elder sister!

Chong Gong Zhen made a dissatisfied cry. After Chong Gong Zhen Shi flicked his forehead as a warning, he pitifully stopped talking.

Of course, Igarashi would not refuse.

Thank you very much. We just moved here, and Mio and I do have a lot of inconveniences.

After making an agreement with Shinji Takamiya, and watching the two sisters with different personalities leave, Igarashi returned to his new home, opened his hands to catch Mio, who was already familiar with the new environment, and happily rushed towards him. , said.

How about it? Which room do you plan to stay in?

Wherever Lan lives, I will live!

Mio answered simply.

Igarashi nodded with a smile and waved his hand. Invisible power manifested around him. All the furniture that had been moved by the moving company but had not been assembled and placed was completed. In just a few minutes, Igarashi took care of all the so-called inconvenient things mentioned before.

At present, Mio's character is very similar to that of Tohka who has not yet appeared. She is ignorant about everything, full of curiosity about everything, and looks at everything with an innocent attitude.

And he didn't know any courtesy at all.

At the Takamiya family, the smile on Makoto Takamiya's face has become a little stiff. She had specifically considered the man Igarashi before, so she prepared more than twice as much dinner as usual, but it still seemed a bit insufficient.

It's not that Igarashi has a big appetite, it's that Mio has a big appetite.

That girl, who was as beautiful as an elf who fell into the mortal world, turned out to be a foodie. She showed how fast she ate without caring much about her manners. She finished her portion of dinner in just a few minutes, and then conquered Igarashi. With permission, Igarashi ate his share.

Mio was very satisfied, Igarashi also had a doting smile on his face, Takamiya Shina was immersed in surprise, and Takamiya 343 Shinshi was a little embarrassed.

From the beginning to the end, Igarashi didn't eat much because there was nothing to eat. As a host, he was too rude.


The girl's delicate face was full of apology.

Igarashi waved his hand.

I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good. You've already surpassed many restaurant chefs, right? Normally, Mio wouldn't eat so much. It was my lack of consideration that made you laugh.

Not only did he praise his cooking skills, but it also alleviated the embarrassment this time.

Shinshi Takamiya looked at Igarashi with a somewhat surprised look, but he was even more certain in his heart that Igarashi was a good person.

She stood up.

Please wait a moment, I will make something more to eat.

No need, there are still various things to deal with at home...

This time, Shinshi Takamiya interrupted in the middle of Igarashi's words.

Because there are a lot of energy-consuming things to deal with, you must eat something, otherwise you will be exhausted. Please wait patiently, Mana, and take good care of the guests.

There was seriousness on that gentle and demure face.

She is really a girl who thinks about others.

Chapter 939 Sinner

Time passed little by little, and Igarashi and Mio settled in next door to the Sakamiya sisters' house.

At the same time, Igarashi determines what to do with the two surviving magicians who caused the world's disaster - Ellen and Elliot.

You want me to become the ace magician of DEM Club...

Facing the man in front of her who could easily suppress the Great Eurasian Air Disaster that caused terrible casualties, Ailian seemed a little weak. Although she was a magician who stood at the top of mankind, due to some restrictions placed on the earth by the will of the world, even if It's Aileen who has magical powers. As long as she doesn't use special devices, she's just an ordinary person.

No, he is a weakling who is even worse than ordinary people. He is tired and out of breath even when walking up and down stairs.

So, when she saw Igarashi's eyes widening due to his muttering, showing a bit of impatience, Ailian nodded quickly.

Yes, no problem!

Seeing Ailian nod, Igarashi turned his attention to the blond woman standing next to Ailian, who looked similar to Ailian, except that her hair was slightly shorter and she had a pair of glasses.

Who are you?

Callen Nora Mathers, the sister of the director of the Executive Department of Elaine.

The bespectacled blonde said her name very simply. Unlike Aileen, she had never seen Igarashi's power, and she was able to maintain the elegance of a professional woman in front of Igarashi.

You are also a magician. You are lucky. You are not among the three people who caused the world's disaster, so you don't have to bear the guilt and resentment.


Igarashi's words made Ailian shrink his head. Guilt and resentment sounded very illusory, but when they came out of Igarashi's mouth, Ailian suddenly panicked.

Seeing the change in Ailian's expression, Igarashi grinned.

You don't think that the casualties caused by the Eurasian air disaster have nothing to do with you, do you? That stupid guy used magic to open the adjacent channel and caused a space earthquake. As the culprit of all this, in addition to himself being wiped out, he All our relatives and friends will be implicated, and you are half a participant. To be honest, this world hates you very much, Ailian.

From now on, just stay in the DEM club honestly, and don't show up casually when you have nothing to do, so as not to encounter bad luck at some point.

After Igarashi finished speaking, his figure gradually dissipated and disappeared.

Rather than exploring Igarashi's strange way of leaving, Ellen's sister, Kallen, was more shocked by what her sister had done.

Did you do the great air disaster in Europe and Asia that killed and injured 150 million people? Sister.

After hearing the huge number of casualties, Ailian covered her ears in panic and huddled up.

No, it's not me! It was the dead Isaac who did it. I... I just prepared some means to protect myself in possible accidents. I really didn't expect that it would cause so many casualties.

Who is that Igarashi? Why did he suddenly become the president of DEM Club without causing any troubles.

Seeing her sister's state, Kallen knew that she wouldn't be able to learn more details for a while, so she immediately changed the topic.

He... he may be an existence from the neighborhood. He suddenly appeared after we opened the neighborhood and eliminated the Eurasian air disaster that would have caused greater damage. Maybe... he was not a human being, but a god.

This time, Ailian answered Kallen's words well.

The three people who originally wanted to open up the neighborhood and transform themselves from magicians into magicians full of magic and omnipotent magicians never imagined that they would lead to a terrible disaster and a pair of terrifying men and women-Five. Juran and Mio.

As a magician, Eileen deeply understands how incredible the methods Igarashi showed are, and what level of magic power Mio possesses.

It seems that he caused two terrible beings to appear on the earth.

Ailian hugged her head again and huddled up.

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