You...couldn't you have done something worse than a beast by force?

Am I that kind of person?

I think you are.

Igarashi knew that Shirai Kuroko was deliberately causing trouble for him, so he didn't bother to say anything more at the moment. He leaned back on his seat, changed to a more comfortable sitting position, and said lazily.

Mugino Shenli is LV5, Academy City's fourth [Atomic Collapse]. When communicating with her, you'd better pay attention to your words. She has a hot temper. You can't beat her, but I can subdue Mugino Shenli. You're a human being, so you'd better pay attention to how you speak to me, otherwise, I might do something excessive to you one day.

After hearing Igarashi's words, Shirai Kuroko immediately wanted to say impossible, but looking at Igarashi who was sunbathing with his eyes closed, Shirai Kuroko felt strangely that he was not lying.

When Shirai Kuroko wanted to ask further, Igarashi opened his eyes, his eyes full of amusement.

I said, Shirai Kuroko, have you noticed that you often take the initiative to talk to me recently? Is it because you were a little bit reluctant to leave the maid after your term of office ended, and now you are even more jealous when you see someone else taking your job? Tell me directly about this kind of thing Come out, although there is no shortage of meal maids, I still need a bed warmer maid.

This guy is still as irritating as ever.

After many verbal exchanges, Shirai Kuroko, who understood that he was not Igarashi's opponent, did not fight back at this moment. Instead, he turned around and left with a sullen face, intending to explore whether Mugino Shimuri was a LV5 superpower.

Rather than directly testing the combat power, Kuroko Shirai prefers to go to Uiharu Shiri and ask her to invade Academy City's database and query LV5's information. This method is safer and will not offend LV5.

Today was going to be an ordinary day, Saten Ruiko thought so three minutes ago.

However, when Saten Ruiko went to the supermarket where she often went to buy things after school, she faintly felt a gaze staring at her, looking at her from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top.

Meeting a pervert was Saten Ruiko's first reaction, but when she calmly looked behind her through the metal reflection of the shelf, she discovered that the person observing her from a distance was a petite blond girl.

The original vigilance and disgust suddenly disappeared. Saten Ruiko turned around without much precaution, looked at the girl who could undoubtedly be described as cute, and asked.

Is something wrong?

Maybe the other party has encountered some difficulties and is wondering whether to ask for help.

Saten Ruiko took the initiative to find reasons for the blond girl's behavior in her mind.

In the end, it's nothing special...

Vaguely, Saten Ruiko heard the other party mumbling something, but the mumbling stopped quickly, and the blond girl showed a cute smile.

Hello, I'm Frenda. I have something I want to tell you privately.

If a strange man suddenly said such words to Saten Ruiko, there is no doubt that he is a crazy man. Saten Ruiko would immediately take out his mobile phone to call the police, but at this moment, standing in front of him is a cute girl. Compared with On guard, Saten Ruizi thought more about the problem from the other party's perspective.

If you want to talk about it alone, you must have encountered some unspeakable difficulties, right? Because the monthly subsidy provided by Academy City has been used up, I was short of money and hungry for several days before I mustered up the courage to ask myself, a stranger, for help. However, I was embarrassed to be in such a public place, so I wanted to say it alone?

Saten Ruiko, who quickly found a reasonable explanation, nodded, walked out of the supermarket with the other party, and came to the relatively quiet corner alley next to it.

Instead of going deep into the dead end, he stopped not far from the entrance of the alley. Such a safe position also made Saten Ruiko, who was about to become wary, feel relieved again. With a concerned smile on his face, the man who was leading the way walked in front of him. Flanda frowned and turned around. Seeing Saten Ruiko's concerned look, she didn't know what to say to her for a moment. She barely controlled her desire to complain. Flanda tried her best to make her expression look inscrutable.

You know - the fantasy charioteer?

What the other person said seemed to be different from what I expected.

Saten Ruiko blinked, but still answered seriously.

