The girl who only focused on stopping the rats and ordering others to escape finally realized that she had wasted precious time.

Just when she became panicked and even had the thought I didn't expect that my fantasy journey would come to an end so soon——

Aren't you quite brave? Faced with such a large number of rats, you can still take care of people you don't know.

A familiar voice sounded beside Kuyuan Asuka, it was Igarashi.

Jiuyuan Asuka, who was trying not to show fear, now showed a look of relief.

After the girl noticed this, she panicked and turned into willfulness.

You guys, you came too slowly. You clearly promised to protect my knight.

Igarashi said in a funny voice, seeing that Kuon Asuka had not forgotten the previous role-playing with him. Not only did he participate in several games with Kasukabe Yō, but he also went to the Salamanda Hall.

The princess left the knight behind and ran away alone. She still showed no intention of repenting during such a long period of time from day to night. Now she is taking a preemptive strike?

Because... because she is so cute!

Kuon Asuka turned her attention to the little elf who grabbed her shoulders.

The elf wearing a pointed hat was catching the long-lasting flying bird, with a fearful expression that looked like he was about to cry. However, something seemed to have changed along the way, and the fear turned into confusion and surprise.

Jiuyuan Feiniao followed the elf's gaze and saw that the rats that were coming like a black torrent and were about to hit him stopped at the same place, trembling.

Unlike the elf, even though the mouse is trembling with fear, it still does not inspire pity.

If you don't want to die, just leave.

Igarashi's eyes did not look at the rats, but at the depths of the cave, where there was almost pure darkness.

Then there was a few seconds of dead silence.

Just when Igarashi, who was in a bad mood because of Salamander, was about to raise his hand, the rats retreated.

Faster than it appears.

It was not the original owner of the rats who issued a simple order like Escape quickly, but the rats themselves, this disgusting and cunning animal with tenacious vitality, felt the great crisis and burst out with unprecedented potential. .


Seeing the numerous members of the community gathered in the North District, and himself choosing to retreat, the unfavorable group of rats simply retreated, or rather fled, Jiuyuan Feiniao showed a somewhat dumbfounded expression. After a moment, he seemed to remember something. , Kuyuan Asuka looked at Igarashi with fear hidden in his eyes.

Even if you can command such a pack of rats, your gift will also be effective on me, right?

Is it possible? It will definitely happen! Let me show you how to do it, Jiuyuan Feiniao, please give me a smile.

Then Kuon Asuka, whose mood had gone up and down several times, really found that he couldn't help but smile at Igarashi.

That smile that seemed to come from the heart made Jiuyuan Feiniao feel excited physically and mentally, and then, it became terrifying.

In this case, if Igarashi really wanted to do something excessive to him, wouldn't he just say a word and he would take the initiative to throw himself into his arms?

What a shame!

Chapter 892 Being Beaten

Boundary wall, observatory, and the old branch of Thousand Eyes.

Give me a bath! Go now!

She is still the female clerk who once embarrassed Black Rabbit and was molested by Igarashi without the knowledge of Kuon Asuka and others. She seemed to have temporarily followed Shiroyasha from her original East District store because she wanted to serve him. .

When she saw Jiuyuan Asuka, who was covered in mud and dust and looked quite embarrassed, she bared her fangs and roared at Jiuyuan Asuka.

There's no need to talk about entering Qianyan Store looking so dirty! Put your clothes here! I'll wash them! I'll also repair the damaged parts for you, so be grateful! Go take a shower!

Kuon Asuka was half-forced into Qianyan's bathroom.

Igarashi touched his chin and looked the female clerk up and down, making her originally majestic look a little embarrassed.

What, what's wrong?

It's nothing, it's just that it's very interesting to see a beautiful girl with a hard mouth and a soft heart.

While Igarashi was chatting with the female clerk who had become reserved, not only Kuon Asuka, but also Black Rabbit, Shiroyasha, Kasukabe Yō and Leticia who were pestering Black Rabbit came to the bathroom.

In addition to hearing that Jiuyuan Asuka encountered some trouble and came to see the situation, it was also a rare gathering for them to chat about what happened today and plans for tomorrow.

So it was revealed that Igarashi not only accompanied Kuon Asuka, but also accompanied Kasukabe Yoshi to participate in the competition.

Mr. Igarashi... you are really energetic.

After a long silence, Black Rabbit struggled to give what should be a compliment.

Both Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi fell into silence. They couldn't help but think about whether it would be too much to involve Igarashi in their affairs for their own reasons.

Just when everyone has different thoughts——

Is everyone in the bathroom? How about I go in too?

Please don't! Forget about the others, Lord Shiro Yaksha is inside...

I'm not interested in Shiro Yasha's current flat figure!

The conversation between Igarashi and the female clerk came from outside the bathroom door. These two guys succeeded in arousing the anger of almost everyone in the bathroom through a brief conversation.

The gratitude and apology that I finally felt towards Igarashi were suddenly hidden in the hearts of Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō.

Hey, you guy, you dare to comment on my figure so boldly. Do you want to fight?!

Shiroyasha jumped out of the bathtub and raised her fist at Igarashi outside the bathroom door. The reason why she had no scruples was not because her current figure was indeed as barren as Igarashi described. , but in the Thousand Eyes store, the bathroom is a key protected area and is equipped with a shielding type of gift. Shiroyasha does not think that Igarashi can see the scene in the bathroom through the bathroom door.


In fact, Igarashi could see it. He didn't expect Shiroyasha to jump out so confidently. In a short period of time, Igarashi could say that he saw Shiroyasha all over.

It is indeed a tablet.


Igarashi simply turned around and left.

Bai Yaksha guessed something from his actions, and his face looked very stiff. When he turned around, he saw the others looking at him curiously, and Bai Yaksha's eyes were wandering.

Ha, ha, ha, he was scared away by me.

This laugh is really embarrassing.

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