Now that Misaka-san has extended the invitation, I won't refuse it. I'm also quite curious about LV5 superpowers. Also, a certain maid didn't bring me food on time, so I'm a little worried about that.

Igarashi was talking about Kuroko Shirai. She had not finished working as a maid for a week, but today she was just taking a walk with Misaka Mikoto and completely forgot about delivering food.

Shirai Kuroko, who was weakly leaning on Misaka Mikoto, had no intention of enjoying this rare close contact at the moment. Hearing Igarashi's words, he looked at Igarashi in a panic, for fear that he would tell him that she was his maid. Shirai Kuroko would feel very embarrassed if that happened.

She didn't care about her bad performance, but she cared about this kind of thing, which was special enough.

At this moment, Shirai Kuroko's eyes even looked at Igarashi with a hint of pleading, which made Igarashi admire it with interest for a while.

Misaka Mikoto was a little surprised when she heard the word maid, but after remembering that there were many royal nobles among the students at Tokiwadai, she didn't say anything more.

Afterwards, everyone was led by Misaka Mikoto to a restaurant.

Saten Ruiko originally didn’t want to come. On the one hand, she was embarrassed and felt that she had not played a role in the previous events. On the other hand, it was because Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were students at Tokiwadai, and Igarashi was The teacher at Tokiwadai seems to be irrelevant.

However, with the persuasion of Igarashi and Misaka Mikoto, Saten Ruiko finally came together.

As for Uiharu Shiri, who was traveling with Saten Ruiko before, as a disciplinary committee member, she needs to cooperate with the police team to deal with the scene that was destroyed by criminals and report the case. Now that Shirai Kuroko, who is also a disciplinary committee member, was electrocuted and fell down, Uiharu Shiri Leigh took on all the work.

Chapter 1078 Plan

Even though she usually acts very boyish, even a little careless, Misaka Mikoto is not willing to deal with this kind of treat that coexists apology and gratitude. No matter what happened before, Misaka Mikoto has been a student at Tokiwadai for a long time. , still understand the relevant etiquette.

This is a high-end restaurant. It seems to have Japanese food, Chinese food, and Western food. When a customer comes, the waitress immediately greets them, her eyes lingering on Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who are wearing Tokiwadai school uniforms. After a moment, it was quickly placed on Igarashi.

One of the responsibilities of a waiter is to have a pair of smart eyes to find out who is the real person in charge among the people entering the restaurant. If he accidentally gives the menu or other things to someone who is not high enough among them, , that would be very embarrassing, and it would be difficult for a waiter who makes such a mistake to work for a long time.

In a group of girls and one boy, most people would think that the boy should be the leader, but the waitress would not make such a simple judgment. She saw that the three girls were more or less focusing on Igarashi. , and Igarashi himself does have an extraordinary temperament. It's not like he was a minor role before he was regarded as the leader.

Hello, are there four people in total?


Facing the waiter's question, Igarashi nodded in response naturally, which made the waitress who was a little nervous for fear of guessing wrong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, in the group of four, the men had extraordinary temperament, and there were two women among them. They are all students from the aristocratic girls' school Tokiwadai, and the only one who is not wearing a school uniform is also very good-looking. Maybe he will be a more special character. Such customers are the biggest headache for the waiters.

Fortunately, it seems that I didn't make any mistakes, at least, I didn't cause any negative emotions to the guests.

What do guests think of this location? It's close to the window and can see the outside scenery. It's also located in a corner of the restaurant, so it's quiet enough.


Igarashi nodded without making any excessive demands.

As a result, whether it was ordering or serving, the waitress directly asked Igarashi about the speed of serving and other issues. Misaka Mikoto didn't pay too much attention to her, as she has a more boyish personality. He wouldn't care about this detail, but Kuroko Shirai discovered more things. If the waiter regarded Igarashi as the leader, wouldn't it be... during the final checkout...

At this thought, Shirai Kuroko almost chuckled, but tried to hold it in and ate the dishes as if nothing had happened.

About half an hour later——

Waiter, pay.

Igarashi motioned to the waitress to come over and handed her his unlimited salary card.

Misaka Mikoto on the side didn't react until the waitress left with Igarashi's salary card, and she said dumbfounded.

Um...isn't it my treat?

It was like this, but the waitress seemed to treat me as a treater. If you think about it carefully, you are all students, I am a teacher, you are all girls, and I am a boy. It seems that I should be the treater, so That’s it, just make mistakes.”

Igarashi said it didn't matter. He didn't need to care about money anyway, and the money for this meal was indeed nothing. When the waiter came over, he told the waiter that he was not responsible for the checkout, but Misaka Mikoto. Igarashi couldn't do such a thing as a girl in school uniform.

