What are you...

Are you planning to stay at home and practice in seclusion? Buy so many cans?

Originally, Shirai Kuroko wanted to say this, but due to the presence of her elder sister and an unknown girl opposite, Shirai Kuroko did not say it.

Shirai Kuroko gradually discovered that in front of Igarashi, she was weird and didn't have many scruples. She always showed her thoughts and attitudes directly, which was rarely the case in front of her sister.

This guy Igarashi...well, it must be because this guy is not a LV5 superpower like onee-sama, so it is difficult for me to feel awe.

Chapter 1073 It’s really just a walk

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko quickly left the supermarket. Saten Ruiko did not feel sorry for this. Most of her attention was quickly attracted to Igarashi. Compared to the students of Tokiwadai, Igarashi Arashi, a man who entered a girls' school as a teacher, is even more curious.

Of course, Misaka Mikoto's LV5 status is also attractive, but Saten Ruiko is just an incompetent person.

In Academy City, the class gap between superpowers is very obvious. If you master rare superpowers of a high enough level, you can enter a prestigious school with little or no obstacles, and at the same time enjoy very generous subsidies, even if you are studying. Garden City does not clearly divide people into three, six or nine levels, but there is no doubt that people with powerful superpowers have a higher status.

As for those without abilities, they are inferior to those with low abilities at LV1. Facing someone like Misaka Mikoto, who is third in the academy and is also the eldest lady of Tokiwadai, Saten Ruiko cannot communicate with her as usual. , this is because Saten Ruiko is already cheerful enough, otherwise, if it were other people, she would either bow to Misaka Mikoto or be submissive.

In contrast, Igarashi, who should be an incompetent person like herself, allowed Saten Ruiko to let go of some restraints.

I didn't expect you to be a teacher from Tokiwadai. You look about the same age as me.

There is no need to use honorifics for me. As you can see, I am not much older than you. I am just lucky to be a teacher.

Igarashi pretended to be soft in front of Saten Ruiko without any burden, and showed an approachable and elegant attitude that was completely different from Shirai Kuroko, which made Saten Ruiko, whose life had always been relatively dull, a little excited. .

In fact, Saten Ruiko is a person who pursues new things. She usually collects urban legends and is very interested in rumors and gossip. When she heard Igarashi's words, she immediately asked curiously.

How did Igarashi-sensei become a teacher?

Well, as long as you are better than the teachers in school and get enough grades, that's it.

Of course, Igarashi was talking nonsense. He would not tell Saten Ruiko, who had a look of admiration in his eyes, that he went to the closed building without windows and doors to threaten Ichiban who was in charge of Academy City. Aleister has everything he has now.

Igarashi succeeded in establishing the image of an excellent teacher. As his words fell, the admiration in Saten Ruiko's eyes became more obvious. This girl was obviously much easier to deal with than Shirai Kuroko. Of course , also related to the poor first impression Igarashi gave Shirai Kuroko.

A sufficiently weighty score? Did Mr. Igarashi develop a new theory? Ah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pried into the school's secrets.

That's not—

Igarashi thought about his words for a moment, and then continued.

I just succeeded in taking Academy City's defense capabilities to a higher level.

Igarashi didn't lie this time. With him in charge of Academy City, as long as he had the will, not even the devil could destroy anything here.

It's amazing...it's a pity that I can't take Mr. Igarashi's class.

Remembering that Igarashi was a teacher at Tokiwadai Middle School who could only enroll at level 3, Saten Ruiko's original excitement about meeting a powerful person was reduced by half.

Although with Igarashi's authority, there is no problem in bringing Saten Ruiko to Tokiwadai Middle School to attend classes, or even letting her become a transfer student, there are at least LV3 powerful users in Tokiwadai, and Saten Ruiko is like this If the incompetent people go in, they are just looking for trouble.

Seeing the desire hidden in the eyes of the girl in front of him, Igarashi said seemingly unintentionally.

This is my contact information. If you encounter any confusion in study or life in the future, you can tell me and I may be able to help you.

Today is another boring day.

Although he saw Igarashi, who was newly transferred to Tokiwadai Middle School and looked about the same age as him, but could be a teacher, Shirai Kuroko kept pulling him away from him, making it impossible for Misaka Mikoto to understand him. This mysterious guy had to leave.

Onee-sama, let me tell you Kuroko, you must not come into contact with that guy without Kuroko being present. That is very dangerous. Although onee-sama is LV5, even if the porn maniac sees onee-sama's safety pants, it will be dangerous. A huge loss!”

