And as his sister and the new elves were completely conquered by Igarashi, it seemed that he was the only survivor within the killing range centered on Igarashi's home?

As for Takamiya Mana, although she claims to be Shiori-san's sister, she doesn't live here at all. Itsukawa Kotori feels that she is safe and he is in danger.

Sometimes I'm really a little scared. Igarashi's bestiality pushed him down. His elf power was sealed. My sister was fascinated by Igarashi. If Igarashi really wanted to do something, it would be nothing. Is there any room for resistance? Moreover, that guy is still a senior executive of AST, and may be hiding some more terrifying identity. Even if he does something, Itsuka Kotori feels that he will not be punished in any way. In other words, Igarashi has almost nothing to worry about. .

Itsuka Kotori was very panicked. If she hadn't seen her sister looking radiant and energetic since her relationship with Igarashi, Itsuka Kotori would have found an excuse to live in the air battleship for a long time. Inside.

Well, by the way, the air battleship's analysis officer and former commander Murasame Reine was also eaten up by Igarashi. In this case, the air battleship is not safe.

The world is so big that there is no place for me in Wuhe Qinli?

Itsuka Kotori racked her brains to formulate a battle plan that could protect herself, but unfortunately she couldn't get any results. The more she thought about it, the more headache she got. She simply put on a white hairband and switched to the innocent sister mode, not to think about her troubles. things.

As a result, Mio certainly had no intention of letting Itsuka Kotori go. After Igarashi settled down with Eileen and returned home, Mio quickly found an opportunity to talk to Igarashi alone.

Do you need my help in launching a strategy against Itsuka Kotori?

Now Igarashi has pushed many beautiful girls in a short period of time. It was the time when the spring breeze was triumphant. He was about to enter the state of a sage with no desires and desires, but suddenly heard Mio's words and raised his eyebrows. .

You help me? How do you help with this kind of thing? Are you going to pretend to be a villain and then act like a hero saving a beauty?

Have you forgotten? I am the analyst of the air battleship, and I am also the origin elf. As long as I use some small tricks, I can cause the elf power originating from Wuhe Koto to riot. Wouldn't it be possible to make up any solution at that time? As long as you cooperate.

Mio is a bad student now. In the past, she was as pure as a blank sheet of paper. Igarashi refused to admit that he was the one who led her bad.

At this moment, Igarashi looked pure and his tone was full of hesitation.

In this's not good, right?

Oh, forget it then.

Ahem, I don't mean to forget it. I mean, don't worry about this kind of thing. It's better to regard it as a backup plan.

Mio glanced at Igarashi, and a playful smile appeared on that beautiful face, which was very similar to Igarashi's usual smile.

Are you feeling embarrassed? Because you pushed down so many people in one go?


As expected of Mio, who has been with him for a long time, and who really understands him well enough.

Indeed, even Igarashi felt a little embarrassed because of the many intimate actions during this period.

In addition, not long after he pushed his sister down, he had taken up the idea of ​​​​his sister-in-law. Now Igarashi actually feels that he will be ashamed if he goes further.

We can discuss this later.

Anyway, Itsuka Kotori was obviously resistant to this aspect of the matter, and Igarashi simply shelved Mio's plan. After all, there were actually other people who needed Igarashi's attention - the trio of girls.

Yamabuki Ai of the girl trio expressed her affection for Igarashi a long time ago, and in various subsequent events, Igarashi could also faintly feel Hazura Mai's special attitude towards him. As for the girls, The last member of the trio, Mii Fujihmaka, always has only one line for herself - It's so disgusting. Forgive Igarashi for not being able to find out whether she has any special feelings for him.

But when visiting the beautiful island, these three girls were able to break through Igarashi's tricks and discover Igarashi's disappearance, which proved that they all had high feelings.

Yamabuki Ai was okay. After all, Igarashi had given her gifts and comforted her. As for Hazakura Mai and Fujihaka Mii, Igarashi couldn't find the reason why they fell in love with him for a while, and he didn't think much about it. It soon came down to his outstanding charisma.

After all, if Igarashi does not suppress his own personality and attractiveness, he will realize the charm that ignores gender and race, allowing all intelligent creatures to fall in love with him. As expected, two ordinary girls fall in love with him. It's not something unbelievable, right?

