Chapter 1063 Ability Determination

It's that simple?

Shirai Kuroko looked very surprised. She didn't expect Igarashi to make a request that was harmless to her. If she had to say it, she was used to tying her hair into a pair of ponytails just for convenience. As a disciplinary committee member, she usually had to restrain criminals. There will be fighting, and it is inconvenient to wear her hair down, but as a person with great space ability, this inconvenience will not really bother her.


After receiving Igarashi's affirmative answer, Shirai Kuroko immediately took off the hair tie that tied his hair. Igarashi, who was looking at the girl, showed an expression of It's exactly what I thought and gave her a thumbs up.

Oh, very nice.

With her hair disheveled, Shirai Kuroko's original cuteness has been slightly reduced, but on the contrary, her ladylike temperament has greatly increased. If you take into account her character that is not a lady at all, this is a kind of contrasting cuteness. Yeah, Igarashi really likes contrasting cuteness.

Tsk, a mere compliment from an ape cannot make me happy. You can go to class now.

Kuroko Shirai is not a tsundere. As she said, a girl who prefers Lily to a normal heterosexual will not show shyness due to praise from Igarashi, a man. Of course , if her elder sister said such words, it would be a different story.

In fact, Igarashi didn't go too far.

Since he had acquired the identity of a teacher from Aleister, Igarashi would more or less act like a teacher. How could he let the students wait for ten minutes in vain?

Because Igarashi is a new teacher, the school has sent other teachers to assist and introduce him to the students. When Kuroko Shirai took him to the Discipline Inspection Commission branch, Igarashi had already called to tell him The other party has something to do and is delayed. Please ask the other party to temporarily take charge of the class and arrange everything properly.

Shirai Kuroko, who was a little guilty at first, saw other students conducting superpower tests in an orderly manner under the guidance of other teachers. He immediately relaxed and glanced at Igarashi with a somewhat surprised look, then walked to the specialized equipment. Before doing this, measure your abilities.

Because superpowers are all kinds of weird, and the specific test methods and standards are different. As a person with great abilities in the space department, Shirai Kuroko's ability test naturally attracted the attention of some students.

Seeing that other students were busy testing their abilities, Igarashi did not let the temporary substitute teacher introduce herself, indicating that she could continue to help others measure their superpowers. After that, she came to where Shirai Kuroko was and clicked casually. After a few clicks on the precision instrument next to him, several rays of light were illuminated, drawing a small circle with Shirai Kuroko as the center, and then drawing a huge fan shape with the small circle as the center.

Can you still control these instruments?!

Seeing Shirai Kuroko's surprised look, Igarashi told her to calm down.

I'm a teacher, so I can handle this kind of thing naturally. Don't make such a fuss in the future.


Seeing Igarashi's full expression, Kuroko Shirai didn't want to continue to cooperate with him in the performance, and began to use his super powers.

The level determination of [Space Movement] includes three elements, [object size and mass], [distance] and [accuracy] during movement. One of the detection methods is a test similar to that of throwing a shot put, but what is different from throwing a shot put is that this The test is not only demanding, but also accurate enough.

In Tokiwadai Middle School, Shirai Kuroko is the only one with the ability to move in space. The other girls who had already measured it in the previous time were curiously gathered around not far away. Some looked at Shirai Kuroko, but most of them still looked at her. To Igarashi.

This guy, who is a male but managed to become a teacher at Tokiwadai Middle School, is surprisingly handsome.

It’s not just that the yin is strong and the yang is weak, it can be said that the yin is strong and the yang is not. The hormones of puberty have nowhere to vent, and the students who are even about to become a member of Lily are naturally very welcoming to the new teacher Igarashi, if they are not still taking the test now , maybe he has come over to strike up a conversation.

As for the eldest lady’s reserve? To be honest, although Tokiwadai Middle School is nominally an aristocratic girls' school, there are not many girls who truly have the elegant and reserved character of a young lady.

With a snap, Kuroko Shirai, who could only move things that touched his skin, grabbed the cloth bag in his hand and activated his ability. The next moment, the cloth bag filled with sand and weighing 120 kilograms moved far away. The place has gone.

At the same time, words formed by light appeared on the ground at Shirai Kuroko's feet.

Record, seventy-eight meters and twenty-three centimeters, error of fifty-four centimeters from the designated position, overall score of five points.

