Shirai Kuroko now tried his best to keep his head clear and stared at Igarashi with a scrutinizing gaze.

You guy, you just came out of nowhere and became Tokiwadai's teacher all of a sudden. Do you have some bad intentions against my sister?

The bad intention Shirai Kuroko was referring to was not a romantic relationship between a man and a woman, but an even worse intention, such as wanting to get rid of her sister because she was dissatisfied with her.

If that's the case, there are plenty of other means, so why bother to contact you specifically?

What Igarashi said made sense. Shirai Kuroko temporarily lowered his guard and seemed very hesitant.

Can you really make me LV5?

I said it's 'possible'. If it were really that simple, there wouldn't be only a few people who have reached the level of superpowers in this huge Academy City. But I can guarantee that if you accept the teachings honestly, at least It can improve your abilities again.”

With your background, even if I don't agree, it won't change anything, right?

You are very smart. I value you very much. Shirai Kuroko, what do you think? What's your attitude?

……I agreed.

This is the first guy Shirai Kuroko has met so far who claims to be able to help him improve his abilities. Although he is a bit annoying, he is not too annoying.

Hearing the expected answer, Igarashi nodded and said with a serious face.

Very good, let's start the first topic now. Use your super power quickly to buy me a cold drink.

Chapter 1062 Tool Man

At this moment, Shirai Kuroko clearly realized that the so-called LV5 and the so-called superpower that could improve one's own powers were all lies. Igarashi wanted to become his superpower instructor because of the convenience of [space movement]. , I want to treat myself as just an errand boy.

It's best to have soda. Although juice is also good, soda is more refreshing.

Seeing Shirai Kuroko making no move, Igarashi added.

This additional sentence became the fuse that ignited the explosive barrel, and Shirai Kuroko exploded at that time.

Apes like you deliberately provoke me again and again...

The girl touched the steel needle on the side of her thigh again, and Igarashi glanced at her calmly and said.

Even if you don't use honorific titles for teachers, you can't use slanderous or derogatory names. In addition, if you attack the teacher when the teacher's identity has been confirmed, you may be expelled from school, right?

Shirai Kuroko was speechless. Dropping out of school also meant being separated from her sister. The guy in front of her could always easily grasp her fatal weakness.

Seeing that the girl was driven so crazy by him, Igarashi continued speaking with compassion.

Actually, asking you to buy me a cold drink is also a disguised way of training your superpowers. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Even if you don't improve the level of your superpowers simply by practicing, you will become more proficient in using them in the future. You know My backstage is quite large, so it’s easy to find a few people to run errands... but they don’t have the convenience of someone with spatial abilities.”

At first, Shirai Kuroko thought that the other party was really comforting him and reasoning with him. However, when Igarashi finally spoke, Shirai Kuroko realized that the other party still regarded him as a tool!

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, Shirai Kuroko stretched out his hand to Igarashi.

Five thousand yen for a cold drink.

Igarashi handed the 10,000 yen bill directly to Shirai Kuroko and smiled at the girl's surprised look.

I remember that the most expensive drink nearby was just over a thousand yen, but after all it was just an errand, so just think of the rest as your hard work. If you want to buy yourself a drink or save it, feel free to do so.

In fact, ten thousand yen is not an exaggerated amount for Shirai Kuroko.

Academy City will provide monthly subsidies to the students who study there. Even the incompetent people at level 0 can maintain a basic life by frugally. However, a person like Kuroko Shirai at level 4 can be considered a rich man with just the subsidy. Mademoiselle.

But maybe Igarashi's previous behavior was too bad, and now even the slightest act of kindness will be obvious. Shirai Kuroko actually found that he was a little touched just now.

Hmph, I want to see how much money you have.

If such a simple errand could cost 10,000 yen, Shirai Kuroko wouldn't mind running errands for Igarashi.

It's not that she is greedy for the money, she just wants to see if Igarashi still has enough money to survive after doing this dozens of times. If there is no money left, it will be very interesting.

Shirai Kuroko disappeared in an instant, and came back about a minute later with a glass of cheap lemonade and a glass of very expensive luxury ice cream.

Here, your soda.

Lemonade was below the average price in nearby beverage stores, and luxury ice cream, as its name suggests, was the most expensive item in the store. Shirai Kuroko deliberately wanted to piss off Igarashi.

However, Igarashi didn't care. Anyway, the taste of drinks was not necessarily differentiated by price. To be honest, lemon soda went well with the hot weather like now.

I thought you would buy me a bottle of hot water, but I didn't expect you to be quite obedient.

Thanks for the reminder, I will pay attention next time.

Shirai Kuroko responded simply, but seeing Igarashi accepting the lemon soda he just bought, to be honest, Shirai Kuroko was in a pretty good mood.

If you dare to do that, I will change your dormitory for you.

How could Igarashi allow Shirai Kuroko to be arrogant? He quickly made the other party shut up with a look of displeasure, drink lemon soda, and walk in one direction.

Let's go and do the superpower test.


Shirai Kuroko was shocked to realize that today was not a holiday at all. Tokiwadai Middle School was still in class. When he met Igarashi before, he had planned to go to the teaching location. However, he was distracted by various things and paid attention to the class. forget.

Isn't this equivalent to skipping class?

Seeing Shirai Kuroko's panicked expression, Igarashi smiled.

It seems that you are still a good student? That's right. After all, it is a school for aristocratic girls. Even the perverted Lily will teach well. But don't worry, I will be in charge of your superpower test class.

Hearing Igarashi's words, Shirai Kuroko first breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and stared at Igarashi.

Are you in charge? It's already been fifteen minutes of class, right? Are you letting other students wait there in vain?

As for Igarashi's nickname of Perverted Lily, Shirai Kuroko simply ignored it.

You can't blame me for this. I was going to class, but you stopped me on the way. I will explain the situation to them later, because the disciplinary committee member Shirai Kuroko mistook me for a criminal, so you waited in vain. I'm so sorry for wasting your fifteen minutes.


Shirai Kuroko knew that Igarashi was threatening him again.

If onee-sama finds out, she will definitely lecture her. Although Shirai Kuroko does not resist onee-sama's teachings on love at all, if it is done in this way, it will be a bit more gain than loss.

How can you help me keep this a secret?

As Igarashi walked, he looked at Shirai Kuroko up and down, touched his chin, pondered for a while, and then said.

You should change your hairstyle. Although the twin ponytails are quite cute, I think it looks better if you let your hair down.

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