I don't think you have the position to say that others are nymphomaniacs at all? Moreover, according to my understanding of you, if Igarashi-sensei is really a nymphomaniac, you should not just say bad things about him in front of me, but We took direct measures and found a way to catch him.

Sometimes it is not good for others to be too familiar with you.

Misaka Mikoto's words made Shirai Kuroko pause. He was about to continue looking for an excuse to make his sister wary of Igarashi, but Misaka Mikoto turned around and walked away.

I'm going to go shopping elsewhere. Kuroko, just go back to the dormitory first.

Seeing that her elder sister seemed to be avoiding her intentionally, Shirai Kuroko frowned and felt that the matter was not simple. 1.9 Her first reaction was that her elder sister wanted to contact Igarashi behind her back. However, looking at the direction in which my sister left, it seemed to be contrary to my guess.

So, what's going on?

Shirai Kuroko was not going to let Misaka Mikoto leave like this.

No, onee-sama, are you going to leave Kuroko and date some damn male?

In Tokiwadai, the LV4 great ability user [Space Movement] is admired by many students. Outside Tokiwadai, Kuroko Shirai is the eldest lady who is envied by countless people. At this moment, she hugs Misaka Mikoto's thigh without any grace. Plan to let it go.

What a date! I just want to go for a casual walk.

If you're going for a walk, take Kuroko with me!

Chapter 1074 Academy City District 7 spent another peaceful day

In the end, Misaka Mikoto showed her elder sister's dignity and allowed Shirai Kuroko to return to the dormitory outside the [School Garden] where the two of them lived before her.

Seeing Kuroko Shirai leave, Misaka Mikoto could finally start to make trouble for the gangsters as usual... No, she could start to maintain the social atmosphere of Academy City as usual.

Although Academy City claims to be 30 years ahead of the outside world in terms of technology, in terms of social security, it is not that far ahead. Street gangsters and the like also exist, and they are mainly incompetent people, because Academy City gives incompetent people The subsidy provided by the patient can only maintain the most basic life. A little bit of expensive habits such as smoking and drinking will cause a personal financial crisis.

Either because of the pressure of life, or out of jealousy of the generous subsidies for people with abilities, the gangsters will wander around the less prosperous streets of Academy City at night, looking for one or two people with incompetence or low-level abilities. They would rob someone, and if it went too far, they would beat the person up to vent the dissatisfaction accumulated in the process of living under someone else's roof. As for the more extreme ones, such as killing people and robbing people, there was no such thing.

Although they are small gangsters, these gangsters were originally screened before entering Academy City. They are considered smart people. Even if they gradually become bad, they still understand that if something goes too far, Academy City The methods adopted will only be more iron-blooded than those of the outside world, and they will always maintain their behavior within the due limits. As for those gangsters who do not quite understand the cruelty hidden under the bright appearance of Academy City, or they are still at an innocent age, they are originally Then they wouldn't have gone too far, or they would have been thrown into the sea to feed the fish and shrimps.

It's impossible to work part-time, it's impossible to work in this life, and I don't dare to resist the council. I can only wander around the streets and alleys, looking for some guys who have no power to fight back, and extort them, so that I can barely maintain a living and be with myself. The same incompetent people, or those flashy low-level ability users, are all super weak. You can scare them silly with a fruit knife. It feels pretty good. I kind of like this place.

However, there is a legend circulating among the gangsters of Academy City's Seventh School District.

Legend has it that at night in the city, there will be a terrifying woman with electrical discharges who will specifically look for trouble for gangsters. The gangsters she teaches will bleed and shed tears at the slightest, and will be paralyzed and frightened from then on; in the worst case, they will be injured and lie in the hospital for ten days. Half a month later, the golden basin washed its hands and disappeared.

And now, the two gangsters, who were smoking cigarettes in a secluded dead-end alley in the seventh school district and dyeing their hair into a conspicuous color that did not suit them, saw a girl looking around at the entrance of the alley.

Then, when the girl discovered that this was a dead end, and there were two men inside who looked like they were not good people, she walked over here.

The two gangsters, who were not much older than high school students and were only in their early twenties, suddenly felt nervous. One of them was shocked by this abnormal scene and stupidly pulled the arm of his companion next to him.

Brother, what's going on?

Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. Did you see her Tokiwadai Middle School uniform? She is at least a LV3 powerful person. We are afraid that something will happen today.

The gangster known as Big Brother carefully picked up the baseball bat on the side, which seemed to give him a little more courage. He looked at the girl who was getting closer and closer. She looked cute but actually had ulterior motives, and shouted with great momentum.

You, don't come over!!!

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