You can't do this to us. Moreover, there are ten covenants. As long as we don't play the game, you can't touch us. Kill the traitors? Stop talking nonsense!

When the speaker just finished speaking, his whole person turned into dust and disintegrated, leaving only a little black ash where he originally stood. Looking at the trembling and frightened eyes of others, Igarashi smiled.

As the sole agent of the human species, I have some special rights for humans. Do any of you have any objections?

No, no!

I have never heard of the late king using such power. Is it because the late king was very kind?

The princes all lowered their heads, and then left the palace under the leadership of the sighing Minister of Agriculture. Plum was slightly confused about what Igarashi said: Plenipotentiary agents have special rights. Plenipotentiary agents can Can you decide the life and death of your own people so easily? After looking at the miko who was the sole agent of the orcs, and seeing that she did not show any surprise, as if what happened was normal, Plum was ready to take the opportunity to study the rights of the sole agent.

After all, she herself is the sole agent of the vampires.

Igarashi kills a human while talking and laughing.

Seeing his appearance - Stephanie's chest was filled with countless emotions.

Angry, scolded, pursued, and questioned, they did not accuse him of killing his own people, but accused him of leaving her and running away without knowing where. She almost thought that Igarashi would never come back.

But compared to all of this, her vision became blurred when she saw Igarashi's face that she hadn't seen for a few days.

The many lines and accusations that I had originally planned to say when I saw Igarashi all flew out of the sky.

Stephanie closed her eyes tightly, trying not to wipe away the tears that were forming in her eyes.

She didn't think about what kind of emotion those tears came from, she just let her emotions speak.

The princes will come back to seize the land because you defeated the orcs. Is this also part of your plan?

No, it was unexpected. I didn't expect them to have the guts to come here to seek death. If they were hiding, I really wouldn't bother to look for them.

Chapter 837 Vacation?

Besides, I didn't expect you to accept the challenge from the princes. Hatsuse Ino won't play games with them without your consent, right?

——Hearing this sentence, Stephanie's thinking froze instantly.

So...that's true. Why did you accept all the challenges?

Including game content and whether to compete, the decision-making power lies with the person being challenged.

Why do you have to push yourself so hard——

Stephanie opened her eyes unconsciously and asked herself this, but Igarashi's next words turned the confusion in Stephanie's heart into something else.

Do you want to catch up with me, or do you want to share the pressure with me? In any case, you are very lovable for working so hard, Stephanie, thank you for your hard work.

That's what she wanted to hear.

It was just this thought that supported her efforts to reach this point.

As her mind comprehended the meaning of the oozing tears, and she felt her body temperature rise and her cheeks flush, Stephanie's heartbeat accelerated and she stammered.

No, it's not...because your disappearance, Igarashi, is so inexplicable, so I want to finish it quickly, that's all!

Looking at Stephanie like this, Plum suddenly felt that even without his own love magic, Igarashi might be able to solve the game of the sea dweller queen.

So awesome...Ah, no, no, although Igarashi's skills in attacking girls are pretty good, this Stephanie must have had various things happen with Igarashi before. How could it be possible if she was a stranger? Just because of this sentence has such a big impact, and in the dream of the sea dweller queen, Igarashi should not be given time to slowly attack, so our vampire magic that can take effect instantly is still crucial.

Igarashi didn't pay attention to Plum who was suddenly shocked, suddenly hesitant, and suddenly confident. Instead, he looked at Stephanie, a rare smart and clumsy girl in this world and said.

If you still have the energy, how about coming with me to the city where Hai Qizhong lives?

Huh? Ah, okay...

Stephanie averts her gaze.

Sea-dwelling species and vampire species are going extinct. We have to save them, or should I say -

Igarashi said it lightly.

We are going to obtain the resources and territory that a great human country deserves but is fatally lacking.

Hearing Igarashi's declaration, Stephanie's eyes heated up slightly.

Sure enough, he did think about the whole of Elkia.

And Shiro, who quickly understood or guessed the general story of what happened from Igarashi's words, came closer, looked at Plum for a while, and then looked at Igarashi steadily.

Sea-dwelling species, do you live by the sea?

Living in the sea.

Bai turned to look at Stephanie.

Stephanie, do you know how to dress?


Stephanie had trouble understanding the jumping topic.


Shiro looked at Igarashi again, Igarashi understood and said to Stephanie.

To put it simply, we are going to the beach. Can you please make swimsuits for everyone? We will give you the design.

That is to say, the work has increased again.

Stephanie passed out without saying a word with a smile on her face.

Igarashi half-hugged Stephanie compassionately, and activated his power to wake Stephanie up. He looked into her confused eyes and said with a smile.

For the sake of your hard work, let's forget it this time. I have swimsuits in my private reserve, a lot of them, and they are enough. This time, just treat it as a vacation with us. It's a matter for the Kingdom of Elkia. , the officials and Hatsuse Ino are in charge.”

Hatsuse Ino's ears twitched. Seeing that the miko didn't react, she didn't raise any objection.

In fact, he is not a character who likes to work on official matters, not to mention that he is already an old man. This guy Igarashi does not take care of the elderly at all.

Not only did he not take care of him, but he also——

Igarashi smiled and turned his head towards Hatsuse Ino's granddaughter, Hatsuse Izuna.

In addition to solving the problem of vampires and sea-dwelling species, we will also play at the beach. Izuna, do you want to come with us?

Of course! Des.

Izuna ignored the hint in his grandfather's eyes and nodded happily.

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