Kuroko Shirai happily went to the equipment room to get the shot put.

Chapter 1067 A little more

Ten minutes ago, Shirai Kuroko was determined to win.

Even after getting married, Guangzi secretly used his superpower and threw the heavy shot put to a height of fourteen meters, which exceeded his estimate, causing other students to say, You guys, do you want your cheating to be so obvious? This is what ordinary girls can throw. Achievements? Shirai Kuroko's contemptuous look did not waver at all.

Even if Igarashi was suspicious, he just had to refuse to admit it. Just after getting married, Mitsuko did it almost perfectly. He used his ability without creating any additional friction sound of air. Even if he replayed the surveillance video, he couldn't see it. Any doubts, as for a girl throwing a shot put, it is impossible to get that score, I'm sorry, after marriage, Mitsuko is a strange girl with natural supernatural powers.

Shirai Kuroko had even thought of the words he might use in the future. Anyway, what he lost was not his own image.

Now, after getting married, Mitsuko couldn't bear the meaningful glances from her classmates. Only now did she realize that cheating secretly like Shirai Kuroko and doing whatever it takes to win was really beneath the status of a young lady, and there was no doubt about it. It goes against the motto of Tokiwadai Junior High School.

After marriage, Mitsuko didn’t think that it would be fine if he was concealed enough when he first used his superpower. If Igarashi really wanted to explore, he could just take himself to the research institute, detect the changes in the force field, and then let himself be in a situation where he was not using his powers. Throw another shot put, everything will be revealed, and Igarashi and the school will have many reasons to punish themselves.

If you are LV5, you don't need to worry about this trivial matter, but for LV4, this is not a trivial matter, not to mention that Teacher Igarashi obviously has a background.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became after the marriage. Mitsuko's originally proud aura gradually weakened, and she even began to look at Igarashi with a pleading look. Now she no longer cares about winning or losing. She just hopes that Igarashi will not expose her on the spot. Don’t expose this little trick in the future.

And the one whose mood also changed was Shirai Kuroko.

After Mitsuko threw fourteen meters after their marriage, Igarashi still had a faint smile on his face. Seeing such a smile, Shirai Kuroko, who was originally determined to win, suddenly lost his bottom.

Could it be possible that the great ape in front of us...

It's my turn.

As Igarashi spoke, he casually picked up the shot put and pushed it out from his shoulder with an extremely standard movement.

Although everyone is accustomed to throwing the shot put, in fact, if you want to make the shot put fly far enough with this action, pushing is the best choice.

The shot put flew out and landed a little more than fourteen meters. The numbers on the ground were clearly marked and everyone could see it.


The classmates had expressions of amazement. They did not think that Igarashi was the same as Mitsuko after marriage, and that he was a person with super powers that could increase his strength.

People don’t even think that Igarashi is a superpower. After all, I have never heard of any teacher who is a very powerful superpower. The teacher’s capital in teaching students is not higher than the students’ superpowers, but teaching methods and scientific research. Results.

Kuroko Shirai didn't think so either. She felt that Igarashi was indeed an ape, and that his strength was that of a beast in human skin.

It looks like I won, Shirai-san, or do you want to change the competition to a best-of-three match?

When Shirai Kuroko was complaining in his heart, Igarashi said with a smile, causing other people who didn't know about it to look at Shirai Kuroko curiously, and a few of the more outgoing students came directly in front of Igarashi. , asked.

Teacher and Shirai have a duel? If it's a duel, there should be a bet, right? What's the bet?

Shirai Kuroko couldn't calm down now. Originally, she really wanted to say something like win out of three games, but now if the classmates in the class knew that she had made a bet with Igarashi, and if she lost the bet, she would have to wait for her maid for a week. , the whole school will know it soon, and even Shirai Kuroko cannot bear such consequences.

It's so embarrassing! And onee-sama will also be sad. For onee-sama, isn't this equivalent to cheating? !

