Soon after, the girls came out of the bathroom, wearing yukatas that were a little thinner than normal clothes. Because they had soaked in hot water, the skin exposed by the girls was a little more rosy than usual.

Igarashi was half lying on the chair, turning his head to admire the female members who had just taken a shower.

Oh, this scenery is really nice. Whether it's Kuro Usagi or the eldest lady with a sensational figure, or the slender Kasukabe Yoshi, or Leticia with drops of water on her hair, they are all quite beautiful, women. and water, forming a perfect harmony.”


Igarashi's head received two consecutive blows.

The ones who took action were the long-lasting bird whose ears were so red, and the black rabbit whose ears were so red.

Are you a pervert?

Mr. Igarashi is an idiot!

Okay... okay! You two should calm down.

Leticia panicked and tried to dissuade the ashamed and angry Kuon Asuka and Black Rabbit. Kasukabe Yoshi looked like it had nothing to do with him, and Shiroyasha held his belly and laughed.

The female clerk, very worried, ran to Igarashi and touched his head.

Are you ok?

It's important. The injury is serious. You need a knee pillow.

Then let me...

When the female clerk was subconsciously about to agree to Igarashi's request, she suddenly felt something was wrong. She noticed that the area was quiet again, and everyone's eyes were focused on her meaningfully. The female clerk was suddenly shocked that she seemed to be interested in Igarashi. Lan was acting too concerned.


Igarashi's head was attacked for the third time.

The strength of the three attacks was not very strong. Even ordinary people could only feel slight pain. What's more, Igarashi, after withstanding three consecutive attacks, he still recovered very well. He stood up from the chair and coughed lightly. With a sound, everyone looked serious.

Well, everyone, let's start talking about everyone's clothes tomorrow. I have a few sets of clothes here that suit everyone...

That's it!

Black Rabbit originally thought that Igarashi was going to say something important. After all, he seemed to have had a conflict with Salamander today. When they left the palace, Mandela's face looked humiliated and hesitant, and Kuon Asuka seemed to There was a lot to explain after being attacked, but Igarashi said this.

After completely revealing his bad taste, Igarashi, who felt much more comfortable, no longer deliberately acted weird and nodded.

Oh, okay, that's it. Let me briefly talk about something you may not know. Mandela from the Salamander Community was not friendly enough to me, so I gave him a little education. The so-called weak should be He has the attitude of a weakling. In addition, Kuon Asuka was attacked by tens of thousands of rats in the cave of the seat exhibition hall. Maybe it has something to do with the community called [Ratcatchers], that's it.

Chapter 893 Gift

Can you tell me more about it?

A serious look appeared on Shirayasha's face, because the name of the community [Ratcatcher] is exactly one of the three communities that will participate in the game finals tomorrow.

[Ratcatcher]? A fairy tale, or a rat-catching clown, [The Pied Piper of Hamel]. If I say this name, you will understand it, right?

This name corresponds to a fairy tale. There was a plague in Hamel. There were many casualties and the residents were helpless. At this moment, a Pied Piper wearing a red and yellow floor-length robe came to the town. , claiming that he can eradicate rats. With the mentality of giving it a try, the mayor promised him a generous reward to take action. So the Pied Piper played his flute, and all the rats in the town were led into the river and eradicated. However, the mayor violated the agreement and refused to pay him. The angry Pied Piper played the flute again and led 130 children in the town away, and finally disappeared at the hilly execution ground.

The fairy tale has had its own special rendering, but there are indeed similar real-life events, recorded in inscriptions and displayed together with a piece of stained glass.

Kuro Usagi and Shiro Yaksha showed strange expressions. Seeing the other people who had only heard a little bit of the conversation blink in confusion, Shiro Yaksha told what really happened in the small garden.

The so-called [Piper of Hamel] is the name of a certain community affiliated with the Demon King.


The demon king's community is called the [Fantasy Grimoire Group]. It is led by a summoner with a magical talent. He has summoned a community of demons from more than two hundred grimoires in total. Even every character in the grimoire It also contains different world backgrounds. It has clearly established rules and coercive power. He is an extremely powerful demon king. However, he lost a game with a certain community and must have passed away.

Shiroyasha, who didn't quite understand the fairy tale Igarashi was referring to, looked at Igarashi and asked.

Can you tell me more about the information you know?

Shiroyasha wants to use this to determine the identity of the enemy, and even the identity of the demon king that may attack.

I don't think it's necessary. Now that we know that there are indeed potential enemies, isn't that enough? Why, the most powerful game organizer in the East District, are you scared?

I won't be afraid!

Shiroyasha yelled at Igarashi, then took out a piece of glowing parchment.

It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I have already arranged corresponding countermeasures. I used my authority as the organizer to add some conditions to the festival, restricting outsiders from entering the stage area and free area, and prohibiting those who do not have permission to use it. The organizer has permission to hold the game.

Speaking of which, do I have permission?

Hearing Shiroyasha's words, Igarashi asked curiously. He himself also had the authority of the organizer.

...I didn't prohibit it, what do you want to do?

Shiroyasha is now unsure whether asking Igarashi to participate in the Fire Dragon Birth Festival will serve as a cooperator to make the festival go smoothly, or whether it will add more uncertain factors to the festival.

It's nothing at the moment, but it's uncertain in the future.

Igarashi doesn't think that the restrictions imposed by ShiroYasha can restrain him. He just wants to confirm ShiroYasha's attitude towards him. Now it seems that his impression in ShiroYasha's heart is very good.

Igarashi was very pleased.

In the dead of night, Igarashi did not sleep honestly.

He was browsing his storage, preparing to select some gifts that would be used as prizes for the games he held.

How about holding a beauty pageant? Maybe you can also make some unspoken rules.

Igarashi thought about it for a while, but he heard a sound coming from an open space inside the vast branch, which was very obvious in this quiet night.

It was Jiuyuan Asuka. She was jogging in the yard, with beads of sweat on her forehead.

Miss, are you so energetic that you can't sleep?

Igarashi seemed to be very involved when he saw Kuyuan Asuka, and he watched for a while before speaking.

Today, my [powerful light] cannot work on the rats.


Seeing that Igarashi still had a questioning look on his face, Kuon Asuka, who was a little tired from jogging and didn't want to say too much, showed a helpless look and panted to explain.

Didn't you say it before? Sharpening my will can enhance my gifts, so I chose to give up the beautiful rest time, and then jog for a long time, letting the sweat fall. No matter it is physical or mental, I feel that I have been tempered.

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