Okay, I'll wait for someone to send you the relevant information about Wuhe Shizhi.

Naturally, it was modified, erasing the incomplete information about her existence as a true scholar of Chong Palace.

Anything else?

If not, Ailian wants to hang up the phone. Now Igarashi seems to be busy with something and has forgotten her existence. Ailian is very happy, at least for the moment. She doesn't want to brush up her presence and cause Wu. Julan's attention.

Yes, yes, it seems that Nightmare is in contact with a Laizen High School student named Igarashi. Sister Ailian, please help me search for information about him. I want to know why Nightmare is suddenly so interested in a person.

I am really afraid of what will happen.

Hearing that Takamiya Mana finally said this name, Ailian answered with half relief and half helplessness.

...I will have someone send it to you later.

Thank you, Sister Ailian!

Chong Gong Zhenna hung up the phone with a smile, while Ailian sat in her office with a weak look on her face, and after thinking hard, she murmured to herself.

Anyway, he didn't hide his status in AST too much, nor did he hide his identity as the boss of DATE firm. I'll just send these two pieces of information to Takamiya Mana. Well, that's it.

Chapter 1008 Sister War

Mana Takamiya made the call in front of Ryouko Kusakabe, and the girl who got the response from Aileen now looked at Ryouko Kusakabe with a very proud look, which almost meant If you don't help me, someone else will. Help me. Ryouko Kusakabe frowned.

AST is a semi-governmental organization. It has various relatively strict regulations regarding resident information within its jurisdiction, which protects information security to a certain extent. However, someone like Mana Takamiya can investigate information so easily. It's not something to be happy about. Regardless of whether it's public or private, Ryouko Kusakabe has a more unfavorable impression of DEM in her heart.

In the past, I only heard that AST and DEM Club were at odds with each other. The specific reason was not clear. Now it seems that as the leader of the AST team, I cannot agree with the philosophy of DEM Club at all.

Seeing the cute smile on Takamiya Shina's face, Kusakabe Ryouko turned around and said while walking to the training base.

Your sister would not be happy if she knew that you were exploring her personal information so casually. From the beginning to the end, you never thought of going to Lai Zen High School and asking Itsukawa Shiori.

What Ryouko Kusakabe left behind made Takamiya Mana stunned. After a long silence, he took a long breath and whispered half to comfort himself.

Onee-sama wouldn't be angry with my sister for something like this!

the next day.

Wuhe Shizhi got up early and made breakfast for his sister.

The kitchen of the Itsuka family is connected to the living room, and is designed like some izakaya. Shiori Hisuka, who is frying hamburgers, is humming a song in a good mood, waiting for the burgers to be cooked, and his eyes are wandering around casually. I happened to see a figure walking past my door.

It should be possible to appear from another window in about five seconds. Bored, Itsuka Shiori began to calculate the walking speed of the unknown figure.

However, after a full minute, the figure did not appear at the other window. It was as if it had stopped directly in front of his own home.

Wuhe Shizhi was stunned for a moment, then put the cooked hamburger in his hand on the plate, and then tiptoed towards the door.

If she hadn't seen that figure who was very cute and pretty, probably a girl, Itsuka Shiori wouldn't be so relaxed now. She would think that there was a gangster who wanted to pry open the door, and maybe call Igarashi first. .

Uh, why did you call Igarashi instead of calling the police? Perhaps in Itsuka Shiori's mind, Igarashi has already established an extremely reliable image.

Looking out through the peephole of the door, What Shizhi saw was a girl with the same hair color as herself, who lowered her head and seemed to be very worried. She looked a little younger than Kotori.

She didn't have a weapon in her hand, and she was very cute. She stopped in front of her house. Did she encounter some difficulty and want help?

When human beings are unable to explore the other person's character, they will more or less judge people by their appearance, and the girl outside the door is the type who can leave a good impression on others just by her appearance. Itsuka Shiori paused for a moment. After that, open the door directly.

Did you encounter any difficulties?

Takamiya Mana, who suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, did not react for a moment. After Itsuka Shiori finished speaking, Takamiya Mana finally saw this beautiful girl with similar facial features to her own, and there was a moment of silence. back--



Onee-sama, onee-sama! I finally see you.

Takamiya Mana immediately hugged Wuhe Shizhi's waist and rubbed her arms affectionately.

Feeling the strangeness coming from his chest, Itsukawa Shiori's face gradually turned red. He pulled Takamiya Mana away with gentle but firm movements, and looked at the other person's eyes filled with undisguised joy, confused. asked.

You called me sister?

Well, sister, I am your sister Takamiya Mana!

Having said this, Mana Takamiya also took out a necklace from his neck. There was a small photo on it. It was a photo of Itsuka Shiori and Mana Takamiya. Looking at the appearance of the two people in the photo, at that time Both of them should still be elementary school students.

Generally speaking, when someone suddenly pops up and claims to be one's relative, it would be somewhat confusing and unbelievable. However, Itsukawa Shiori now sees that this does not look like a fake photo, and Takamiya Mana is indeed related to I have many similar facial features, and I can't help but believe it in my heart.

Itsukawa Kotori is not his biological sister, she is an adopted child of the Itsuka family, which Wuhe Shizhi knows very well.

Oh? So this is your sister too?

At this time, Igarashi's words suddenly rang out. Mana Takamiya, who was still immersed in the excitement of recognizing the sisters, and Shiori Itsuka, who was confused by the situation, discovered that they were standing there. Igarashi, who was leaning against the wall not far away, seemed to have been listening for a long time.

The appearance of Igarashi made Itsuka Shiori, who was frowning, subconsciously look relaxed.

She said she was my sister, but in my memory... my memory of the past seems very hazy.

Think carefully, maybe you can find clues in your mind.

Saying this, Igarashi secretly unlocked a little bit of Itsuka Shiori's memory seal, and the memory of Takamiya Mana gradually flowed out in her mind.

I seem to... really have a sister, a biological sister.

At this time, Itsuka Kotori also got up and finished washing. She came to the living room still feeling a little sleepy. Suddenly she heard the voice of her sister coming from the door. There was a biological sister or something, who had always been Itsuka. Itsukawa Kotori, Shiori's only sister, suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Sister Shizhi, what happened?

Even Itsuka Kotori, who was wearing a white hairband, was grabbing onto Itsuka Shiori's sleeve at this moment, like a frightened little animal.

And upon hearing Wuhe Kotori's name to Wuhe Shiori, Takamiya Shina raised his eyebrows.

Sister Shizhi?

Well, she is my sister, Kotori Itsuka.

Chapter 1009 Brother-in-law!

There was a dispute over who was more adorable between the real sister and the adopted sister, and who was more important, the grace of upbringing or the love of blood. When Itsuka Shiori was at a loss to give an answer, for some reason, his sister decided to The war started for his sister spread to Igarashi.

Tell me, between me and this Mana Takamiya who came out of nowhere, who has a deeper relationship with Sister Shiori.

Itsuka Kotori, who had already put on a black hairband, glared with a little anger at Mana Takamiya, who was trying to compete with him for Sister Shiori's favor, and began to seek advice from Igarashi, seemingly treating him as a referee. .

At this time, Takamiya Mana remembered the information about Itsuka Shiori and Igarashi that he had received from DEM Club.

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