Igarashi has already decided what will happen next.

He took out his cell phone, thought for a moment, edited a text message, and sent it to Yamabuki Ai.

Ai-chan, do you have time later? Let's go on a date!

Now that we have decided to launch a strategy, it is natural to be more direct, and boys should take the initiative.

Soon after, Igarashi received a reply.

Well, you have to go to school for five consecutive days from now on, right?

Looking at the text message from Yamabuki Ai, Igarashi remembered that he still had to play the role of a high school student.

Chapter 1043 New Elf

School time is not boring, because there are cute girls by his side, but class time is indeed boring, because Igarashi has already memorized all the book knowledge.

The great power brings all-round improvement. Regardless of memory, understanding or judgment, Igarashi is far higher than ordinary people, and even higher than gods. He can derive countless new formulas based on existing formulas. Being able to establish new subjects or new theorems on existing subjects, listening to ordinary high school courses now feels almost the same as college students sitting in kindergarten and listening to the teacher's lectures.

Igarashi seemed to be paying attention to the lecture, but in fact he was distracted, just like he used to do.

If you think about it carefully, there is no need to seal the power of some elves. Although in the view of Wuhe Kotori and others, sealing the power of the elves is to protect the elves themselves and humans. The elves will no longer inadvertently cause space shocks and harm them. Others, and humans who know the existence of elves, will no longer be overly vigilant and scrupulous in the process of contacting elves.

However, a very important point is that sealing the power of elves has no direct benefit to most elves themselves.

Except for spirits like Tohka who cannot control their spiritual power well and are also worried about hurting innocent people, Miku Miku, Kurumi Tokisaki and the Yatsumi sisters are all able to control their own power freely and avoid space. Seal the power of the mature elves caused by the earthquake, except for the psychological transformation of Miku, which has no real benefit to Kurumi Tokisaki and the sisters Yamo.

To be honest, every time I say something like I will seal you to save you, Igarashi feels ashamed. There is no way to call weakening others a salvation.

Even in the original plot trajectory, due to various reasons, the elves are a vulnerable group. After sealing the power, the people of Ratatosk Company can rest assured, but under the leadership of a dead blond man, DEM Club never cares whether the elves are sealed or not, they always capture them as usual.

Igarashi felt that after conquering Wuhe Kotori, it was time to find an opportunity to reveal everything, at least to unblock the elves who could control the power. Without their power, they should have all kinds of inconveniences in their daily lives. The place.

For example, Yui Xiao Miku can easily use words to make others obey, and sisters Tokisaki Kurumi and Yamai can also easily use their own power to move quickly. As long as they grasp the limits, there is no need to do it for ordinary people. Restrict them too much.

Fortunately, time passed quickly when Igarashi had something to think about. By the time he came to his senses, get out of class was over and it was lunch break time.

Talking and laughing with girls is the rare pleasure Igarashi has now.

Time passed day by day, including a date with a threesome of girls at the end of the term, and even various things happening between couples. Igarashi felt that life in the world of Date Live was very comfortable, and he quickly found the reason why he was so comfortable.

In addition to the fact that the world of Date Live is a good place and has the power to break all rules, it is really wise to eliminate the villain just when he is about to take some bad action, and then take over his forces as your own. You should keep this good habit in the future.

On this day, Igarashi had just finished a date, or taken the elf girl out to play. When he was about to go home, he suddenly felt a strange fluctuation.

That is the fluctuation of space shock caused by the appearance of elves.

Understanding that another special being had appeared, Igarashi touched Tohka's head next to him.

I still have some things to deal with. You should go home first.

oh oh.

When facing Igarashi, Tohka was very obedient. She held a large pile of soybean flour bread that Igarashi bought for her in her arms and skipped away towards home.

And Igarashi appeared in front of the ruins.

To the south of Tiangong City, this place was originally an amusement park. Igarashi took the girls to visit it many times, but now it has turned into ruins, pure ruins.

Under the warning of the space earthquake, ordinary people have evacuated. Igarashi stepped into the ruins and moved forward very purposefully. The originally normal ruins around him gradually turned into twisted Gothic buildings and cross tombstones, standing everywhere. Very weird.

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