The injury is serious, Elliot.

One of the three magicians who caused the world's disaster before, Elliot, who was lying on the hospital bed with his body wrapped in many bandages, heard the voice and turned his head to look, just in time to see Igarashi's figure and his pale face. A feeble wry smile appeared on his face.

Are you... here to kill me? Yes, after all, I caused such a disaster.

Elliott already knew how many casualties the Eurasian air disaster had caused.

That's not the case. In fact, you are currently in a state where you can't die. Please make atonement for your sins in the future. It is very bold for a mere magician to let so many innocent people die because of you.

Among the three magicians, Isaac, who has been wiped out in ashes, is the leader and promoter of everything, the real culprit, while Elliot and Elaine are collaborators with slightly weaker sins. This is why the two of them are still The reason to be alive.


Elliot murmured.

Establish a specialized organization, Elliot, and use all the resources and abilities you have to take care of the people who suffered due to the Eurasian air disaster. In this case, maybe you can die a good death?

Igarashi's plan combined with the will of the world and the original plot development gave Elliot a way forward.

In fact, Eliot had no choice at all.


Seeing Eliot fall silent, Igarashi didn't bother to persuade him. If Eliot hadn't played a small role in the future planning of the world's will, he would have died miserably.

The person who was conceived by the world has become the destroyer of the world. No world with the will of the world will allow this kind of rebellion to have a good ending.

What role will you play in the future?

Seeing Igarashi about to leave, Elliot finally spoke up.

I am a very decent person. I will naturally be the guardian of the world and the person who maintains order. Likewise, I will also protect beautiful girls, whether she is human or not. Are there any questions?

Igarashi seemed to see through Elliot's thoughts and gave a meaningful answer.

No, I will do as you say.

Elliot closed his eyes tiredly.

Chapter 940 Heavy Work

When getting along with a beautiful girl like Mio, Igarashi would naturally not do anything, and soon had some intimate things with her.

Coupled with the fact that he could tease the Chonggong sisters from time to time, Igarashi felt that life was so comfortable and comfortable that his bones were almost rusty.

Facts have proved that we should not have this idea that we are not aware of the blessings despite the blessings.

Just like many people lamenting that they have not been sick for a long time and have not been to the hospital, they will suddenly become seriously ill. Not long after Igarashi had such a sigh, the will of the world came to his door.

It hopes to get Igarashi's help to deal with the energy turmoil in the neighborhood that has not subsided until now.

Of course Igarashi was unwilling to do so. The Will of the World had spent several months failing to deal with the matter, and it even had little effect. It would definitely take a long time for him. He couldn't enjoy such a comfortable life. , if you have to go to a neighborhood that is nothing but magic to deal with energy riots, you are simply asking for trouble.

I won't go, Comrade World Will. I feel that I have done enough things to spread the word to the extent that people can worship them as the savior. You can't come to me for everything? You must learn to deal with the world independently. After all the accidents that happened, how are you going to face the enemies of the world, those evil gods who do all kinds of evil in your current state?

Igarashi looked earnest, and a certain evil god inside Igarashi's Sword of Glory sneezed at the right moment.

But in this case, it is equivalent to losing the best environment for nurturing elves. The power that Mio has given out will not be able to quickly integrate with humans. The process of the emergence of new elves will be delayed indefinitely. In the future, the opening of the neighborhood will be no less explosive. The disaster of the great Eurasian air disaster.”

There was a faint hint of embarrassment in the World Will's tone. To be able to express such emotions, the neighborhood was indeed in quite a big situation.


This made it very difficult for Igarashi to deal with. He thought for a long time before speaking.

In this way, from now on, I will spend some time dealing with energy riots in the neighborhood during the day, and return to Earth at night. Is that okay? If you don't agree, there will be no discussion.

Igarashi directly exposed his bottom line to the world's consciousness.

Although you can do more things on earth during the day, there are also some things that you can only do at night.

A pure and upright person like Igarashi has always been against prostitution during the day, so he decided to return to Earth at night.

The will of the world certainly agreed.

Then, Igarashi entered a neighborhood that he had never cared about before.

In a world that is completely filled with abundant magic power and all kinds of mysteries, as long as you can withstand the pressure brought by this high degree of mystery, your strength can be rapidly improved by just staying in this world.

Of course, it has no improvement effect on Igarashi.

It's indeed a big problem.

Looking at the roaring energy in the neighborhood, Wu Shilan frowned slightly. He was immediately sure that if he wanted to suppress the current turbulent energy, it would be a huge project.

At the same time, it will also improve your own strength. After all, this is a job of operating the world.

I said world will, what's the matter with you? The earth's magic power is so lacking, and the magic power here is so abundant. They are two extremes. It's no wonder that there is a passage connecting the two worlds. , there will be a disaster on the scale of the Great Eurasian Air Disaster.”

Because I have no relevant experience before.

To a certain extent, the world will also bears a certain responsibility for the damage caused by the Eurasian air disaster, but after all, it is a dignified world will. As long as humans, who are active in the main stage of the world, are not completely eliminated, the world will will not It will make too much compensation. It will only slightly manipulate cause and effect and destiny, so that those who died tragically will have a good life in the next life.

Igarashi didn't say anything to this.

I'll start dealing with the energy riot here tomorrow.

After saying this, Igarashi returned directly to Earth, returned to his room, and saw Mio sleeping in.

I may rarely appear during the day from now on.

Hearing Igarashi's whisper, Mio, who had her eyes closed, suddenly opened them with panic on her face.

What happened?

It's not a big deal, I just found a busy job. I will come back normally in the evening, just in time for you to learn to be independent. Stop clinging to me all the time, you little brownie.

Igarashi said it lightly, making Mio wrinkle her nose in dissatisfaction.

It's not brown candy.

Yeah, yeah, no, Mio is the cutest.

Igarashi pinched the girl's tender face and then continued.

Speaking of which, what do you think about giving some of your power to Master Chong Gong?

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