I advise you to stop. Although it can indeed improve the ability level, it does not have much effect on LV5, nor on LV4. At the same time, the sequelae of using it is being comatose for a long time.


Although he was questioning, Mugino Shenli's hands moved faster, and his super power was activated instantly, and an atom-destroying beam of light hit the figure of the extra person.

As a member of Academy City who walks on the dark side, Mugino Shiri maintains due vigilance. No matter what the purpose of the sudden invasion of suspicious persons, he intends to paralyze their combat effectiveness first. Anyway, with Academy City's With the medical level, the injuries to the muscles and bones are only minor injuries.

Sister, this is our stronghold. If you use your abilities here, you will—

The panicked voice stopped abruptly mid-sentence.


Just like a flame being crushed out by someone, the atom collapse shot out with great force burned up in the palm of the person's hand.

Seeing this, Mugino Shenli's pupils shrank suddenly, and when he bit his silver teeth, he had no time to think about what it meant for his atoms to collapse and be annihilated in the opponent's hands. Just when he was about to continue firing a few rounds at the opponent, the figure of the visitor disappeared instantly and appeared in Mugino Shenli, who was in a fighting posture, grabbed her hands behind her back, making her lose the ability to resist.

I said, when you see that your ability has no effect at all, shouldn't you be wary? You should at least ask the other party's identity and think about whether to continue to attack? Isn't it wrong to strike with an egg against a stone?

As Igarashi spoke, he glanced at the other three people in [Props] and told them that they wanted to do something to save the leader, but they were hesitant because his previous performance was too unimaginable, so he said simply.

Don't act rashly, or I will do whatever I want to your leader.


The room fell into a brief silence, and as he continued to struggle, he found Mugino Shenli, who was motionless from Igarashi, with an undisguised scowl on his face and roared at his men.

Why are you throwing an egg at a stone? Stop talking nonsense! Takitsubo, what is this guy's ability?

As a LV4 powerful person, [Ability Tracking] Takitsubo Rigo can sense the nature of other people's AIM diffusion stance, and thus roughly determine the other party's ability type. Therefore, Mugino Shiri just asked this question.

...He, he has no stance on AIM proliferation.

AIM diffusion stance is weak energy that superpowers unconsciously release in all directions. Different ability users will emit different AIM diffusion stance. This is unconscious emission that cannot be hidden. If there is no AIM diffusion stance, there is only one reason. The other party is not a person with super powers.


When Mugino Shenli wanted to say something to Igarashi like an angry tigress, Igarashi picked up a large piece of bread on the table with his free hand and stuffed it into Mugino Shenli. in the mouth.

I am the director of the Academy City General Council, which is your upper echelon. You'd better behave, or I'll tell your subordinates that you can't sleep without holding a doll.

It turns out that the leader of my family still has such a hobby?

Igarashi's words made Takitsubo Rikou, Kinuhata Aoi and Flanda all look at Mugino Shimori with some changes, and Mugino Shimri himself became more excited, although she looked like a royal sister on the outside. In appearance, but emotionally, just like the name of her ability, she seems to be a bit broken.

What are you still doing? Kill him!

Chief, leader, he is the director of the General Council, right? He seems to be unkillable, and he also seems to be extremely powerful. We cannot beat him.

Kinuhata's favorite seems to like to use the word super to emphasize the tone.

He said yes? Move quickly...


There was a crisp sound, the sound of a palm hitting his butt.

Mugino Shinri, as the leader of [props], you should behave like a leader. You are ANBU, not villains with extremely low standards. Please be calm and don't make any noise.

Chapter 1080 I am the only one as strong as me

Seeing Igarashi's self-righteous look, as if his boss was lecturing his subordinates, Mugino Shenri was stunned for a long time before he reacted. He glared at Igarashi with a look that could crush everything if his eyes were offensive, and then continued to look at him. His subordinates winked, wanting them to help subdue Igarashi, and then they would naturally have revenge and grievances.

How could Mugino Shimari, who was always a vengeful person, give in? She had even begun to think about how to get rid of suspicion and avoid being investigated by the President Council after Igarashi was reduced to ashes. After all, Igarashi claimed to be President. Although he had never heard of this person before, Mugino Shenri believed some of Igarashi's words based on his understanding of him.

However, the other three people in [Props] are different from Mugino Shenli. Flanda is the type who bullies the weak and fears the strong. When her life is really in danger, she cannot do such a heroic thing as sacrificing her own life to save her companions. At this moment, The face was flinching. As for Takitsubo Rikou and Kinuhata's favorites, these two girls are not as afraid of death as Frenda, but they are also not like Mugino Shiri, who is desperate after getting carried away by anger. Now he is thinking The situation.

[Items] with LV5 have a very high status in Academy City Anbu. Unless the opponent is other LV5, the entire council or the real ruler of Academy City - the Chairman of the Board, otherwise, even if it is the director , [Item] will also find ways to kill it when necessary. Igarashi's status as a director will naturally not make [Item] surrender, but Igarashi is too strong.