It is a mysterious item in urban legend that can enhance super powers.

Very good, as long as you have heard of it, I have a Fantasy Controller here, do you want it?

Flanda took out something from her pocket, and then opened her hand to Saten Ruiko. It was an MP3, which was also the terminal that Igarashi had previously transmitted to the [Prop], as a guide to Mugino Shiri's current situation. Audio files for fuse.

Chapter 1087 Misunderstanding

A person suddenly appears and introduces Fantasy Controller to himself in a sales-like manner, asking if he needs it. No matter how you think about it, it is suspicious.

If the other party hadn't been a cute girl who could make people like her better, Saten Ruiko would have chosen to turn around and leave now.

After carefully looking at Frenda, Saten Ruiko remembered her previous guess, remained silent for a while, and asked.

How much?

In Saten Ruiko's view, Flanda at this moment is just a poor girl who sold her belongings because she had spent all her subsidies and was living in poverty. Saten Ruiko's attention is not at all on the so-called fantasy master. She does not think that this Such a magical thing would appear in such a lackluster way. Now, the reason Saten Ruiko wants to buy the MP3 is just to help this girl who is too embarrassed to ask for money directly.


Hearing Saten Ruiko's words, Flanda was stunned. She didn't expect that there would be extra income in the process of completing the commission. Anyway, the very powerful and terrible director did not have any requirements for this kind of thing. Why do you have money? Not profitable!

One, one thousand yen?

Flanda looked at Saten Ruiko hesitantly. Although Igarashi had no strict requirement before to give the fantasy hand to the other party, if the fantasy hand was not given because she asked for money, Flanda felt that she would end up It will be miserable.

She wanted money, but she didn't want to be too exaggerated. One thousand yen was only enough to find a meal at a restaurant in Academy City, which was a little extra money. Of course, if Saten Ruiko felt resistant, Flanda Prepare to give the MP3 to her directly.

Seeing Frenda's hesitation, Saten Ruiko didn't say anything more, groped in her pocket and took out all the money.

This is two thousand three hundred yen. I'm sorry I only brought so much. If you are very hungry, go buy something to eat quickly.

Frenda subconsciously took the money, looking a little dumbfounded.

In your eyes, what do I do? Promote MP3 players?

Flanda's question made Saten Ruiko smile tenderly, stretched out her hand and touched the head of Flanda, who was shorter than herself, and said softly.

She's a cute girl who's hungry but too embarrassed to ask for help directly. What's the problem?

...No, there isn't.

Logically speaking, the commissioned content cannot be exposed to others.

However, looking at Saten Ruiko who was smiling softly in front of her and turning around to leave with her MP3 player in hand, Flanda took a deep breath and stopped her.

Well, if possible, it's best not to use MP3.

Flanda remembered what Igarashi had said before. The audio file was very suspicious. Flanda didn't want to put the gentle girl in front of her in danger.

Huh? What are you talking about?

Saten Ruiko showed an incomprehensible expression, and Flanda would not explain it. With her courage, she would not dare to do anything more after reminding Saten Ruiko a little.

The power that Igarashi showed in the secret stronghold was really terrifying. He was so invincible that even LV5 was unable to fight back. And after attacking Igarashi, he really became an ordinary person and lost his superpowers. Mugino's sharpness made Flanda extremely afraid. Just saying one more word to Saten Ruiko made Flanda feel creepy and her heart beating wildly.

Looking at the girl running away quickly, Saten Ruiko looked at the MP3 player in her hand again, a little confused.

Didn’t Frenda sell MP3 players because the subsidy ran out? Why do you say that? Hmm... maybe there is some personal audio in the MP3 that I forgot to delete, and I feel embarrassed, right?

At this point, Saten Ruiko, who originally wanted to use the MP3 to see if it was broken, stopped what she was doing and planned to find a pair of headphones first before trying it. If there was really any embarrassing audio and Saten Ruiko would feel very embarrassed if she let him go.

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