No, it has nothing to do with the weather. I'm sleepy. Speaking of which, little maid Pest, do you know that our nameless community has a rule that maids must warm their master's bed?

Chapter 921 Very sentimental

There is no such rule!

Black Rabbit would not let Igarashi talk nonsense and smear Wuming's reputation. As soon as Igarashi finished speaking, he hurriedly retorted.

Although it is easy for Igarashi to train a black rabbit, after all, this seemingly serious rabbit has shown blushing shyness in front of him several times. However, the black rabbit is not the only one present now. Seeing Kuon The contempt shown in the eyes of Asuka and Shirayuki-hime, as well as Kasukabe Yoshi who seems to be nonchalant but will actually stop things if they continue, and the upright Leticia.

I'm just kidding.

Igarashi spread his hands helplessly. In fact, he just wanted to tease Pest. After all, Igarashi didn't think that Pest would throw herself into his arms so easily, but it didn't work. It's really sad that Pest showed a shy expression as expected, but ended up like this instead.

You need to find an opportunity to call them into the room alone and give them a good education, a thorough education.

Igarashi, who secretly made up his mind, yawned lazily.

We just experienced a giant attack. There are many places in the city that need to be cleaned up. I think those 937 stalls selling things will not appear again for a while. There is nothing to buy, no enemies to fight, and no girls to accompany me. It is very boring. I went back to my room to rest.

Just like that, under the gazes of the girls with different thoughts, Igarashi returned to his room without hesitation.

...No matter what, Pest, from now on we will be partners fighting together under the same banner. Please give me your guidance, [Black Death Spotted Demon King].

After a moment of silence, Leticia had a gentle smile on her face. In response, Pest said helplessly.

It's not the Demon King anymore, it's the Son of God, [Black Death Madara Godson]. Back then Igarashi not only defeated me, but also destroyed the magic book of Hamel that was the basis for my appearance in the Little Garden. I also never The position of god fell, but it was very strange. Neither La Ting nor I disappeared because of this. To a certain extent, he helped me get rid of the shackles.

At this time, Igarashi, who returned to his room and lay down to himself, did not pay attention to the conversation outside the dormitory, but lazily enjoyed the comfort of being asleep.

The underground city is currently undergoing post-war work, and Igarashi doesn't want to help. Just defeating all the giants is enough.

Time passed by, and night gradually fell.

Just when Igarashi was bored and felt that he would spend this long and uncomfortable night alone again, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Master, are you asleep?

It was La Ting's voice.

Igarashi blinked strangely.

Didn't sleep.

After receiving Igarashi's answer, La Ting opened the door. After entering Igarashi's room, she closed the door and locked it.


Igarashi felt that his and La Ting's positions seemed to be reversed. It had always been him who entered the girl's room, set up a barrier, locked the door, and then did some indescribably happy things.

It seems that the master has guessed what I want to do?

La Ting, wearing a maid outfit, showed a sexy and charming smile.

Igarashi blinked his eyes innocently.

Is it... too fast?

It turns out that the master likes to develop relationships slowly. In this case, I can also simply chat with the master. Or maybe the master is really tired and wants to sleep alone, I will leave now.

Hearing La Ting's words, Igarashi stood up immediately, waved his hand, and instantly laid down dozens of layers of barriers to ensure that La Ting could not leave casually. He just defended as if nothing had happened.

I have so much energy now!

It seems a little impure for men and women to say this when they are alone.

La Ting did not expect that Igarashi, who had defeated Pest with a thunderous force at Salamanda Stronghold, would have such an interesting side, and her slightly nervous mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

It seems I'm lucky. The master doesn't have any other girls with him.

Faced with La Ting's remarks, Igarashi quickly understood what she meant, and shook his head, showing emotion.

This is not a matter of your luck. In fact, if it is at night, there is usually no one to accompany me. As for any happy things happening, it is even more impossible. So far, my relationship with the beautiful girls has only stayed in the relationship. As far as kissing me, now that I think about it, I should seize the time to launch an offensive.

Only then did Igarashi realize that he had lived a pure life for too long since he came to Hakodeni. He had fallen!

In this's really great.

Before entering Igarashi's room, La Ting, who had already made up her mind, approached Igarashi without much hesitation, her whole person exuding unprecedented charm.

Compared to the intoxicating fantasies she once played, La Ting herself is now a more soul-stirring existence.

Faced with the embrace of a beautiful woman, Igarashi certainly would not refuse. He simply held her beautiful body in his arms and took advantage before asking curiously.

Although I hope you make such a decision from your heart, I still ask, is there anything you want to ask me for? In that case, just a kiss will be enough? You don't need to do this situation.

La Ting huddled in Igarashi's arms calmly and shook her head gently.

It's not for that purpose. As for whether it comes from the heart...well, I was originally summoned to Little Garden by Master Pest. After knowing that there are many gods and Buddhas here and the destined ending of the Demon King, I was already prepared to face failure and The plan of death and the appearance of a powerful opponent were expected, but this powerful existence did not kill me and Master Pest, which was beyond my expectation. Now, it seems that I have achieved something better than before. A future with more? This can be regarded as repayment. In addition, I am indeed curious about you and have a good impression of you, Master~

After receiving this loving reply, Igarashi no longer had any scruples.

After a while, La Ting's voice sounded breathless.

Well, wait a minute, don't get your clothes dirty.

It doesn't matter. You're dressed very attractively. If it gets dirty, I'll give you a new one.

...Master really does have such a bad taste.

Chapter 922 One of the strongest species, the pure blood of dragon

Wake up, like the golden whisper of apples.

Wake up with the harmonious framework of the four corners.

The sound of the harp will reach your ears in summer and winter, wake up faster than the sound of the flute, golden harp.

When La Ting fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion, Igarashi, who was still in high spirits, heard this chant.

Setting up a soundproof barrier to prevent the sound of chants from disturbing La Ting's rest, Igarashi glanced at the [Golden Harp] that was the only one left on the battlefield when he eliminated more than 500 giants, and which he placed in the corner of the room as a trophy. said in a tone of voice.

If you dare to ring, it will be history.

This sentence was said by Igarashi to the Golden Harp.

The golden harp, which was supposed to be just a special weapon or musical instrument without any sanity, seemed to hear Igarashi's words at this time. Just when one of the strings was about to vibrate and emit the first note, it Abort at a faster pace.

Then, the golden harp, which was originally glowing due to the sound of singing, suddenly became extremely soft, as soft as a pet dog wagging its tail and begging for mercy.

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