
A voice came from the church roof in front of Igarashi. It was a woman sitting on a cross with her back to the orange sunset. She was wearing a conical hat with a wide brim and folded down at the top, matching the surrounding environment. Like a witch in a fairy tale.

You don't look like someone from AST, that's strange.

The elf chuckled, jumped down from the cross, and floated in mid-air in front of Igarashi.

The spiritual outfit composed of orange like the sunset and black like the night sky, with slender limbs and plump body, has a perfect figure that exceeds that of any other elf girl. Even Mio, the origin elf, faced the situation in front of her. Women also lag behind in terms of bust size.

Although Igarashi knew that what was in front of him was a disguise, it was not a virtual phantom or a pure illusion. This was the transformation ability that borrowed the power of the elves. To a certain extent, it was real.

The other fairies are like younger sisters to Igarashi. Even Mio, who looks very mature now, was a blank slate when she met Igarashi, while Kurumi Tokisaki, who behaved very enchantingly, In front of Igarashi, he is just a little white rabbit, but the elf in front of him——

Oh... you're quite cute, little brother, why are you here? I remember when I appeared in this world, didn't the alarm sounding to disperse the crowds in the world here?

The elf who looked like a royal sister raised Igarashi's chin, assuming the appearance of a big sister.

This was the first time that Igarashi heard someone call him cute, and it was also the first time that he was called a little brother. Instead of fighting back immediately, Igarashi suddenly felt that it was pretty good just like this.

Igarashi is very interested in sister role-playing!

Chapter 1044 The Seven Sins of Craving Praise

Actually, I am a senior executive of AST. I came here this time to contact you directly.

Although I plan to play a role-playing game with the elf disguised as a big sister in front of me, I still have to reveal the identity of the insider to avoid playing a stupid role.

Oh, I see.

Because under Igarashi's instruction, AST has always acted gently towards the elves. At this moment, even though Miss Elf knew that Igarashi was a senior executive of AST, she did not have any hostility, but raised her lips and smiled.

Then let me introduce you to each other. I am the Seven Sins. You seem to call me [Witch]. What is your name?


Originally, Igarashi wanted to introduce himself in a similar way to Seven Sins, for example, telling her that he actually also has codenames like [Darling], [Oni-chan], or [Anada], but if he thought about it carefully, , the elf in front of him probably understood the meaning of these names, and it would be bad if it caused the other party to feel disgusted, so he simply said his name.

By the way, hehehe, I was thinking before that I would ask someone the next time I meet them.

Qisui suddenly seemed to have remembered something. He smacked his palms and turned lightly on his toes as if to show off his figure and appearance to Igarashi.

Hey, Lan, sister, can I ask you something?

Please say.

Do you think I'm-pretty?

Although he knew some things about the Seven Sins and understood that answering Mianyang directly at this time would make her happy, but it would not be suitable for the subsequent strategy, Igarashi felt that this was a very good role-playing game and did not lie against his will. Instead, he simply gave a thumbs up.

very beautiful!

! Really?

Qi Sin's face was radiant, he touched his face with his hands and twisted his body happily, looking extremely happy.

Hey, what are you talking about specifically? How beautiful am I, big sister?

The eyes are big and bright, the nose is high, the body is slender, the body is beautiful, the hair is bright and shiny, the clothes are suitable, and the voice is very pleasant. It is a perfect image of a royal sister.

That's right, you really know the stuff!

Qisui shouted excitedly and hummed happily, but the humming that felt so good suddenly stopped after ten seconds, and Qisui had a lonely expression on his face.

This me is indeed very beautiful...

The sigh was very small, but Igarashi still heard it.

At this time, maybe you should say some words of comfort to soothe the spirit of the elf and start the real strategy, but what exactly are the words of comfort?

Are you ugly and fake like this?

To say that the current Seven Sins are ugly is to tell lies with open eyes. As for falsehoods, because of the elf's ability, although the current Seven Sins are not her original appearance, it is undeniable that this is also a truth that can be touched. The image is not false at all.

No one from AST is here. It seems that you are really a senior executive of AST. However, you don't seem to be wearing a display device?

The smile on Qi Zui's face is a bit playful, and it is strangely harmonious when matched with the image of her royal sister.

It would not be harmonious enough to return to the original image. The seven sins are interesting. Although the original appearance is similar to Yoshino, the character is unexpectedly mature. In other words, in the form of the queen, the seven sins are the character of the queen. .

Igarashi also twitched his lips.

So, what's Miss Seven Sins' plan?

Without the restrictions of AST, I can walk around. Can you spend some time temporarily? Follow me and continue to praise my beauty?

If that's what you really want, no problem.

There were too many compliments, and Igarashi could easily talk for a long time, but that would not necessarily make Nanami happy.

Although she had already expressed her loneliness just now, Qisui was still holding on, pulling Igarashi to sit on her broom, and said while riding the broom towards the prosperous area of ​​Tiangong City.

Speak quickly, speak quickly, praise me!

It takes a lot of effort to speak. I don't like this kind of one-sided effort.

However, Igarashi obviously does not intend to become a licker so easily. Although it is not licking, he is just telling the truth.

Then what do you want?

Qisui took Igarashi to a snack street in Tiangong City. He casually found a stall and sat down on the deserted street. He looked at Igarashi with interest and said this.

This sitting posture with crossed legs is indeed a bit like a royal sister.

In the human world, if a man keeps saying compliments to a woman, it is a sign of love, and if the woman accepts it, the two will become a couple.

So, you want to be a couple with me?

Before Igarashi nodded, Nanami's face showed amusement again.

I know that couples have a very special relationship. They will get married and stay together for a lifetime. So, do you want to be with me for the rest of your life? It doesn't matter even if I am an elf and not a human being?

I am a philanthropic person.

Igarashi opened his hands as if he wanted to embrace the whole world.

Nanisui obviously didn't want to become a couple with Igarashi so easily, even in name only. She picked up a creamy yellow cone on the stall and changed the subject curiously.

This, is 2.5 for food?

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