...Really, I'm the worst at moving big and heavy things to long distances. If it's within fifty meters, the error is only a few millimeters at most.

Shirai Kuroko looked at Igarashi with displeasure. Although she knew that this time's ability test was no different from the past, Igarashi did not make things difficult for her, but exposing the shortcomings of her ability to Igarashi was very difficult anyway. uncomfortable.

Hahaha, Shirai-san, why are you so petty and let your emotions be influenced by the numbers that are aroused? Can't you set clearer standards for yourself in your heart?

Shirai Kuroko looked at the speaker with even more impatience.

She has silky and unnatural hair, wearing the same sweatshirt and shorts as Shirai Kuroko, and holding a gorgeous fan in her right hand. Although the words she spoke before seemed to be comforting or encouraging, now she is covering her mouth with the fan and snorting. A snickering chuckle.

She is Mitsuko after marriage, who is one grade higher than Shirai Kuroko, but this superpower determination class is an elective course, regardless of grade.

Those who laugh at other people's troubles and laugh from ear to ear are the ones who are truly petty.

After finishing speaking, Shirai Kuroko threw his head to the side.

Oh, as expected of a person with an error of 54 centimeters. The pattern of his speech is very small. Forget it, I am not interested in saying anything more.

After the marriage, Mitsuko shook his head boredly and looked at Igarashi.

This handsome male teacher is the first since the school was founded in Tokiwadai. I am Mitsuko after marriage. Please give me your advice.

Chapter 1064 What a coincidence, your next class teacher will also be me.

After marriage, Mitsuko became very interested in Igarashi.

At Tokiwadai Middle School, students are required not only to have excellent academic performance, but also to be at least level 3 capable. These regulations are strict and thorough, and they have caused more than one diplomatic incident.

Mitsuko did not enter Tokiwadai through the normal entrance examination, but passed the more stringent transfer examination. After marriage, Mitsuko became more aware of how strict the regulations of this world-famous school are.

If you want to become a teacher at Tokiwadai, you must be an expert who has made sufficient contributions in a certain field. The past of any teacher here is enough to write a wonderful biography of a celebrity. They are either young or old. The only thing that is the same. They all have enough contributions and abilities, and those like Igarashi, who entered Tokiwadai as a teacher as a man, either have unimaginable achievements and abilities, or have an unimaginable background.

Whichever one it is is enough to make people curious, but most people think that Igarashi has the former. For these students who can be said to be well-educated and have passed Tokiwadai's rigorous tests to enter the school. For us, Igarashi, who is full of mystery, has a new appeal.

I am Igarashi. In addition to the ability test course, there may be other courses offered due to personal interests in the future. You are welcome to take them as electives.

Now is the beginning of the new semester in Tokiwadai. Igarashi can continue to offer other courses, and students can also take electives in the quite advanced and smooth academic system. Every semester, Tokiwadai Middle School provides students with There are certain requirements for the number, type, and credits of elective courses, and Igarashi knows these regulations very clearly.

Just take the personal account with the highest authority given by Aleister and check it online. Although it is a local area network within Academy City, to some extent, the amount of information contained in the outside network is greater than that of the outside network. many.

boom! ! !

The sudden explosion caused the school building, gymnasium and the ground to shake. If the construction level here was not much better than the outside world, maybe some buildings would collapse as a result.

It was coming from the swimming pool. There was obviously a school building in the middle, but the water from the swimming pool splashed here. After the marriage, Mitsuko and Shirai Kuroko felt a little cool on their faces. The same was true for other classmates, but it was not Including Igarashi.

The water droplets that splashed here across a long distance seemed to have consumed all their power before falling on Igarashi, and were evaporated by the heat brought by the high-speed movement, and disappeared halfway.

No one noticed this scene.

that place……

After the marriage, Mitsuko remembered.

There should be a girl standing in the large swimming pool over there. Her superpower is the same [radioactive type] as Shirai Kuroko and herself. However, because the destructive power is too powerful, it cannot be detected by ordinary methods, so the large swimming pool has to be used as the venue. If there is not a large amount of water to reduce the destructive power, not to mention the test equipment, a large area nearby may be destroyed.

She is one of the only two LV5s in Tokiwadai, [Super Railgun] Misaka Mikoto.

While other classmates looked either shocked or envious, Igarashi turned to look at Shirai Kuroko.

Didn't [Railgun] take my class as an elective?

No, sister-sama's ability test is always independent.

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