He slapped Mugino to death with a single shot of Atomic Collapse without holding back, and played with the dignified LV5, the fourth in Academy City, in the palm of his hand so casually. This does not seem to be a strong person that [Items] can handle, although The remaining three are all LV4 powerful users, but at this moment they have no idea of ​​attacking at all.

Please don't get me wrong, Mr. Director. Our leader was just a little excited because his secret stronghold was invaded. As for the secrets about the leader that Mr. Director said before, we did not hear clearly.

The one who finally came out to ease the situation was not Flanders, who should be very lively, nor Kinuhata, who looked very well-behaved, but Takitsubo Rigo, who had been lifeless and looked extremely tired before. She first explained Mugino Shenli's behavior, and then comforted Mugino Shenli in disguise, saying that he had not heard that she could only fall asleep holding a doll.

Although it was of no use, Mugino Shenli did not speak at this moment and no longer struggled.

The reason why she didn't speak was because Igarashi kept stuffing bread into her mouth. When she finally swallowed one piece and wanted to order her subordinates to join them, a new piece came in. The reason why she didn't struggle was because Igarashi kept putting bread into her mouth. Stuffing bread into her mouth, it seemed that Mugino Shenli was choked and had no intention of continuing to struggle.

Promise, be quiet and be good from now on, and I'll give you water.

Igarashi was threatening Mugino Shenli like a villain. At this moment, Mugino Shenli was flexible. In order to avoid news like Shocking, dignified LV5 was choked to death in the future, he nodded quickly a few times.

Seeing this, Igarashi released his hand that restricted Mugino's movement, picked up an unopened bottle of drink on the table next to him, and unscrewed the bottle cap very considerately before handing it to Mugino.

But it's a pity that Mugino Shenli didn't feel grateful for this. After taking a few sips of drinks and solving his urgent needs, several beams of light formed by atomic collapse that were even more powerful than before were blasted towards Igarashi.

I don't care if you are a director or not, just die!

Shenli Mugino, who looks like an intellectual sister, but actually has an extremely violent personality, just wants to kill Igarashi. As for the rest, it is completely beyond the scope of Shenli Mugino's thinking at this moment.

Bah bah bah bah.

There were several low roars in succession. It was clear that this was more powerful, and more atoms collapsed. Not only did Mugino Shinri not hold back, but he actually used his full strength. There is no doubt that he can crush heavy metal like confetti. The pure white light beam that shattered, blew away, and dissolved the thick alloy wall was now like a small snowflake, caught in Igarashi's hand, and annihilated.

Once again, and seeing this unimaginable scene more clearly, everyone including Mugino Shenri was stunned.

There is no need to question the power of Atomic Collapse. In terms of destructive power alone, Mugino Shiri is even more powerful than Academy City's third-ranked [railgun] Misaka Mikoto. If it weren't for its stability, she wouldn't be able to He stopped at the fourth place, but at this moment, he was beaten out by someone with a fleshy palm like a child's play.

If the opponent dodges, or uses super powers to divert the direction of the atomic collapse, or even uses the same level of super powers to counteract the attack, Mugino Shiri wouldn't be so surprised, but seeing Igarashi's understatement, to be honest , she was a little doubtful about life.

Oh, don't panic. I'm the only one as strong as me, not just in Academy City, but in this whole world. There's no need to doubt your own strength because of this. You're still the fourth in Academy City, the famous [Atomic Collapse ].”

Seeing Mugino Shenli's stunned look, Igarashi patted her shoulders enthusiastically to encourage her. At the same time, he used some rules to restrain the other party's super power, so as to prevent her personality from being completely inconsistent with her appearance. Sister Yu started to riot again.

Mugino Shenli really wanted to continue taking action. She would not believe that the opponent was really powerful enough not to take her own atomic collapse seriously, even if Takitsubo Rikou had said before that the opponent did not have an AIM diffusion field. Mugino Shenli He also didn't want to believe the facts and expected that the other party was a special spatial ability user or someone who was good at defense and could only withstand a limited number of attacks.

However, when she discovered that her superpower suddenly disappeared, Mugino Shenli finally panicked. Not only was she panicful, but she felt more of fear. Mugino Shenli could not imagine what losing her superpower meant to her. What was she talking about? To her, that was something more terrifying than death.

Chapter 1081 Maid, maid!

[Props] When the remaining three people in the foursome came back to their senses from Igarashi's invincible appearance, they happened to see Mugino Shiri's despairing look. It was a little difficult to understand, but Igarashi did not Instead of answering the three people's questions, he admired with great interest the way Mugino Shenri, who was like a mad lioness before, was almost collapsed at the moment, and then leaned into the other person's ear and whispered softly.

Sealing your super power is considered as punishment for the series of rude actions you have committed against me since just now. As for the time for unsealing, let me think about it, what about ten years from now?


Mugino Shenli's body trembled. Unlocking super powers after ten years? What's the difference between that and being an ordinary person all your life? She didn't think she could survive ten years without her superpowers, nor could she endure a full ten years of ordinary life. Mugino Shenri never wanted to be the person she had always despised before, being played with at will by the strong. Ants.

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