Following the Beastmen's [Eastern Union], it is said that the underwater city of Arcand, where sea dwellers and vampires live together, was also conquered by the Human race. In addition, even the [Eighteen-Winged Council] of Abanthelim also I have decided to be loyal to the new king of the human race, Igarashi. Please note that I am loyal to the king, not to the Kingdom of Elkia.

Would the lowest ranked humans achieve such results? It shouldn't be.

But if it’s a god outside the argument, it’s a matter of course.

After a little surprise, Kurami looked at Phil.

What's next?

How to do it? Just let it take its course. Now in the entire continent, there are only two remaining big countries, the forest elves and the goblins. As long as he reveals his true identity to the world, the forest elves who are deeply affected by him will naturally They are willing to bow their heads, and the goblins... Although the goblins now behave mysteriously and are very cautious, there are records saying that among the sixteen races, there are only two who are most afraid of the gods outside the law, and one of them was once planted by humans. The demon species hunted by adventurers, they are afraid that one day the God of Outsiders will come to the door like the adventurers did. The other one is the goblin species. In the final battle, the goblin species is the only one to attack the God of Outsiders and the Goblins at the same time. There are existences that confront the outsiders, yes, and at the same time, the two gods who were at the top were opponents. To be able to seek death but still survive to this day, to be honest, I am also surprised.

What Phil said were all secret history books circulated by the Nirvalen family. Even the other senior elf leaders didn't know much about it, but they told Kurami straightforwardly.

Kurami was touched by this trust, and she gradually got used to it. She thought about it and asked.

Then other intelligent races...

Actually, as long as he wants to, he can rule all races in one day. What will he do next? I'm looking forward to it, so let's go, Kurami. I've read all the records about him. What happens next? It won’t be a disaster, but it must be a very important thing. Now, let’s go to Elkia.”

Phil will not take Kurami out into the air, and Igarashi has indeed returned to the Kingdom of Elkia from Abant Heim of the Flügel.

At the same time, he gained the Flügel's racial chess pieces and the Flügel's allegiance.

However, Igarashi did not just stay in the palace. In the dead of night, he set off to the Holy Land of Human Race. He stopped at the entrance of the cave where Igarashi lived for a short time six thousand years ago. For a moment, he looked at everything in the cave and smiled.

Kings of the human species throughout the ages would enter here, not because of any special means, but to pay their respects here, pay homage to the graveyards of those guardians, and also die here.

The adventurers who once accepted Igarashi's gift from God, fought against enemies and grew stronger, and the guardians who defended the land and opened up borders for the human species not long after the establishment of the Ten Covenants.

Now, it is a cemetery.


Not far from the cemetery, underground.

The Ex-Machina awakens from the technique it has developed on its own. he back?

Igarashi could hear sounds underground, but didn't know what to say.

Ex-machines have no emotions, that's how it should be.

But Hubie shared part of her deep love for herself with all the Ex-Machines.

In the battle six thousand years ago, some of the Ex-Machina were irreversibly damaged. Coupled with these long six thousand years, there are now less than a hundred mobile machines of the Ex-Machina.

They all have strange feelings for Igarashi, and perhaps it was Igarashi's special attitude towards Hubie that made the Ex-Machina realize that all the remaining bodies are female.

Is this love? It shouldn't be, it's obviously just Hubie who shares the emotion.

But it lasted for six thousand years, and even when he was close, he could wake them up from their slumber.

Igarashi waved his hand, and the invisible and noble power passed through the soil, washing the remaining dozens of machines and making them look brand new.

Next, would you like to follow me?

Igarashi finally arrived in front of the Ex-Machines.

Yes, 'dear one,' we are willing to obey all your orders.

As a result, several teams of maids suddenly appeared in the palace of Elkia King City.

What...what's going on?!

At first, Stephanie's grandfather, the late king of the Kingdom of Elkia, had to rely on gambling to choose the next king before he died. Stephanie fired all the servants in her residence. Later, Igarashi became the new king and did not hire anyone. The new maid, and Stephanie was forced to take on the position of maid. In addition, she also had to deal with government affairs, which was considered a hard-working job.

Stephanie, who saw Igarashi hiring maids and gradually understood her personality, was not surprised. However, after seeing that these maids all had mechanical characteristics, and understanding that they were Ex-Machina through Jibril's explanation, Stephanie finally stared. Big eyes.

Igarashi, your too extensive?!

Hearing Stephanie's question and feeling the many meaningful looks, Igarashi coughed lightly.

Don't get it wrong, they are just maids.

Yes, we are just maids.

The Ex-Machina bowed in unison, and the etiquette was very standard. However, the deep eyes they all looked at Igarashi, containing many emotions, really could not convince Stephanie, Miko, Plum, and even Jibril.

Just forget it if you can't explain it.

Igarashi sat directly on the throne and began to browse the documents on the table.

Chapter 850 I want it all

The goblins not only showed their willingness to surrender to the Kingdom of Elkia, but also brought over the racial chess pieces, which was so neat and tidy that it was unbelievable.

However, the racial chess pieces were not sent by the authorized agent, but by the second-in-command of the goblin race. He also brought a large amount of resources, but Igarashi was not invited to their place.

Five thousand and nine hundred years of time is just a slip of the timeline for Igarashi, so he still remembers the past six thousand years very clearly, when the Goblin used [Marrow Explosion] on himself and the God of War Artosh. matter.

Unexpectedly, the goblin race also remembered it very clearly. Now that they have discovered and confirmed that the god of the outside world is coming again, in order to prevent retaliation and avoid the disaster of genocide, they directly paid all the price.

The racial chess piece represents all the rights of a race.

Igarashi knew that he was the god of outsiders. With the orcs, sea-dwelling species, vampires, and even the Flügels offering racial chess pieces one after another, it was almost exposed.

In addition, the Ex-Machina appeared in the palace and did not hide it...

It seems that I will be able to play a game of chess with Tetu soon.

Now just stay in the palace and wait.

Igarashi's eyes scanned the palace and paused slightly on the faces of the girls. Well, after being together for so long, it's time to push them down.

I want to follow you.

In a space that seemed vaster than the universe, irregular crystals shone in the sky. Tetu, the only god in this world, took the initiative to find Igarashi and said this with a pursed lips.

You are now the will of the world in this world. Once you leave, this world will...

I do not care!

Before Igarashi could finish speaking, Tetu interrupted emotionally.

I have been waiting for you for 5,900 years. No matter what, I will stay by your side for at least 5,900 years. Don't you have a small world? If you are worried about the world after I leave, If the indigenous people’s safety is in danger, just move them all in.”

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