college teacher has a chaotic private life and actually dated a high school girl late at night]. It shouldn't be difficult for such news to dominate the headlines, right?

It's, it's not a date.

Saten Ruiko's face turned redder, and Igarashi shook his head, and spoke in a serious tone that did not seem to be teasing Saten Ruiko, but to remind her of the surrounding situation.

You don't think it's a date, but other passers-by who saw us obviously didn't think so, so it's better to pay a little attention to our address to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Oh, then I should...?

Just call me by my name.

Of course, Saten Ruiko was embarrassed to call Igarashi by his name directly, but she didn’t call him teacher anymore, and she seemed to be more relaxed...

No matter what, students will always be a little nervous and self-conscious in front of teachers. Of course, this rule does not apply to Shirai Kuroko.


In the brief silence, Saten Ruiko's stomach growled. Seeing this, Igarashi stopped teasing the obviously embarrassed girl and took her to a restaurant that looked pretty good.

Old rules, I'm treating you, you can order whatever you want. You probably didn't have dinner, right?

Why are there old rules?

Because I am a teacher. If I ask students to treat me, I will be suspected of accepting bribes. Regardless of my status, men and women go out together. Taking the initiative to pay for the bill is a way for men to express goodwill. Of course, this can only be done if the woman is attractive enough. Only men can express kindness like this, Saten-san, please don’t get the wrong idea, girls like that are not lovable.

Compared to discussing this topic in depth with Igarashi, Saten Ruiko cared about other details.

Didn't you say before that you can't mention the word teacher? Then please don't call me Saten-san.



Hearing Igarashi's name, Sa 2.9 Tian Ruizi's heart beat violently. The other party is indeed the type that easily makes girls have love fantasies, and the teacher's status is also very important to a certain extent. Stimulate……

No, no, no, what are you thinking about? !

Saten Ruiko took a deep breath, suppressed her restless emotions, pretended not to hear Igarashi's address, and spoke sternly.

I got this thing before, which is consistent with the fantasy knight described in the urban legend, and I have verified its authenticity. This thing was handed to me in a strange way. I feel that I may have been involved in some conspiracy. among.

Saten Ruiko took out the MP3.

Chapter 1089 United Network

Listening to Saten Ruiko explaining to him everything that happened before without any concealment, Igarashi was somewhat relieved. This time of his was not a test, which proved that Saten Ruiko's character was better than Saten Ruiko's character. After gaining superpowers, she is more obviously kind and honest. In addition, she is also very imaginative——

Imagine whether the Controller was created by terrorists. Although people who listen to this music can awaken superpowers, their body structure will also undergo mutations, becoming time bombs or biochemical humans that can mutate at any time. This is actually It’s a war weapon, right?”

Saten Ruiko said this with a look of fear on her face. She was indeed someone who was familiar with various urban legends and had a very rich imagination. If a terrorist really heard her words, it should be able to inspire a lot of inspiration.

It's not that exaggerated.

Igarashi shook his head, planning to reveal some information to Saten Ruiko. twenty one

I have done some research and investigation. Fantasy Controller is a program that uses the human brain as a calculator, and uses the AIM diffusion field as a medium to form a network. Through complex brain processing, it makes complex calculations possible and enhances the level of superpowers. The principle is to allow individuals in the network to borrow the power of similar ability owners in the network to perform joint calculations, and the principle of awakening superpowers is to allow people with similar brainwaves and potential to jointly perform calculations.

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