Hearing the sultry shouts of the gangster in front of her who was dressed in a way that did not conform to the aesthetics of normal people, Misaka Mikoto had a vague feeling that she was the villain.

This year's gangsters don't seem to be very good.

Misaka Mikoto muttered. Seeing that the opponent had not attacked her yet, it was not easy to take the initiative to attack. She stopped temporarily and spoke with interest.

Why, when you see prey appearing, aren't you going to blackmail me? I also have 10,000 yen with me.

Saying this, Misaka Mikoto took out the banknotes from her pocket and waved them in front of the two gangsters. However, her fearless actions further confirmed the two gangsters' suspicions - this guy has a lot of background, and he may even be... In that rumor, the lunatic was specifically looking for trouble for these poor gangsters who were hiding in the cracks of the city.

No, no plan, we are just huddled here smoking. Sister, can you let us live?

The gangster brother has already made up his mind. After escaping this disaster, he will immediately take his little brother and leave the seventh school district. It is not easy to hang out here. There are too many powerful superpowers, and the superpowers will be fine if they are full. What to do? It's too difficult for me to go out of my way to cause trouble for gangsters.


Looking at the gangster who looked old because of his carelessness and bad habits such as smoking and staying up late, Misaka Mikoto863 had a faint # on her forehead, but she didn't bother to talk to them. Continuing to talk nonsense, a ray of lightning faintly appeared on his fist.

Staying in such a secluded alley at night, carrying a baseball bat with you, and wearing such anti-human clothing, you are gangsters, right?

Rather than answer Misaka Mikoto's question, the gangster brother looked shocked and suddenly realized as he looked at the opponent's fist with electric light coming out and shouted.

It's you, you're the psychopath who always comes to us and causes trouble!

God... crazy?!

Misaka Mikoto, who was still hesitant about whether to teach these two gangsters who had never taken any action from beginning to end, waved her fist without hesitation when she heard them calling her.

As a LV5 superpower [railgun], in addition to many extremely lethal means, Misaka Mikoto, who stimulates cell vitality by controlling bioelectricity, can exert strength and speed beyond the reach of ordinary people. Despite her appearance, she is just an ordinary person. A schoolgirl, one punch would seriously injure a strong man.

Ah!!! x2

After the two screams, two more customers came to the nearby hospital.

Chapter 1075 Who is showing off?

During this period of time, many of the gangsters in District 7 have changed their past and turned a new leaf. The remaining ones have begun to think about how to escape the electric woman who always troubles the gangsters at night. After careful intelligence After collecting and analyzing information, the gangsters came to a conclusion - if it was daytime, it seems that they would not encounter the discharge woman.

But in broad daylight, extortion and robbery require a certain amount of courage. Most people thought about it and chose to simply leave District 7 and go to make a living elsewhere, but a few were very brave. People, get together and decide to make a big splash.

They plan to rob the bank so they can get away with it once and for all.

Finding firearms and explosives in Academy City, a technologically advanced city, is not an easy task for a well-connected gangster, but it is not impossible either.

Three people who wanted to be promoted from gangsters to criminals, who collected pistols and explosives used to deal with the bank's protective doors that would land in an emergency. Knowing that fighter planes are valuable, they quickly chose a bank with weak protection measures, but they I forgot a very important point, today is Saturday, a day off for students.

Masked, they rushed into the bank with guns, filled suitcases with cash, blew open the protective door and rushed out. So far, the three villains who have become criminals have been going smoothly. The next step is to drive the prepared car. Rush to the outskirts of Academy City and then change your appearance to become a rich man.

However, although it is a small bank, the street it is located on is a very popular shopping street in the 7th District. There are many tables for guests to rest or enjoy snacks on one side of the road. Similarly, there are also crepes and cakes sold. Cold drink stall.

Originally, there was nothing particularly attractive about such a stall. Ordinary students might come to buy things, but if you are a Tokiwadai eldest lady, those with abilities at least LV3 will not be attracted by street stalls. Attract easily.

However, the crepe stall owner unexpectedly launched a campaign of Buy a crepe and get a croquette. The croquette, a frog doll that shouldn't have much appeal, is Misaka Mikoto's true love. Taking advantage of her day off, she , she ran over specially.

Shirai Kuroko naturally stuck to her older sister, and met Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiori who were also playing on the way. The four of them simply came together to buy crepes. Misaka Mikoto wanted to hide it, but everyone had already seen it. , the real purpose of this LV5 superpower is to buy the guatai that comes with the crepe.

boom! !

When he heard the explosion and received the summons from the Disciplinary Committee, Kuroko Shirai quickly put on the armband of the Disciplinary Committee, activated his ability and appeared in front of the three criminals who were about to escape into the car, while Misaka Mikoto stood aside for the time being. She believed that Shirai Kuroko's ability shouldn't be a problem in dealing with three thugs, but if something unexpected happens, Misaka Mikoto will help in time.

