The being that sang before did not know the current state of the [Golden Harp]. The voice echoing around stopped singing and began to make a declaration as the winner to answer the loser's doubts like a villain facing the protagonist who was doomed to defeat.

The [Golden Harp] is the divine weapon of the Danu Protoss summoned from the pieces of paper in the [Book of Invasion]. It is a divine instrument that can play the song of awakening even in enemy territory.

As these words fell, the soft light emitted from the [Golden Harp], which Igarashi was looking at with great interest, became even more intense, as if expressing loyalty that would never resist. If it was a pet before If the dog is wagging its tail and begging for mercy, at this moment, it has turned into a cute dog lying on its back, showing its soft belly and neck to its owner.

The owner of that voice still didn't show up, and just said mockingly to everyone in the dormitory and the entire underground city.

[Hakoniwa nobles], Igarashi, and your comrades, tonight is the opening night. First of all, you can be happy that the vampire princess - [Demon King Dracula] is resurrected!

In an instant, the night sky suddenly opened in half. The originally clear night sky was shrouded in large dark clouds, and lightning was continuously emitted, making the sky above [Underwood] dim.

And the cracked mid-air is a scene from mythology.

The strongest life form - the pure blood of dragon.


The shocking roar that defied common sense caused the entire Underwood to tremble. Everyone could barely see the dragon's head, but its whole body was so huge that it was obscured by the sea of ​​clouds and could not be seen clearly.

A large amount of lightning responded to the dragon's roar and continued to strike downwards. Judging from its posture, the lightning that completely covered [Underwood] - the entire underground city, would destroy countless houses, mercilessly take the lives of residents, and even destroy the giant city. The roots of the water tree ignited, eventually burning the entire water tree.

Igarashi, please save everyone. No matter what your request is, I will agree to it!

Sarah, who had already raised her wings of flame and flew into the air, trying to block the lightning, found out that just a small wisp of this dense lightning would consume most of her strength. At the same time, a huge Scales fell off the dragon's body, and as they fell to the ground like rain, each of them turned into giant turtles and snakes, preparing to attack the city.

Just scales can split and create a new race. There is no doubt that this is the pure blood of the dragon, the true strongest race in Hakoniwa, one of the three strongest races, and a being that should not appear in the lower levels.

At this moment, Sarah couldn't care less about being shy. When the entire Dragon Horn Eagle Lion Alliance was in panic because the strongest species of Hakodeni appeared on the lower floor, she used herself as a bargaining chip to plead with Igarashi.

It’s not that I blindly believe that Igarashi has the strength to defeat the Dragon Pureblood, but that Sarah can only grasp this last life-saving straw for the Dragon-Horned Eagle-Lion Alliance. She can only choose to believe and pray loyally. So, Igarashi can cope with this desperate disaster.

Just when the fastest lightning was about to hit the buildings of the underground city and begin to officially show the world what a terrible disaster this was, an extremely huge mysterious blue magic circle suddenly appeared above the entire city, with lightning, giant turtles, and giant snakes There were also dragon scales that had not yet evolved into monsters that came into contact with the blue magic circle. Witnesses thought that there would be an extremely violent collision, or that the seemingly powerful magic circle was defeated with one blow. However, the fact is that the magic circle The formation silently melted away everything that came into contact with it from above.

The magic circle resisted the attack of pure dragon blood and completely resisted. This incomprehensible scene made everyone open their mouths, showing shocked and speechless expressions.

Standing on the roof of the dormitory, Igarashi looked at Leticia, who suddenly appeared next to her. At this moment, the vampire lady's face was pale, and her cloudy eyes even proved that she was a little delirious.

My [organizer authority]... Someone wants to unlock the seal of my organizer authority and let me reappear as the Demon King of Destruction. If it really evolves to that point... Lord Igarashi, please target the thirteenth sun!

Igarashi gently tapped Leticia's forehead with a white-gleaming finger. Seeing that the other party woke up, her expression was still pale, and she spoke.

