Igarashi refused. It was no longer a matter of being able to live in the small world. The small world was his private territory.

Moreover, a worldly will like Tetu with complete intelligence is different from the will of other worlds. If Igarashi leaves, the world will indeed fall into evolution and sleep, and time will stop passing. But Tetu will not, Tetu will still She can control whether she is awake or sleeping, but because she can control it, she will clearly feel the passage of time.

Just as Igarashi was frowning and thinking about the solution, he received a communication from Nayako who was in the small world. Although she was in the small world, Nayako was very clear about what Igarashi had gone through. This was her time. The greatest entertainment of the time.

The Sword of Glory suppresses one thing, which is the Honkai Will from the Collapse World. It once made the World Will of that world miserable, and it is an existence on the same level as the World Will.

It was originally the opposition of the world's will, but just like the evil god Naiako was a cute creature in front of Igarashi, the Honkai Willis is not an absolute villain. After being suppressed by Igarashi and Naiako in turn, it has become You have to be submissive.

Igarashi's power of law is not simple, but Nayako is even more exaggerated.

Honkai Will can manage the world on Tetu's behalf and sleep and evolve together with the world.

Okay, okay, okay, no problem, I will take you with me when I leave.

Igarashi stroked Tetu's head as if coaxing a child, and Tetu, who had lived for six thousand years, said it was very helpful. She, who was originally angry, suddenly showed a happy smile.

In fact, Igarashi can collect the racial chess pieces with a single thought. Tetu is the only god and the will of the world, but this new god and the will of the world are not as powerful as Igarashi. He can ignore [ Ten Covenants], can also forcibly unite the racial chess pieces of all races.

He collected them slowly, just to look around.

Now... there is no need to rush into the game. There are many interesting places in this world, the world on the board - Disbod.

Igarashi enjoys getting along with the girls while traveling around the world with everyone.

No race stood in the way, even if it was an important place, and even the monster species with the worst minds rushed to greet Igarashi and his party when they arrived.

This is the treatment of the strong. Igarashi has known it for a long time. He thinks that he is not an immoral person. After all, Igarashi has also worked hard for world peace.

Therefore, Disbod is much more beautiful now than it was six thousand years ago. The races who knew the power and terror of the God of Outsiders did not choose to escape when they realized that they could not resist, but handed over the race pieces.

They believed that Igarashi would not use this racial chess piece to oppress them at will.

Then, after three years of leisure, the biggest game of chess began.

The chess piece is as huge as a mountain, and its huge outline can be seen through the horizon from extremely far away places.

It was a chess piece belonging to Tetu, representing the species of gods.

And Igarashi has fifteen other chess pieces.

Of course it's not a game like fifteen versus one. In that case, it's more like a competition of strength. If it were someone else, Tetu, who was in charge of the Star Cup, would dare to compete with anyone in strength, but if it was Igarashi , Tetu didn’t dare or didn’t want to.

This is a normal chess game, but the chess pieces are special.

Previously, the chess games between Igarashi and Tetu had always ended in Igarashi's victory.

This time, Igarashi didn’t lose, but he didn’t win either.

He forcibly created a dead end, which made Tetu, who realized that no matter what he did, would pay a heavy price, frowned, stared at the chessboard for a long time, and finally raised the corners of his mouth.

Is this your heart? Igarashi, my creator, is indeed such an existence.

Seeing the situation forcibly created by Igarashi on the chessboard, Tetu jumped on Igarashi with a smile.

This is I want it all greed.

It's a pity that Tetu didn't have the capital to resist, and neither did anyone else.

So they all became Igarashi’s.

Next, set off to the next world.

①③ Do all problem children come from another world?

Chapter 851 Canary

The world does not welcome Igarashi's arrival.

Unlike the world wills of other worlds, which noticed the opportunity for evolution brought by Igarashi's visit and happily rushed to welcome him, this world showed resistance. The specific reason for the resistance was unknown. Igarashi clearly showed With the recognition and blessings of several worlds, he is obviously a friendly messenger.

If it were the original Igarashi, he might have given up. After all, World Will is not a weakling.

But now, Igarashi's personality has almost surpassed a world, at least it is on the same level. Being treated so coldly by a guy of his own level, Igarashi said that he was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

He forcefully broke through the barriers of the world. Although the world made the final resistance, Igarashi did not enter its true core and stayed in the outside world. However, Igarashi, who had successfully broken into the world, did not care and spent a little money. With time, he can change his current situation.

The maze where the will of the world confuses Igarashi is no different from the earth in Igarashi's memory. It has no special history and no special technology.

But, there are special people.

After Igarashi wandered around the earth for a long time, he finally found a few special children on this unremarkable earth. Unfortunately, they were orphans who had not grown up. Igarashi gave some of them to some of them. I gave them a name and took care of them a little. Those children were quite interesting and rebellious. They were not filial enough to someone like Igarashi who took care of them like a loving father. Not to mention calling them dad, even brother He didn't shout, he called her by his first name at such a young age, which was really rude. After Igarashi repaired it with his fist, he became much more honest.

The strength of the naughty children is good, but unfortunately it is far behind Igarashi. After feeling the gap with Igarashi, they became much better behaved.

They were all boys, and Igarashi didn't spend much time taking care of them. They didn't intend to enjoy a carefree life under Igarashi's care, so he left some belongings and instilled in them a sense of five things. After Igarashi came up with the concept of his own style, Igarashi continued to travel around the world, trying to find the passage to the main world hidden under this ordinary world.

Time passed day by day, and when Igarashi gradually became bored——

Finally noticed something unusual.

The core of the world, the real main world, quietly opened a passage. Igarashi, who was strolling in the deep sea to enjoy the scenery, appeared next to the passage in an instant across a distance of thousands of kilometers.

The channel has been closed.

What Igarashi saw was a woman, wearing purple garters under a pure white gown, black boots with heels, and symmetrical shell earrings hanging from her ears. Her face under the moonlight was beautiful and wavy. The short blond hair in the style further highlights the correct appearance.

However, no matter how noble the appearance and temperament of this blonde beauty are, it can't cover up the fact that she looks miserable now - she looks like a complete loser.

That face that should have once stood in a very high position, stirred up the wind and clouds, and was filled with a special temperament, was filled with hatred.

This hatred quickly subsided when the woman became aware of Igarashi's presence in front of her. She sorted out her clothes that seemed to have been tattered due to some terrible attack, and looked at Igarashi who was staring at her. The blonde beauty Nor does he appear timid.

What do you want to do when you stare at me?

In her eyes, Igarashi is an ordinary person with no power. If there were guys like Igarashi here, she probably guessed the intention of the community Ouroboros - to exile herself to a remote world.

Facing the blond beauty's somewhat ambiguous question, Igarashi blinked innocently, looked around, and showed an expression of indignation.

A deserted wilderness, a silent night, a disheveled beauty, tsk, did that happen? Damn it!

Igarashi's vicious look and words made the blonde beauty startled, and then he gradually understood what he meant. He felt that he was being...

So nasty!

The woman's eyes turned dissatisfied when she looked at Igarashi. However, she was full of wisdom, but she could not find out whether Igarashi was pretending now, or whether he was angry from the heart. If it was from the heart, it could be regarded as a kind of anger. Concern in disguise, even if her own power is beyond the understanding and blocking of ordinary people, she cannot attack the other party because of it.

Having just been exiled, the first person I met seemed interesting.

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