Well, it's very beautiful. You should admire my photography skills.

Shirai Kuroko glanced at the phone screen, his face expressionless.

I have to go find my sister later. If you have any requests, you'd better tell me as soon as possible so as not to waste everyone's time.

Then, let's go to my staff dormitory first. I just came here today and I don't know what the dormitory is like.

At Tokiwadai Middle School, students all live on campus, but Kuroko Shirai doesn’t know much about what’s like inside the faculty and staff dormitories. When she heard Igarashi’s words, the girl nodded, not wanting to waste time by walking slowly on the road. , directly grabbed Igarashi's arm to activate his ability, and moved to the place where the faculty lived.

Where do you live?

That should be it.

When Kuroko Shirai asked, he looked at the apartment building in front of him, but Igarashi pointed in another direction.

It was a two-story villa in front of the apartment building. It was located in the greenery, surrounded by tall trees and flowers, as well as wooden swings, tables and chairs. It looked like a small park.

As expected of a guy with a backstage, even the dormitory is different.

Shirai Kuroko glanced sideways at Igarashi without saying a word. He activated his ability again and led him to the door of the second-floor villa.

After getting closer, I realized that the house in front of me was made of Academy City's unique alloy. Not only was it extremely strong, it was also fire-resistant and warm in winter and cool in summer. In addition, the exterior was specially painted to make it look just like that. Like the wooden building, it blends perfectly with the surrounding natural environment and is undoubtedly the work of a master architect.

The floor area is close to one hundred square meters. If the second floor is included, the real living area will be doubled. Thinking of the area of ​​his dormitory, Shirai Kuroko has the urge to rob the rich and give to the poor.

The most evil relationship.

Shirai Kuroko muttered something to himself, and when he saw Igarashi opening the door, he also walked inside. After discovering that the facilities inside also belonged to Academy City's famous brand products, he was already somewhat used to it.


Igarashi looked at Shirai Kuroko, who nodded without hesitation.

Seeing this, the smile on Igarashi's face became even greater.

If you're jealous, how about staying here tonight? My bed is quite big.

Shirai Kuroko gradually understood that Igarashi was just talking nonsense, not really doing anything. Even if he touched his arm when he activated his super power before, the other party did not take advantage of him. Let Shirai Kuroko cum for the time being. Looked at him a bit.

Apes with dirty thoughts in their heads, stop saying these unrealistic words. If you have any normal requests, just make them quickly. I'm in a hurry.

Okay, okay, I also know that you can't be a qualified maid and do housework and so on. If I really ask you to do it, it will only make my house more and more chaotic. In the next week, you only need to Just run an errand for me and go to the canteen to buy three meals a day and deliver them to my home or my office. I will also pay you for the meals, do you understand?

This requirement is actually very simple.

Although there are often queues in the cafeteria of Tokiwadai Middle School during meal times, Shirai Kuroko, who masters [Space Movement], is always the fastest if he wants to. It is not difficult to buy three meals a day for Igarashi and deliver them to him. , not to mention that the other party will also pay for the meal.

So simple?

Shirai Kuroko still looked a little unbelievable.

And Igarashi spread his hands helplessly.

I would like to go a little too far, for example, let you call me master in a sweet voice, or give me a good morning kiss, but will you agree?

Tsk, just listening to your description makes me a little sick. Stop talking. It's dinner time in an hour. I will bring food by then.

Shirai Kuroko glared at Igarashi 1.4 with contempt, and after seeing that he indeed had no other requests, turned and left.

When he reached the door, Shirai Kuroko paused and spoke without looking back.

This time, let me take a high look at you. Among great apes, you are barely a good type.

It's very uncomfortable to be called ape, neither superior nor inferior. I hope you will change it next time. I asked myself that I showed enough teacher style and excellent teaching methods in class before. How do I treat you now? The student who made the mistake first is also quite generous, but in the end he is still being called scornfully like this, well... If it is a scornful name, I think 'animal' is pretty good, do you need me to do something like an animal?

Igarashi's words made Shirai Kuroko silent for a while, and then he walked out without saying a word, activated his super power and disappeared.