I'm used to giving the enemy a little hope, and then giving them pure despair, but the opposite is true for the people around me. Sometimes I like to make them feel panic, and then perform the drama of a hero saving the beauty. Leticia, you are mine Little maid, you seem to be in despair now? I will bring you hope, okay? According to that guy, you are the princess of the vampire, then I am the knight who saves the princess. Defeat the dragon and save the princess. Think about it. A little excited.

Defeat the evil dragon...?

Leticia's heart was filled with a sad, bitter smile, but her face showed no emotion. She looked at Igarashi quietly for a while, as if she wanted to remember his appearance, and then she smiled sweetly as if she had let go of everything.

Well, I'll wait for you.

Leticia, who was left with such a smile, turned into a ray of light and merged into the dragon. At the same time, black letters appeared in the sky, representing the Demon King's contract documents, and rained down on [Underwood] like raindrops.

Igarashi's expression stopped, as if he was in contact with a certain existence. After a moment's pause, he withdrew the magic circle.

Only then did the Demon King's contract documents finally come to fruition.

However, no one noticed that the contract document was almost blocked by the magic circle before.

Gift Game Name: The Vampire King in Sun Synchronous Orbit.

List of contestants: All living beings caught in the beast's belt.

When the beast belt disappears, the game will be temporarily suspended indefinitely.

Victory conditions for the participating parties:

1. Kill the game leader: [Dracula].

2. Kill the game leader: [Leticia Decrea].

Chapter 923 You can only choose to believe

3. Collect the shattered starry sky and dedicate the beast belt to the throne.

4. Follow the guidance of the beast belt that returns to the throne in the correct form, and shoot through the heart of the revolutionary leader who is bound by iron chains.

Oath: Respect the above content and hold a gift game based on the honor, flag and organizer's authority.

Unnamed seal.

Igarashi looked at the content on the black parchment. Although he had just promised the will of the world and would not openly use violent means to destroy this game in front of everyone, but——

Whoever created the rules of this game should be damned.

Igarashi stretched out his hand and held it empty in the air. The sound that originally sounded like poetry as the black parchment fell, announcing the arrival of the end, suddenly stopped.

Not a short distance away from the underground city, a figure shrouded in a robe felt the surrounding air and even the movement of the space, with a look of horror and despair on his face.

how come……

After he just said these few words, the entire existence seemed to be crushed by a huge force, erupting into a blood mist, completely wiping out all traces in the small garden.

Igarashi withdrew his hand and threw away the parchment, staring at the giant dragon in the sky indifferently. In this Demon King game with Leticia as the core, the condition for victory is to kill Leticia herself, who had died just now. Yes, the poet who reincarnated Leticia into the Demon King and triggered this game is probably looking forward to seeing the drama of killing each other, right?

Unfortunately, he didn't survive.

Igarashi is not one to follow rules either.

If the will of the world had not appeared in a hurry just now and asked Igarashi not to blatantly break the rules of the small garden, Igarashi would have ended the game at this moment.

Igarashi promised the will of the world that he would solve this gift game in a more secretive manner, and the will of the world also promised Igarashi that in the future, Leticia will get the godhead that best suits her, without turning into the Demon King of Destruction. below, enjoying the power of a demon king.

Originally, such a reward was not very generous to Igarashi. After all, he had been able to create the godhead and was even ready to do it.

However, such a price is nothing to Igarashi, it is just a secret solution to the game.

Igarashi, who was standing on the roof of the dormitory, suddenly disappeared.

the other side.

Kasukabe Yō and Kuon Asuka hurriedly ran out of the dormitory at this time, and their hearts tightened when they saw Kuro Usagi staring at a black letter with trembling eyes.

This is...the Demon King's...

Black Rabbit rarely answered Kasukabe Yoshi and Kuon Asuka's words. He just raised his head in confusion and looked at the pure dragon who fell into strange silence and did not make any more attacks after the magic circle that had previously protected the entire city disappeared. He whispered in a sleepy voice.


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