The two went out on a date together, and it is suspected that they have confirmed their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Mana Takamiya looked at it quietly and found that Igarashi was extremely perfect in appearance and temperament. Remembering that he was also a senior executive of AST and the boss of DATE firm, he was simply a young and promising young man who was a perfect match for his sister. In his heart, Suddenly I had a plan.

The girl looked at Igarashi, showed a sweet smile, stretched out her hand to shake Igarashi's sleeves.

Brother-in-law, you think Sister Shizhi and I are sisters with a deep relationship, right?

As soon as the word brother-in-law came out, Itsuka Shiori, Itsuka Kotori, and even Igarashi were shocked.

Different from the shyness of Itsuka Shiori and the irritation of Itsuka Kotori, Igarashi was surprised that Takamiya Mana was so sensible. Faced with this sister-in-law's question, Igarashi felt that he needed to respond.

Of course, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, tell me, brother-in-law, and I will help you.

Igarashi said this in an extremely gentle voice while gently stroking Mana Takamiya's head.

Originally, saying this kind of words that were half approval and half weighing was already the limit that Takamiya Mana could accept. But at this moment, when Igarashi touched his head with such an overly intimate gesture, Takamiya Mana actually felt weird. She didn't feel any rejection, as if, given her relationship with Igarashi, it was natural for her to have this level of interaction.

However, it was obviously the first time that she and Igarashi met. What was this sense of familiarity like old friends? !

While Takamiya Mana was complaining crazily in his heart, Itsuka Kotori was angry.

What's the deal with the title brother-in-law? And Igarashi, why did you agree so simply?! Did my sister's fate be decided like this without my consent? I haven't even nodded yet!


Wuhe Shizhi subconsciously agreed with Wuhe Kotori's words, and she also wanted to make a stern protest. It was obvious that she and Igarashi were only maintaining a specious relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. As a result, when Wuhe Shizhi heard Wuhe When Kotori finished the second half of his sentence, he was suddenly speechless.

How do you feel that Itsuka Kotori means that as long as she nods, the choice of brother-in-law can be decided, without considering the opinions of the client at all?

At this time, even Wuhe Shizhi, who had always been gentle, became a little angry.

That's it! Mana, are you living with your family now?

Seeing Itsuka Shiori getting angry, Itsuka Kotori and Takamiya Mana suddenly became honest, but facing her questions, Takamiya Mana became hesitant and evasive.

Uh... Oops, that's a hard question to explain.

hard to explain?

That...that's right, I'm currently working in a workplace with a special accommodation system...

Hearing Mana Takamiya's answer, Igarashi almost squirted.

If you temporarily ignore the words accommodation system, the wording of special work unit, coupled with the petite and cute appearance of Takamiya Mana, people will have some bad associations, and the originally normal accommodation system will become uncomfortable. Normally, a workplace with special accommodation system, um... shouldn't it only work at night?

This may be an association that some people who are not pure enough may easily make.

The dignified DEM club seemed to be a dirty place in Takamiya Mana's mouth.

Fortunately, everyone present except Igarashi was very pure in mind.

Workplace? Mana, how old are you now? You should be about the same age as Kotori, shouldn't you go to school?

Itsuka Shiori's words made Takumiya Mana feel more and more uncomfortable. However, remembering that Sister Eileen seemed to have no intention of assigning work to him, and Nightmare recently seemed to be planning to stay at Laizen High School for a long time, Takumiya Mana said. .

Go to school, yes, I want to go to school too! I think I will transfer to Laizen High School soon.

Come to Zen High School?

Mana Takamiya's words made Itsuka Shiori raise his eyebrows. He obviously looked about the same age as Kotori, maybe even younger than Kotori, but he was already in high school?

But Takamiya Mana didn't know the doubts in Wuhe Shiori's mind, so he just thought it was the other party making further confirmation and couldn't help but nod his head.

Yes, I think onee-sama will be able to see me soon!

After saying this, Chong Gongzhen ran away quickly.

She wanted to contact Sister Ailian again and ask her to arrange for her to attend Laizen High School, monitor the nightmare, and also stay with her sister.

so perfect!

Chong Gongzhen, who was trotting all the way, was so happy that he almost jumped up.

Itsuka Kotori walked home expressionlessly, turned his head and looked at Itsuka Shiori who was standing there blankly as if he hadn't finished digesting Takamiya Mana's words, and said.

Sister Shizhi, I want to have breakfast. Also, if you don't hurry up, you'll be late for school, right?

Huh? Oh!

Wuhe Shizhi showed a bit of urgency. Seeing Igarashi who was still standing aside, he hesitated and asked.

Uh... do you want to have breakfast together?


To the surprise of Itsuka Shiori, Igarashi nodded in agreement.

Then Tohka, Mio-san and the others...

Tohka prefers to eat soybean flour bread in the morning without having to go out of her way to make it, while Mio is still sleeping.

Mio was very tired. She had been tired all night.


Itsuka Shiori nodded weakly, turned sideways, and let Igarashi enter his home.

Chapter 1010 Ou...Oni-chan

This is not the first time that Igarashi has entered Wuhe Shiori's home. Even though the place where she lived when she was a Shinshi Takamiya was not here at all, the previous incident caused by the appearance of Yoshino by Wuhe Shiori and others When the heavy rain made his clothes soaked, Igarashi went into Wuhe's house to get spare school uniforms for Wuhe Shiori.

Now that I'm here for the second time, if I look carefully, some details in the room still have a familiar feeling. Although Wuhe Shiori's memory has been sealed, his personality and preferences have not changed.

Because of the uninvited guest Igarashi, Itsuka Shiori, who had almost prepared breakfast, had to be busy for a while longer. While she continued to prepare hamburgers, eggs and miso soup, Itsuka Kotori sat down At the dining table, I looked at Igarashi walking over with a bad look on his face.

She has not forgotten that just now Igarashi showed signs of surrendering to the enemy because of Mana Takamiya's words of brother-in-law. He almost ignored the friendship over the past few days and said, As a sister, Mana Takamiya is better than Kotori Itsuka. Better words.

Why is your face so ugly? Could it be that you felt a sense of crisis because of seeing Mana Takamiya?

Igarashi asked as if nothing had happened. Itsukawa Kotori naturally saw that he was pretending to be stupid, and was about to accuse him, but Igarashi reached out and took out her black hair at a speed that Wuhe Kotori and Ben could not react. Taking off the headband and replacing it with a white one, Igarashi looked at the girl who had been stern and stern a second ago and suddenly became extremely weak. Igarashi showed a malicious smile like a villain and said.

Xiao Qinli, call my brother to come and listen.


Under the white hairband, Itsuka Kotori was surprisingly well-behaved. Although she looked very reserved, there were no tears in her eyes or fear, and she seemed to have little resistance to calling Igarashi her brother.

Igarashi felt very satisfied and reached out to touch Wuhe Kotori's head.

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