In order for onee-sama not to feel dejected by this, it must be kept secret!

Shirai Kuroko took a deep breath and showed an ugly smile.

It's nothing, Mr. Igarashi won. Too much time was wasted because of me. Mr. Igarashi, please hurry up and have class as usual.

Anyway, I have already done some errands for Igarashi, so as a maid, I don’t have to wear a maid outfit, and I don’t have to call that disgusting name, so it wouldn’t be too much to think about it.

Faced with this ape who has been scheming against himself and working against him, and whose strength exceeds that of ordinary people, Shirai Kuroko is a little resigned to his fate.

As for denying the previous bet, although Shirai Kuroko secretly asked Mitsuko to cheat after marriage, she still couldn't do anything too shameless.

Well, that would be an exception if it concerns onee-sama.

In addition, Shirai Kuroko also suspected that Igarashi had recorded before. This guy always seems to be able to seize things that are beneficial to him.

Next came the long class time. Shirai Kuroko tried his best to reduce his sense of presence and finally managed to get through it. When the bell rang, he immediately wanted to run away.

As a result, Igarashi smiled and held her shoulders.

Shirai-san, can you help return the shot put to the equipment room?

……no problem.

After being sent to the equipment room, he used [Space Movement] to escape again. Shirai Kuroko had already thought about it.

By the way, if Shirai-san wants to escape, I will find a dormitory, right? Unless Shirai-san plans not to return to the dormitory, well, in that case, [Railgun] may have to change roommates.

Hearing what Igarashi whispered in his ear, Shirai Kuroko glanced around and found that no one came over to watch, or even eavesdropped. Other classmates who turned a blind eye to him and Igarashi had no time to think about it, and gritted their teeth. asked, glaring at Igarashi.

what on earth do you want?

It's very simple. You agree to be my maid for a week as promised. After you put away the shot put, come here to find me. I'll wait for you.

Igarashi sat down comfortably on a bench in a corner of the playground and signaled Shirai Kuroko to handle the sports equipment.

Shirai Kuroko wanted to hit someone. If possible, she wanted Igarashi to stay in the hospital for three years until she and her sister graduated from Tokiwadai.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Shirai Kuroko struggled for a long time and could only obey.

Chapter 1068 Maid’s Job

Normally, the sudden appearance of a male teacher in Tokiwadai Middle School should arouse the curiosity of countless students. Although under normal circumstances, women of the same age are more passive and shy in front of men, but Tokiwa Where is Taichung Middle School? It is a completely all-girls school. Even the faculty and staff are female. If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. A group of girls will be very courageous. When you see Igarashi, you will have a good impression at the first sight. It is also very common for men to come together and ask for contact information or something.

As a result, when Shirai Kuroko came back, Igarashi was still sitting alone on the bench next to the playground, holding his head with one hand and looking at the students exercising in the playground, but no one came close to him.

This strange scene made Shirai Kuroko a little weird, but she didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, her attention was now focused on another thing.

I will work as a maid for Igarashi for another week.

Just thinking about this made Shirai Kuroko feel ashamed, and after collecting some novels about maids along the way, this feeling of shame became even stronger.

...How do you want to order me? I'm just a student, I have to go to class, and I'm very busy most of the time. Besides, warming the bed... is absolutely impossible!

Igarashi withdrew his gaze from the students on the playground who exuded youth, vitality, and unrestrained innocence. He glanced at Shirai Kuroko, who was unexpectedly shy and had a light blush on his face, and showed a playful smile.

I thought you didn't feel shy. Well, you look pretty when you blush. I laughed at it.


The recording sound of the smartphone rang, and Shirai Kuroko's posture was captured on the phone by Igarashi.

Shirai Kuroko puffed up his face angrily, but in order to prevent Igarashi from deliberately embarrassing her later, he kept the account in mind for the time being and said nothing.

As if he didn't see the other party's reaction, Igarashi turned the phone screen to her and said.

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