However, if Misaka Mikoto is replaced by Shirai Kuroko, Igarashi will have no psychological burden at all.

On the side, Saten Ruiko looked at Igarashi and Misaka Mikoto talking and laughing, feeling somewhat envious in her heart.

The reason why the superpowers of LV5 are superior is not entirely because of their military power. Although Academy City intentionally promotes the combat power of LV5, in fact, there have always been only small fights and no big storms in the academy. In the city, LV5 does not have many opportunities to take action. What really makes ordinary people feel that LV5 is superior is not the combat power of LV5 superpowers themselves, but the various privileges they possess...

Incomparably generous monthly subsidies, and various world-famous research institutes are pursuing LV5 superpowers. If they are LV5, even a school like Tokiwadai, which claims to have extremely strict entrance examinations, will take the initiative to reduce the difficulty of admission. It is equivalent to begging the other party to enroll in school. As long as you become LV5, even LV4, LV3, or even just become an ability user, your life can change and your future will be guaranteed.

When Saten Ruiko entered Academy City, her family and friends had high hopes for her, but until now, she has not awakened any superpowers. The probability of awakening superpowers, which can be said to be fantasy in nature, will become lower and lower with age. , Saten Ruiko is vaguely certain that she may not be able to obtain super powers in the future.

Although people who come out of Academy City will be favored by many big companies, if they don't have any superpowers, their own competitiveness will drop a lot, and they will be the lowest level among the people who come out.

Now, looking at Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who have promising futures in front of them, and looking at Igarashi, who is already a Tokiwadai teacher at a young age, Saten Ruiko only feels a touch of sadness.

He and they are in two different worlds, now and even more so in the future, and the gap will only get wider.

Neither Misaka Mikoto nor Shirai Kuroko noticed the change in Saten Ruiko, but Igarashi saw it, and after thinking about it for a while, he guessed the general idea of ​​her.

Instead of comforting her with compassion, Igarashi wanted to do other things, things that could really help Saten Ruiko.

However, if such a simple method is used to awaken Saten Ruiko's ability, even if Saten Ruiko is a girl with a good character, she will inevitably get carried away when she suddenly gains power, so...

It's time to find a few subordinates and try to transfer the Fantasy Controller to Saten Ruiko. If she doesn't accept it, Igarashi will happily give her the ability directly. If she accepts it, it will just make the process a little longer. Small twists and turns, the result will not change.

Chapter 1079 Kill him!

[Props], as an ANBU organization directly under the Academy City Governing Council, it is responsible for preventing the top management, including the Governing Council, from losing control and suppressing the riots of other ANBU. At the same time, it will also contact some Academy City research institutes for funds. When entrusting a task, one does not deliberately distinguish whether the task is good or bad. As long as the execution of the task itself will not be punished by Academy City's senior management and the commission given is sufficient, then it will be executed well.

And today, they received a special commission.

Introduce the 'Fantasy Hand' to Saten Ruiko, an incompetent person in the seventh school district, and try to give it to her. Regardless of whether the gift is successful or not, you will get a reward of one million yen. This task is super simple. .”

Looking at the message coming from the special terminal, Kinuhata, who had shoulder-length brown hair and covered his head with a hoodie, looked at the leader of the [Item], Mugino Chen, with questioning eyes while reading it. profit.

Another person in the organization, a Nordic origin, with long fluffy blond hair, blue eyes, and snow-white skin, a slender and petite female high school student Frenda, also curiously approached Terminal 21 and read the text on it.

As a result, you can get paid regardless of whether the gift is successful or not. Is it really such a simple task?

The leader of [Props] has a tall figure and fluffy brown hair. She is also the only woman among the four people in the room who can be described as a royal sister - Mugino Shinri. She is also LV5 and the fourth in Academy City. Bit of [Atomic Collapse].

Who sent the mission?

...the Overarching Council.

Then there's nothing to test. Just accept it.

After hearing about the entrusted organization, Mugino Shenli, who was a little skeptical at first, said nothing more and signaled his subordinates to accept the entrustment.

Not long after, the terminal in Jianqi's favorite hand beeped softly and received an audio file.

The fourth person in the room, Takitsubo Rigo, a natural girl who seemed to lack vitality, peeked at the audio file and spoke in a sleepy tone.

Fantasy Controller? That's something in urban legends that can improve the user's ability level.

Eh? Really? Isn't it just like the description, it's a super powerful real thing?

Kinuhata wanted to turn on that audio the most. At this moment, the voice of a fifth person came from a room that was supposed to be a secret stronghold for only four people. It was used as a [prop].

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