Chapter 1069 What do you like to eat?

Although it is the innermost world of the onion, this world alone is not smaller than the world Igarashi has experienced. This is a normal planet with continents, oceans and various countries. Academy City is just It is a country within a country in Neon. The superpowers there, even the LV5s who can fight against modern legions, are just one of the many people in this world who have extraordinary powers and are not too prominent.

Academy City is a small society. There are people with superpowers who stand in front of the public and are bright and beautiful. Naturally, there are also other people who huddle in the darkness, either serving the darkness or resisting the darkness. However, it is more complicated than that. The outside world, these are not too exaggerated.

Even the intrigues in the outside world are just trivial fights in Igarashi's eyes. Unless someone shows signs of destroying the world, or affects Igarashi himself or the people he cares about, otherwise Igarashi won't bother. Take the initiative to take care of it.

Unlike the Date A Live world where there are only one or two villains, there are many ambitious guys here, and most people's ambitions are not destructive. Although it contains some selfish desires, they cannot be attributed to the need to be beaten. Sinners who deprive their lives, so Igarashi decided to adopt the same plan as when dealing with Aleister - using the law to make them subtly become his subordinates.

When he was in contact with Aleister before, Igarashi had already used the law. Aleister didn't notice it, and neither did that special angel, Aiwass.

The gap is too big after all. If you only think about it, no matter what Igarashi does to them, the other party will not be able to notice it - they will be killed silently, and they will be silently changed, until in the end, they will never be the same again. Own.

When Igarashi was leaning on the sofa in the lobby of this tasteful two-story villa, casually deciding the future of those powerful people who would be able to influence the entire world, time was passing by minute by minute, and it was coming soon. Tokiwadai Junior High School cafeteria opening hours.

Heizi, do you want to...?

In the dormitory, one of the only two LV5s in Tokiwadai, [Railgun] Misaka Mikoto, looked at Kuroko Shirai, who was supposed to try every means to rub against her, suddenly getting ready to go out, and couldn't help but ask curious questions.

How could someone who has been repeating the same type of behavior for a long time suddenly change one day without making those who know her curious?

However, Shirai Kuroko didn't want to tell her dear sister that she was being teased by Igarashi and had to be his meal maid for a week.

Ah... Hahaha, it's nothing. I'm bored in the dormitory. Let's go out for a walk. Sister, I will be back soon, Kuroko, so be sure to wait until I come back before taking a shower!

Shirai Kuroko finished speaking in a hurry, and after running out of the dormitory where the use of super powers was prohibited, he activated [Space Movement] and disappeared.

Misaka Mikoto, through the dormitory window, saw Shirai Kuroko using her superpower downstairs, and felt a little confused.

This is the first time Shirai Kuroko has hidden something from herself, but Misaka Mikoto is not a person who likes to pry into other people's secrets. She has been pestering herself and tried every means to do something with her that should not be done between girls. Kuroko Shirai, it would be best to leave now that she has other things to do.

Misaka Mikoto wouldn't wait for Shirai Kuroko to come back and take a bath with her. That guy is really like a pervert sometimes.

So, which kind person distracted Shirai Kuroko?

Misaka Mikoto thought this while soaking in the bathtub.

Inside Igarashi's villa.

Well, I bought it back. Also, this is the menu of our school cafeteria. Tell me in advance what you want to eat in the future. Forget it this time. I just bought it casually. Why didn't you tell me your preferences?

Kuroko Shirai put the lunch box in his hand on Igarashi's table with an impatient expression, and when he met his eyes with an inexplicable smile, he tilted his head in confusion.


I originally thought that you would buy the cheapest thing like you did before, and I was even prepared that you would only buy me two white flour buns without even side dishes. I didn't expect that you not only bought a good portion For the set menu, he brought me a menu and even asked me about my preferences. He seems to have the temperament of a good wife and mother, Heizi.

Who allowed you to call me by my name! Also, stop dreaming about being a good wife and mother! In the future, I will live with my sister for the rest of my life, so you can just cool off for me!

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