You three, I'm arresting you for [destroying property and robbery].

The three of them were startled when they saw someone blocking their way, especially when they found that the person was wearing the uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School. They couldn't help but think of the discharge girl who was the nemesis of gangsters. After careful inspection, they determined that the appearance of the person did not match the legend. Afterwards, feeling a little relieved, two of them quickly approached the car they had prepared before, and the remaining one threw an unknown object towards Shirai Kuroko.

This is……

The prerequisite for Shirai Kuroko to use his superpower on an object is to have contact with it, so facing this unknown throwing weapon, it is most correct to transfer himself.

The unidentified object was a smoke bomb with tear gas function, which temporarily prevented Shirai Kuroko from restraining the thugs immediately. The other two criminals who had already entered the car started the vehicle and planned to make a circle, starting from the opposite place to where Shirai Kuroko was. direction to escape.

The situation changed so quickly that even Shirai Kuroko, the discipline committee member, was distracted for a moment. He seized this opportunity and learned from the way Shirai Kuroko appeared that the opponent was a space user and was also a smart thug who threw tear gas bombs and wanted to catch him. A scared little boy living on the roadside planned to use him as a hostage to ensure his smooth escape.

Misaka Mikoto was some distance away from the others. She had been queuing up to buy crepes, while Saten Ruiko, who was closest to the little boy, took a few steps forward without much thought, trying to protect him. The thugs were afraid of the Discharge Girl and Tokiwadai's space mover, but they were not afraid of this girl who was not wearing Tokiwadai school uniform and looked like an incompetent person. He was about to kick her away. It would be easier to control him if he grabbed her. When I was a little boy——

When you appear with cool words, don't forget to subdue the enemy. Shirai Kuroko, you are not qualified as a disciplinary committee member. You almost injured the kind and lovely Saten-san.

Igarashi appeared from the side and pulled Saten Ruiko to avoid the opponent's merciless kick. At the same time, he also kicked back. That seemingly random movement had unexpected power. It was enough for the opponent to fly three or four meters in mid-air before falling to the ground and fainting.

Seeing that you have indeed made up for my mistake, I accept the accusation this time.

A slightly surprised look at the thug who was knocked unconscious by Igarashi with a casual kick. Shirai Kuroko recalled the strength Igarashi showed in the previous shot put throwing competition, and no longer struggled too much. He took out the handcuffs originally prepared for onee-sama from his pocket and cuffed the guy. He looked at the car in the distance where he was obviously planning to abandon his companions and flee, showing a headache expression.

Oh, oh, are they going to escape?

I don't think they can escape from the hands of space users. Can you stop your cool behavior? Shirai Kuroko, your sister will not fall in love with you because of this.

After Igarashi finished speaking, he did not wait for Shirai Kuroko's response, but turned to look at Saten Ruiko next to him, showing a reassuring smile.

How's it going? You're not scared, are you?


Saten Ruiko looked a little nervous and gave a hesitant answer. Looking at Igarashi's gentle smile that he had never shown before and Saten Ruiko's shy performance, Shirai Kuroko curled his lips.

Tch, you said I was being cool, what are you doing now?

Although he was complaining, Shirai Kuroko moved very quickly, casually picking up stones on the ground and using his super power to teleport them to distant car tires.


With a dull blast, the car suddenly burst a tire on the smooth road and hit a marble flower bed on the street. The car's built-in airbag deployed. The two thugs inside were not killed, just because of the violent impact. Fainted.

Chapter 1076 I wish you happiness

Seeing that the incident was over and no innocent people were injured, Misaka Mikoto, who originally did not want to expose her LV5 identity, continued to line up in front of the crepe stall, while Shirai Kuroko was the one who contacted the police force. Such criminals are no longer handled by the Discipline Committee. The role of the police force will be more suitable for them.

Saten Ruiko was still a little dazed, and she couldn't accept the sudden changes in the situation.

Shirai Kuroko, whose figure can be described as petite, not only showed no fear when faced with three strong men, but the opponent did not even have the courage to attack, even if it was to throw a smoke bomb that was troublesome at first sight. It didn't cause much trouble to Shirai Kuroko. In the end, he used his super power very handsomely to scrap the car that had traveled dozens of meters.

Is this the LV4 powerful person? Really... very powerful...

Coupled with the fear of being almost attacked by criminals before, and the determination to rush out to protect innocent children, as well as the sudden appearance of Igarashi, witnessing the skill of easily subduing the gangster, and the kind and lovely Zuo whom the other party said... Classmate Tian are words that make people's hearts beat faster.

In just a few minutes, Saten Ruiko's emotional changes were more exaggerated than what she had experienced all day long.

Thank you, big brother.

The little boy was thanking Igarashi. Although he was frightened just now, he did not faint. The little boy still understood that Igarashi saved him.

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